中国文学英文介绍 Chinese Literature.ppt

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1、Zhnggu wnxu 中国 Chinese Literature,China is the only country in the world with a literature written in one language for more than 3,000 consecutive years.,Do you know how long is Chinese in literature written?,This continuity results largely from the nature of the written language itself. It is the u

2、se of characters, not letters as in Western languages, that is most important in the Chinese language. The characters stand for things or ideas and so, unlike groups of letters. Thus Chinese could be read by people in all parts of the country in spite of gradual changes in pronunciation, the emergen

3、ce of regional and local dialects, and modification of the characters .,Reason,China has a very old and rich tradition in literature and the dramatic and visual arts. Early writings generally derived from philosophical or religious essays such as the works of Confucius (551-479 BC) and Lao-tzu (prob

4、ably 4th century BC). These writings were often about how people should act and how the society and political system should be organized and operated. A strong tradition of historical writing also evolved. After the fall of a dynasty, for example, a grand history of the late dynasty was commissioned

5、 and written by scholars in the next dynasty.,Introduction,The principal genre of Chinese literature is poetry. The earliest Chinese Poem collection is 诗Shi经jing (Classic of Poetry) is made up of 305 poems divided into 160 folk songs; early folk songs established the 乐Yue府fu诗shi form that crystalliz

6、ed during the Han dynasty and dominated for the next 1,200 years. Beginning with the simple complaints and longings expressed in rhymed couplets of folk songs, this form gradually became more and more complex, or regulated, until it took years of study to master its formal rules of composition. Poet

7、ry became well established as a literary form during the Tang Dynasty,main contribution to Chinese literature was in the poetry of Dufu, Li Bai and many other poets. 杜Du甫fu and 李Li白Bai are often thought of as Chinas greatest poets.,Classical Poetry,李li白bai,李Li 白Bai (701762) was one of the greatest r

8、omantic poets of ancient China. He wrote at least a thousand poems on a variety of subjects from political matters to natural scenery.,Drama is another old and important literary form. Chinese drama usually combines vernacular language with music and song and thus has been popular with the common pe

9、ople. A variety of popular and standard themes are presented in Peking Opera, which is probably the best known of several operatic traditions that developed in China. Chinese opera is a favorite artistic and cultural medium.,Drama,The Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature are the four no

10、vels commonly regarded by Chinese literary criticism to be the greatest and most influential of pre-modern Chinese fiction. Dating from the Ming and Qing dynasties, they are well-known to most Chinese either directly or through their many adaptations to opera and various popular culture media. They

11、are among the worlds longest and oldest novels and are considered to be the pinnacle of Chinas achievement in classical novels, influencing the creation of many stories, plays, movies, games, and other forms of entertainment throughout East Asia, including China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam.,Chinese N

12、ovels,S d mngzh 四大名著 Four classical novels,It is a classic historical novel of enormous influence, is widely known in China as one of the four great Chinese classic novels. Its author Luo Guanzhong, as the textual research goes, was a scholar lived in the late Yuan Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty, bu

13、t his exact birth and death years are not known.,Sngu yny 三 国 演义Romance of the Three Kingdoms,Romance of the Three Kingdoms is based on the history of the three kingdoms, Wei, Shu and Wu that strove to reunite the empire at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. The history of this period is expounded

14、in the renowned history book Three Kingdoms, and stories of the heroes and their deeds within have also come down from various folk tales, plays, ballads and verses. Out of historical records and folktales, Luo Guanzhong created the enduring historical and literary masterpiece.,The literary value of

15、 Romance of the Three Kingdoms lies much in the vivid characters sketched in the novel: For instant,loyal Guan Yu, who is the best known Chinese historical figures throughout East Asia,revered by later generations as the Martial Saint (the Literal Saint is Confucius), the saint of loyalty and courag

16、e. Traditionally, he is portrayed as a red-faced warrior with a long lush beard. Alternatively, the idea of his red face could have been borrowed from opera representation, where red faces depict loyalty and righteousness. Guan Yu is traditionally depicted wearing a green robe over his body armour.

17、Supposedly, Guan Yus weapon was aBroadswordnamedGreen Dragon Crescent Blade.,WittyZhuge Liang,Empty Fort Strategy,The Empty Fort Strategy is the 32nd of the Chinese Thirty-Six Stratagems. The strategy involves using reverse psychology (and luck) to deceive the enemy into thinking that an empty locat

18、ion is full of traps and ambushes, and therefore induce the enemy to retreat. Some examples are listed in the following sections.,水浒传Water Margin,Water Marginis about the lives and ideals of a group of characters who fought against the corrupt Song Dynasty that the Mongols conquered. It is said it w

19、as written in vernacular language by Shi Nai An, but scholars debate about the authorship of this book also. Many scholars think that the first 70 chapters were written by Shi Nai An and that the last 30 chapters were written by Luo Guan Zhong who they say was also the author ofThe Romance of the Th

20、ree Kingdoms. It is considered to be of the top two best historical novels. Water Marginis reminiscent of the story ofRobin Hood. Likewise, there may have been actual outlaws, and popular legends and stories later grew. ButWater Marginis probably more fictional and less historically accurate thanThe

21、 Romance of the Three Kingdoms. In the early tales or accounts, there were only about 40 outlaws, but the number in the band grew to more than 100. In the novel, the band fights the corrupt Song rulers. There are several versions of the novel. One version that has many more chapters than the others

22、describes how the band gets amnesty from the Song rulers and battles their common foes for the rulers.,Shuh zhun,the best-known characters in Water Margin,武松:Wu Song is described as a good-looking man with shining eyes, thick eyebrows, a muscular body and an impressive bearing. The most impressive o

23、f Wu song is under the influence of alcohol, he ends up slaying the tiger by pinning it to the ground and bashing its head repeatedly with his bare fists. He becomes famous for his heroic deed.,鲁智深:Lu Zhishens original name was Lu Da. He is described to have a round face, big ears, a straight nose,

24、a squarish mouth, and a beard which overshadows his face. Lu Da becomes a monk in the monastery and is given the Buddhist name Zhishen, which means sagacious. He is also nicknamed Flowery Monk because of the flowery tattoos which adorn his upper body.,西游记Journey to the West,During the Tang Dynasty,

25、a Buddhist named Xuanzang left Chang An (TodaysXian)that was the capital of the Tang Empire to travel to India in order to collect scriptures and information. In the Ming Dynasty era (1368-1644), the fantastic tale was written, In the novel, a great intelligent monkey and a small band of characters

26、protects a defenseless monk during his journey. Buddha commissioned the monk to help India that had fallen into gross sin and immorality. The monkey and other characters have magical skills. Cartoons and movies about this group of characters are popular with children. Journey to the Westis thought t

27、o have been published anonymously by Wu Chengen in the 16th century though scholars have doubt about the authorship.,X yu j,the best-known characters inXyu j西游记Journey to the West,孙悟空:Sun Wukong is born on Flower Fruit Mountain from a stone egg that forms from an ancient rock created by the coupling

28、 of Heaven and Earth. He first distinguishes himself by bravely entering the Water Curtain Cave on the mountain; for this feat, his monkey tribe gives him the title of Handsome Monkey King. He was working for the Jade Emperor, who is the chief of the haven. But his job is a very low position, he bec

29、omes very angry. he starts causing trouble in Heaven and defeats an army of 100,000 celestial troops. Eventually, the Jade Emperor appeals to the Buddha, who detains Wukong under a mountain called Five Elements Mountain for 500 years. He is later set free when Xuanzang comes upon him during his pilg

30、rimage and accepts him as a disciple. His primary weapon is his staff, the Ruyi Jingu Bang, which he can shrink down to the size of a needle and keep in his ear, as well as expand it to gigantic proportions.,紅樓夢Dream of the Red Chamber,The Dream of the Red Chamber is about the fortunes and lives of

31、the people of two branches of a clan in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) era. The two families had adjacent compounds. It is sort of like a soap opera novel like the TV series Dallas. However, it is said that much of it actually happened. It is appreciated because it gives a view into the lives of two r

32、uling families of that time. One of the members of the clan was made a concubine of an emperor. But then the imperial court turned against the two families. It is probably mostly composed by Cao Xueqin (about 1715-1763) in the middle 1700s. It is thought that Cao did not live to see the first printi

33、ng. It is thought that another person or other people contributed the ending of the story since the original ending of the story was lost.,Hng lu mng,the best-known characters in紅樓夢 the Red Chamber,贾宝玉:Jia Baoyu born with a piece of luminescent jade in his mouth。Baoyu is highly intelligent, but disl

34、ikes the fawning bureaucrats that frequent his fathers house. A sensitive and compassionate individual, he has a special relationship with many of the women in the house. He cannot forget Daiyu after being tricked into marrying Baochai. He disappears after taking the imperial examination and becomes

35、 a monk. 林黛玉:Lin Daiyu is Jia Baoyus younger first cousin and his primary love interest. She is sickly, but beautiful in a way that is unconventional. She also suffers from a respiratory ailment. describes her as a lonely, proud and ultimately tragic figure. She dies of a broken heart after learning

36、 of the marriage of Baoyu and Baochai. 薛宝钗:Xue Baochai is Jia Baoyus other first cousin. Baochai is sensible and tactful: a model Chinese feudal maiden. The novel describes her as beautiful and intelligent, but also reserved and following the rules of decorum. Her marriage to Baoyu is seen in the book as predestined. Shortly after the wedding, Baoyu leaves home to become a monk, leaving her alone for the rest of her life.,Match the characters and novels,A:水浒传Water Margin B:三国演义Romance of the Three Kingdoms C:红楼梦the Red Chamber D:西游记Journey to the West,1,4,3,2,


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