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1、Different Dress Styles betweenthe East and the West,The Eastern Dress,Good at expression the connotation(含蓄) of shape and color Value fine art(精细工艺 ) technique and process performance Value the effect of style and steady Value the nationality of costume culture,1. Good at expression the connotation(

2、含蓄) of shape and color,Skin is closely covered and concealed. To some extent, eastern clothing culture is a kind of cover culture. People should not reveal body shape and even skin. A large space is maintained between clothing and the body.,Conservative(保守的) Hazy(朦朦胧胧) Hidden (藏而不露) Implied meaning(

3、隐含寓意),2. Value fine art(精细工艺 )technique and process performance,Embroidery(刺绣) Ribbon(飘带) Pattern(图案),Keeping clothing relative stable in change on form, and developing more surface decoration, patterns, colors, material textures and decoration styles.,3.Value the effect of style and steady,Harmonio

4、us(和谐) Solemn(庄重) Elegant(高雅),Eastern clothing is featured of upper and lower part separated, with opening in front and using ties to fix clothing for the convenience to wear off,4.Value the nationality of costume culture,Interact(互相影响) Permeate(渗透) Imitate(模仿),The Western Dress,Advocate the beauty

5、of human body Attract the attention of the opposite sex Emphasize the expression of character Pursue the excitement of sense organ,1. Advocate the beauty of human body,Western clothing was used to present body shape in a very realistic and even exaggerated way. This is reflected both in ancient loos

6、e clothing culture and close-fitting clothing culture since the Renaissance.,2. Attract the attention of the opposite sex,3. Emphasize the expression of character,Clothing has been used to “stand out” and even “intensify” different sex characteristics between male and female, and skin were more and

7、more exposed (especially for women clothing). They have also found some methods to “further expose” skin.,4. Pursue the excitement of sense organ,Western clothing developed from put-on style to cast-over style, and then to front-open style in various forms and complex dressing skill, in which, pins

8、or buttons are often used to fix clothing.,AlthoughtheEasternersandWesternershave establishedtheirowncultures,worldview,senseof worth,aestheticstandardandclothingculturesin differentgeographicalenvironment,asthehuman livingtogetherEarth,therearestillsomeformsand culturalpatternsincommonwhenfacingsurvival issues.Therefore,inadditiontothedifferencesin clothingculturementionedabove,thereis something incommon.,The East Countries,The West Countries,Thank you!,


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