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1、,The differences of clothes,01,Hanfu,Hanfu clothing is the traditional clothing of the Han Chinese (Han -the predominant ethnic group of China).,01,The main feature of Hanfu is wrapping the right side over before the left. There are casual wear and formal wear of it.,01,Chinese civilization, also ca

2、lled Hua-Xia (Hwa-Shia). Hua(Hwa) means the beauty of the dress Xia(Shia) is the grandeur of rites and social conduct.,01,Many East Asian national costumes, such as the Japanese Kimono, the Korean Hanbok still share the basic style with Hanfu, as historically these nations were largely influenced by

3、 (Han) Chinese culture.,02,The organization of political power mainly consisted of the rulers of the Manchuethnic minorityin the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), so the customs of Manchu bannermen (满旗服饰)affected those of the Central Plains.,Qing Clothing,01,However, this innovation also was another improve

4、ment of Chinas traditional dress code.,01,Tonsure 、 Change clothes. (剃发易服) Based on Manchu customs, Dressed braiding, braid hanging behind, wearing thin horse-hoof-shaped cuff Arrow clothing, tight socks, dark boots.,01,The cheongsam is an eminently feature of The Qizhuang costume,which still has ce

5、rtain impacts on modern costume.,03,Western culture originated from Nilotic(尼罗河的) Civilization and Aegae Civilization(爱琴文明).With the development of Christian Civilization and the nourishment(滋养) of Byzantine Civilization(拜占庭文化),the cultural circle of Christian culture showed up.,Western fashion cult

6、ure,01,Some rising bourgeois(资产阶级的) intellectual(知识分子) started the ideological and antifeudal(反封建的) fight at first.,02,Renaissance,During this period,clothing was divided into several parts,each part was formed solely, these parts were packaged together at last.,04,02,Clothing was made up of incisio

7、n(切口),also called hollow,filled decoration,collar decoration,corselet(紧身胸衣) and bustle(裙撑).Some of them were similiar with the clothing during the period of Rococo.,02,During the period of Rococo,the features of clothing were mellow(柔美的),exquisite(细腻的) and soft.This was the reason that the style tended to be cmplicated and gentle.,When in Rome , do as the Romans do,THANKS,


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