医护英语 Unit1.ppt

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1、,ENGLISH FOR CAREERS,新职业英语,医 护 英 语,Unit 1 Registration and Visiting a Doctor,Warming-up,Reading A,Listening,Speaking,4,1,2,3,Reading B,5,Writing,6,Project,7,Vocabulary and Structure,8,Unit 1 Registration and Visiting a Doctor,Project,Writing,Writing,Vocabulary and Structure,Self-evaluation,Self-eval

2、uation,Self-evaluation,Self-evaluation,Self-evaluation,Self-evaluation,Self-evaluation,9,9,9,Self-evaluation,Self-evaluation,Self-evaluation,9,9,Task 1 In China, the first step for a patient to visit a doctor is registration. Now you are required to work in groups and draw a flow chart of procedures

3、 to visit a doctor in Chinese hospitals. A Chinese version is given for your reference.,Unit 1 Registration and Visiting a Doctor,Unit 1 Registration and Visiting a Doctor,Unit 1 Registration and Visiting a Doctor,Suggested Answers Having a decent bearing and fine manners in receiving patients D Bei

4、ng warm-hearted in guiding patients to their visits to doctors A Offering humane service to patients earnestly C Accompanying the elderly, the weak or the disabled to the consulting rooms in wheelchairs B,Unit 1 Registration and Visiting a Doctor,Reading A,Task 1 Before reading the passage, see how

5、much you know about the common diseases of the body systems by answering the following questions.,How can you decide that a specific disease belongs to one of the body systems? That depends on a patients account of how he/she feels, say, where it hurts, where it feels very bad, etc. 2. Which hospita

6、l department might you refer a patient to if he/she has a stomachache? I might refer him/her to digestive system department, because the pain in the stomach is typically associated with problems in digestive system.,Unit 1 Registration and Visiting a Doctor,Reading A,Common Diseases of the Body Syst

7、ems Human body diseases vary in both severity and diversity. Any body part or function can contract a disease or have a disorder. We are more capable of fighting these diseases today than ever before and medicine is advancing every day. Below are introductions to human body diseases and disorders: S

8、kin Disorders The skin is susceptible to physical injury and to infection by bacteria, virus, fungi, and exposure to sunlight. Almost any teenager can tell you the most common skin disorder: acne. There are other skin problems far more serious than acne, e.g. skin cancers, melanoma, psoriasis and vi

9、tiligo.,Unit 1 Registration and Visiting a Doctor,Nervous System Disorders Damage to the nervous system through physical injury or disease can impair both physical and mental function. Brain tumors, Parkinsons disease and stroke are some of the nervous system conditions. Cardiovascular Disorders Car

10、diovascular disorders are conditions of the heart and blood vessels, which consist mainly of coronary heart disease (CHD), or coronary artery disease (CAD), hypertension, arrhythmia and heart failure. What we eat and the amount of exercise we get can affect our cardiovascular system. Immune Disorder

11、s When the immune system does not function properly, a number of diseases can occur. ere are two types of immune system disorders: allergies and autoimmune diseases including juvenile diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and anemia, etc. and immunodeficiency diseases such as AIDS.,Reading A,Unit 1 Registr

12、ation and Visiting a Doctor,Reading A,Digestive Disorders Most digestive diseases are very complex. Common disorders include hepatitis, heartburn and stomach cancer. Abusing alcohol imposes the greatest risk for digestive diseases. Reproductive Disorders Disorders that may affect the proper function

13、ing of the reproductive system include abnormal hormone secretion, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as syphilis and gonorrhea, and the presence of cancerous tissue in the region. Such problems frequently affect fertility. There are also functional problems caused by infertility or sexual dy

14、sfunction. Respiratory Disorders Respiratory disorders, or lung diseases, are disorders such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, lung cancer and others. They can affect people of all ages and both genders.,Unit 1 Registration and Visiting a Doctor,Endocrine Disorders Endocrine system dis

15、orders occur either due to too much or too little or sometimes no hormone. These disorders may lead to abnormal growth pattern, diabetes, high cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Endocrine system disorders include hyperthyroidism, growth hormone deficiency and hypothyroidism. Musculoskeletal Disord

16、ers Diseases of the musculoskeletal system may result in the inability to walk, sit, or even breathe. The musculoskeletal conditions having the most impact on population health will be presented: back pain, repetitive strain injury (RSI) and osteoarthritis.,Reading A,Translation,Unit 1 Registration

17、and Visiting a Doctor,Translation 人体系统常见疾病 人体疾病无论是在严重性方面还是在多样性方面都有所不同。任何一个人体部位或功 能都会感染某种疾病或出现紊乱(失调)。如今,我们比以往任何时候都更有能力同疾病 作斗争,因为医学每天都在进步。 以下是对人体疾病和身体紊乱(失调)的介绍: 皮肤病 皮肤容易遭受物理损伤以及因细菌、病毒和真菌造成的感染,还有阳光曝晒。几乎每 个青少年都能说出最常见的皮肤病:粉刺(青春痘)。还有比粉刺更严重的皮肤病,如皮 肤癌、黑素瘤、牛皮癣和白癜风。 神经系统疾病 由于物理损伤或疾病而造成的神经系统破坏既可损害身体功能又可损害大脑功能。

18、脑 肿瘤、帕金森氏病和中风都属于神经系统疾病。 心血管系统疾病 心血管疾病是心脏和血管方面的病症,主要包括冠心病、冠状动脉疾病、高血压、心 律不齐和心衰。我们食用的东西及身体活动量的大小可影响我们的心血管系统。,Reading A,Unit 1 Registration and Visiting a Doctor,免疫系统疾病 当免疫系统不能正常发挥功能时,一些疾病便会随之而来。免疫系统疾病有两类:一 类是过敏症及自身免疫疾病, 如青少年糖尿病、类风湿性关节炎和贫血等,另一类是免疫 缺陷疾病,如艾滋病。 消化系统疾病 多数消化系统疾病都很复杂。常见的有肝炎、胃灼热(烧心)和胃癌。酗酒是感染消

19、化系统疾病的最大风险。 生殖系统疾病 这类疾病可影响生殖系统的正常功能,它们包括激素分泌异常、梅毒和淋病之类的性 传播疾病,以及该系统产生的癌变组织。这类疾病常常影响到生殖力,还有因不孕症和性 功能障碍引起的功能性疾病。,Reading A,Unit 1 Registration and Visiting a Doctor,呼吸系统疾病 呼吸系统疾病或肺部疾病,表现为肺炎、结核病、慢性支气管炎、肺癌等,这些疾病 可影响各个年龄阶段的人,且不分男女。 内分泌系统疾病 该系统疾病的产生是因为激素过多或过少或有时根本无激素。它们会导致生长模式异 常、糖尿病、高胆固醇和甘油三酯水平增高。内分泌系统疾病

20、包括甲状腺机能亢进、生长 激素缺乏和甲状腺机能减退。 骨骼肌肉系统疾病 骨骼肌肉系统疾病会导致无法走路、坐下甚至无法呼吸。对人体健康影响最大的该系 统疾病表现为背痛、重复性过度劳累损伤和骨关节炎。,Reading A,Reading A,Task 2 Read the passage, and match each common disease with one body system.,hypertension acne bone fracture stomach cancer brain tumors AIDS lung cancer hypothyroidism,a. respirato

21、ry system b. skin system c. nervous system d. cardiovascular system e. endocrine system f. digestive system g. immune system h. musculoskeletal system,b,d,f,h,g,c,e,a,Reading A,Task 3 Read the passage again and tick off the facts mentioned in the passage about the common diseases of the body system.

22、,Our ability to fight human body diseases Various disorders of the nine body systems An introduction to the new cures for the diseases The skin featuring its susceptibility The specialists in some of the diseases,The case history of the patients Disorders typical of the body systems Two types of imm

23、une disorders Alcoholism contributing to digestive diseases Asthma as a respiratory problem,Reading A,Task 4 Put up a wall chart of human body on the blackboard. Work in pairs and name at least one disease of each system.,e.g. At first we didnt realize the severity of her wounds.,n. (used of the deg

24、ree of sth. undesirable, e.g. pain or weather) quality of being severe,Reading A,diversity,n. the quality of having variety and including a wide range of different people or things,e.g. We should get a thorough understanding about the cultural diversity of the United States.,v. be stricken by an ill

25、ness, fall victim to an illness,e.g. It was confirmed that two students had contracted influenza A (H1N1).,have the ability or power necessary for sth.,e.g. At a critical moment, we should be capable of facing difficult situations.,Reading A,a. yielding readily to or capable of,e.g. Older people and

26、 young children are susceptible to colds.,Useful expression: be susceptible to.: 易得某种病的,易受影响的,Reading A,be composed of,e.g. All electronic computers consist of five units although they are of different kinds.,a. relating to or conferring immunity (to disease or infection),e.g. What is AIDS (Acquired

27、 Immune Deficiency Syndrome)?,Useful expressions: be immune to: 对有免疫力的,不受影响的 immune globulin: 免疫球蛋白 immune regulation: 免疫调节,v. make worse or less effective,e.g. Garbage pollutes environment and impairs the health of human.,Reading A,v. compel to behave in a certain way,e.g. The UN security council m

28、ay impose economic sanctions.,Useful expressions: imposeon sb./sth.: 把强加于某人/某物 impose a fine: 罚款 impose a tax: 征收税款,Reading A,caused by sb./sth.; because of sb./sth.,e.g. Great changes are in prospect in this area due to foreign investment.,have sth. as its result,e.g. Heart failure led to his fathe

29、rs death.,Reading A,Listening,Task 1 Mr. Black is making a call to pre-register at a hospital. Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to each question you hear.,1. Why cant Mr. Black register right now? A. Because of a power cut. B. Because of lack of record. C. Because of the system

30、failure 2. Which card is NOT necessary for registration? A. ID card. B. Credit card. C. Insurance card. 3. What is the registration time? A. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. B. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. C. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 4. When does the nurse suggest Mr. Black come to the hospital? A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon.

31、 C. On weekdays. 5. Where will Mr. Black find receptionists at the hospital? A. At the registration office. B. In the Outpatient Hall. C. Outside the consulting room.,C,B,C,A,B,Task 1 Script N: Hello, this is Patient Registration Department of Harbor Hospital. P: Hello. I wonder if I could pre-regis

32、ter now. N: Im sorry, our system has just failed. Im afraid the problem couldnt be tackled until tomorrow. Youre expected to go to the registration office when you come here. P: Alright. What should I take with me then? N: You may bring your ID card and insurance card. P: By the way, whats the regis

33、tration time? N: From eight oclock a.m. to four oclock p.m. I suggest you come in the morning, because there will be fewer patients at that time. P: Thank you for your kindness. N: Is there anything else I can help you with? P: Well, I dont know exactly which department I should register with. N: Do

34、nt worry. There will be receptionists to help you in the Outpatient Hall. P: Oh, I see. Thank you.,Listening,Listening,Task 2 Mr. Black is registering at the hospital in person. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with what you hear.,Mr. Black: Good morning. Nurse: Good morning. Sorry

35、to have kept you waiting. Have you ever been here before? Mr. Black: No, this is my first _here. Nurse: In this case, you have to fill in this registration form. Your name, age,_, and things like that. Ill make a record for you. Mr. Black: No problem. Nurse: Well, whats troubling you? Mr. Black: I h

36、ave a stomachache and feel like _sometimes. Besides, its difficult for me to swallow. Which department should I register_ ? Nurse: I think you should go to the Department of Gastroenterology first. If necessary well _you to Department of Chest Surgery. Mr. Black: Okay, here is my form. Nurse: Thank

37、you. The registration_ is five yuan. This is your registration card. Please dont lose it and bring it whenever you come. Mr. Black: Thank you for your help. Nurse: Thats all right.,visit,gender,vomiting,with,transfer,fee,Listening,Task 3 Mr. Liu, an overseas student in Britain, is calling at St. Pau

38、ls Hospital to make an appointment. Listen to the conversation and help the nurse to fill in the record.,Appointment Record Patients Name: Date of Birth : Visiting Purpose: Time: Doctors Name:,Liu Yang,20 July, 1980,recheck leg fracture,Friday afternoon, 1 p.m.,Dr. Bailey,Task 3 Script N: Hello, thi

39、s is St. Pauls Hospital. P: Hello, can I make an appointment? N: Yeah, sure. Whats your name? P: Liu Yang. N: And your date of birth? P: 20 July, 1980. N: Thats fine. Ive got your file. Whats wrong with you? P: My leg was fractured a few years ago. But recently, Ive got a pain in it sometimes. I thi

40、nk I need to have a check. N: Okay. The available time will be Tuesday afternoon 2 oclock, Wednesday morning 10 oclock, and Friday afternoon 1 oclock. What time is convenient for you? P: I think I would be fine on Friday afternoon. N: Alright, thats fine. Let me make your appointment on Friday after

41、noon, 1 oclock with Dr. Bailey. P: Okay. Thank you very much. N: You are welcome. Bye. P: Bye.,Listening,Listening,Task 4 Mrs. Simpson is talking with a nurse at the registration office. Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions.,Which department does Mrs. Simpson want to registe

42、r with? _ 2. What was the reason for her last admission? _ 3. What is her insurance card number? _ 4. Which doctor does Mrs. Simpson want to visit? _ 5. Where is the waiting room? _,She wants to register with the Medical Department.,Treating myoma of uterus.,1795328.,Dr. Loomis.,The waiting room is

43、at the end of the corridor on the second floor.,Task 4 Script P: Good morning. N: Good morning, madam. Which department do you want to register with? P: I want to see a physician. N: Have you ever been a patient at our hospital before? P: Yes, I was admitted to the gynecology ward due to myoma of ut

44、erus last year. N: Would you please tell me your insurance card number? P: 1795328. N: All right. Mrs. Simpson, I have found your record. Which doctor do you want to visit? P: Dr. Loomis. Does he provide outpatient service today? N: Yeah, but therere another two patients before you. Do you mind wait

45、ing for an hour? P: Fine. Could you tell me how to get to the waiting room? N: Go to the second floor and you will find it at the end of the corridor. P: Thank you very much.,Listening,Speaking,Sample,Task 1 Sample Dialog N: Hello, this is Patient Registration Department of Harbor Hospital. P: Hello

46、. I wonder if I could pre-register now. N: Sure. May I have your name? P: My name is John Hill. N: Which department do you want to register with? P: In fact, I dont know exactly. I feel like vomiting. N: I think you should go to the Department of Gastroenterology first. P: Alright. What should I tak

47、e with me then? N: You may bring your ID card and insurance card. P: I see. When should I come tomorrow? N: Youre expected to come at nine oclock tomorrow morning. P: Thank you very much. N: Youre welcome.,Speaking,Speaking,Task 2 Work in pairs. Suppose a patient is at the registration office of a h

48、ospital. Practice making conversations between a nurse and a patient with the words provided according to the example below.,Example: Jim Brown/have a toothache/Department of Stomatology Nurse: Mr. Brown, have you ever been here before? Patient: No, this is my first visit. Nurse: In this case, you have to fill in this registration form. Patient: No problem. Nurse: Well, whats troubling you? Patient: Ive got a toothache. Which department should I register with?


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