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1、Washington Irving,目录,Appreciation of his works,Introduction of American Romanticism,Introduction of W.Irving,Irvings contribution to American Literature,American Romanticism(1810s-1860s),TheRomanticPeriodcoversthefirsthalfof the19thcentury.ArisingAmericawithits idealsofdemocracyandequality,itsindust

2、rialization,itswesternexpansion,andavarietyofforeigninfluencessuchasSirWalterScott wereamongtheimportantfactorswhichmadeliteraryexpansionandexpressionnotonlypossiblebutalsoinevitableintheperiod immediatelyfollowingthenationspoliticalindependence.Yet,Romanticsfrequentlysharedcertaingeneralcharacteris

3、tics:moralenthusiasm,faithinvalueofindividualismandapresumptionthatthenaturalworldwasasourceofgoodnessand manssocietiesasourceofcorruption.RomanticvalueswereprominentinAmericanpolitics,art,andphilosophyuntiltheCivilWar.The romanticexaltationoftheindividualsuited thenationsrevolutionaryheritageandits

4、 frontieregalitarianism.,About Irving,Works of Irving,Position in American Literature,Brief introduction of Irving,Introduction of W.Irving,Born:3,April,1783 Died:28 November,1859 He was an American author ,essayist, biographer and historian of the early 19th century. Irving also is the U.S minister

5、 to Spain from 1842 to 1846,Works,1809 His first book A History of New York纽约外史was a great success and won him wide popularity 1819-1820 With the publication of The Sketch Book见闻札记又名柑掌录, he won a measure of international recognition 1828 The History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus,18

6、29 A Chronic of the Conquest of Granada 1832 The Alhambra 1842-1846 Life of Goldsmith Life of Washington .,Position in American Literature,He was the first American writer of imaginative literature to gain international fame He was the father of American literature for his first book The History of

7、New York acclaiming the begin of American Romanticism The Sketch Book is the first short story in American literature,The Sketch Book,The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 睡谷的传说,Rip Van Winkle 瑞普凡温克尔,Rip Van WINKLE,The story is set in the years before and after the American Revolutionary War,The plot,A villag

8、er of Dutch descent escapes his nagging wife by wandering up Mountains. After various adventures, he settles down under a shady tree and falls asleep. He wakes up 20 years later and returns to his village. He finds out that his wife is dead and his close friends have died in a war or gone somewhere

9、else. He immediately gets into trouble when he hails himself a loyal subject of George III, not knowing that in the meantime the American Revolution has taken place and he is not supposed to be a loyal subject of any Hanoverian any longer.,Inmyopinion,Ripsisacontradictorycharacter.Ontheonehand,Altho

10、ughheisladen with responsibilityforthebreadwinner,buthatredwork. SoRipsfieldsisoneofthe worst. Ontheother hand, Ripshatredwork, buthevery keentohelp neighbors. Thoughdistincttothisreflectsthatheisakind, butafraidoffamilyresponsibility. The,The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,The story is set in 1790 in the Dutch settlement of Tarry Town .It tells a miraculous story about the unsuccessful love affair of Ichabod Crane, a country teacher ,which is combined with the legend of a headless horseman,Thank you,


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