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1、,1,The Virtues of Growing Older,Unit 2,Words and Expressions,1.Teaching Objectives (2),Words and Expressions,1. ag(e)ing n. the process of becoming old e.g. People want to figure out whether doing sports can influence aging in the body. a. of or related to the process of becoming old e.g. Europes ag

2、eing population Comparison: elderly a. a polite word meaning old e.g. The building has now been converted into a retirement home for the elderly. senior citizen: a polite expression meaning old people,2. be apt to have a natural tendency to; be inclined to; be likely to 倾向于, 易于, 动辄, 往往 e.g. He is ap

3、t to get excited over trifles / trivial things. 他容易为小事而激动。 The kitchen roof is apt to leak when it rains. 厨房的屋顶很容易漏雨。 Translation: 婴儿常把东西放进嘴巴里。 Babies are apt to put objects into their mouths. 这种天气在冬天更为常见。 This type of weather is apt to be more common in winter.,3. await vt. wait for e.g. A large pa

4、rty awaited him on his birthday. A big decision awaits him to make. Her latest novel is eagerly awaited. Synonym: be ready for, wait for Translation: 对于这个罪犯而言,等待他的将是法律的严惩。 For this criminal, what awaits him is the severe punishment of the law . 我们的来宾收到了热烈的欢迎。 A warm welcome awaits all our guests.,4.

5、 contradict vt. to assert or express the opposite of (a statement); to be contrary to; be inconsistent with 反驳,与矛盾,抵触 e.g. Your actions contradict your declared moral principles. I am not in a position either to contradict or affirm this statement. 我既不能否定这一说法,又不能肯定这一说法。 Translation: 你看了那些报纸的报道了吗?它们完

6、全互相矛盾。 Have you read those newspaper reports? They totally contradict each other. Derivation: contradictory adj. self-contradictory adj.,5. worship n. to persuade sb. to do sth. Exercise: Please fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the word. 1. She didnt know how to _ him of her innocenc

7、e. 2. He was _ of his error. 3. The waste disposal industry is finding it difficult to _ the public that its operations are safe. 4. His argument is not _ enough. (1. convince sb. of sth.; 2. sb. be convinced of; 3. convince sb. that ; 4. sth. be convincing ),Comparison: convince solve B. To formula

8、te or develop C. To prove successful, effective, or satisfactory D. To have a specified result E. To exercise to improve physical fitness Exercise: Please choose the appropriate definition for the phrase in each sentence. 1. It took me a whole night to work out the details of the plan. 2. Johnny wor

9、ks out in the gymnasium after work every day. 3. Have you worked out the equations? 4. Things will work (themselves) out. 5. Im afraid the new policy may not work out in practice. (BEACD),8. (be) obsessed with to keep thinking about sth. too much to think about anything else; be preoccupied excessiv

10、ely 痴迷于,受困扰 e.g. He was obsessed with sci-fi movies. More and more people became obsessed with fear of nuclear radiation. be obsessed with the desire for gain 利欲熏心 be obsessed by a craving for wealth 财迷心窍,Derivation: obsession n. obsessive adj. extreme, excessive in degree 强迫性的,极度的 e.g. Shes obsessi

11、ve about punctuality. He has an obsessive need to be in control. He commands an almost obsessive affection among high-brow and low-brow art lovers. 在高雅和通俗的艺术爱好者当中,他都非常受爱戴。,9. feverishly adv. marked by intense agitation, emotion, or activity; do sth. as if suffering from fever 兴奋地,急切地 e.g. They are f

12、everishly building up their armed forces. 他们正在疯狂地扩军。 I am searching my pockets feverishly for my ticket. 我急切地在口袋里翻找着车票。 Congress is working feverishly to pass the bill. 国会不惜一切代价试图通过这条法案。,10. deny vt. deny sb. sth: refuse to let sb. have it 拒绝给予 e.g. He denied his kids nothing. deny oneself sth.: not

13、 to allow oneself to have sth. that one normally has节制, 戒除, 舍弃 e.g. He denied himself all small pleasures and luxuries in an effort to live a holy life. Translation: 为了保持苗条的身材,她克制自己不吃冰激凌。 To keep slim, she denied herself ice-creams/the petty luxury of eating ice-creams.,11. take up with (sb.) associ

14、ate with, to have a friendly relationship with sb. (esp. sb. unsuitable or undesirable) 和.交往、鬼混 e.g. Shes taken up with an unemployed actor. Sam took up with a widow 20 years his senior (= 20 years senior to him). Translation: 最近他和两个坏孩子混在一起,这让他的父母非常生气。 Recently he has taken up with two bad boys, whi

15、ch makes his parents really angry.,be taken up with sth: be interested in or busy with sth. 对.感兴趣, 心醉于;一心一意想着. e.g. His mind was wholly taken up with the experiment.,12. beyond prep. outside the range or limit of e.g. Understanding this article is beyond my capability. The fruit is beyond my reach.

16、After 25 years the town centre had changed beyond (all) recognition. Translation: 在一些职业中,超过退休年龄而继续工作是可能的。 In a number of professions it is possible to continue working beyond the retirement age.,13. gym = gymnasium,a club, building or a large room, usually containing special equipment, where people go to do physical exercise or get fit. aquarium 水族馆 auditorium 礼堂、听众席 museum 博物馆 sanatorium 疗养院,blazer,jacket, without matching trousers, often showing the colours or the badge of a club, school, team, etc (不与裤子配套的)西装上衣(常以其颜色或徽章作某俱乐部、 学校、 队组等的标记),Pecan Pie,


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