新课标人教版选修八Book8 Unit5 using language.ppt

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1、Task 1 担心 2鼓掌欢迎 3 加速促进 4 逮捕拘留;吸引 5 减轻,解除 6 野兽 7 到达目的地 8 眩晕的,昏乱的 Task短语互译 9 if only 11 with relief 12 受够了,厌烦 13 追溯到 14 切碎 15 为将来打算 16 be scooped up 17 come up 18 拉拉情绪高起来了。,be worried about,applaud,reach the destination,accelerate,arrest,relief,wild beasts,要是就好了,dizzy,放松,be fed up with,Lalas spirits r

2、ose.,date back to,cut up,look ahead,被抱起,铲起来,出现,补充: relieve v. 解除,减轻 relieve stress 减轻压力 relieved . 放心的,宽慰的,如释重负 We were relieved to hear that she was out of danger. 听说她脱险了我们才放下心来。 with relief I handed Mr. Goldstein the wallet, and the second he saw it, he smiled with relief and said, Yes, thats it.

3、It must have dropped out of my pocket this afternoon.,come up Come up to the fire, and you will feel warm. 到炉边来,你就会觉得暖和。 The question is bound to come up at the meeting. 会上必然要讨论这个问题。 come up with a convincing explanation I expect something to come up soon. 我预料不久就会有事情发生。 The seeds I sowed last week h

4、avent come up yet. 发芽,长出,SKIMMING,DDABB,Explanation,1. 拉拉担心她这次盛宴的准备工作,所以感觉把坚果、甜瓜和其他水果收集起来就快速回家了。 Worried about the preparations for her feast, Lala quickly turned for home with her collection.,前半部分是 分词短语作原因状语。 在这个主从复合句中,两个句子的主语相同,从句的主语就可以省略,形成一个分词短语作状语。 可转换成:Lala was worried about the preparations f

5、or her feast, so she quickly turned for home with her collection.,过去,2听到狼在森林里嚎叫, 拉拉加快了小路上朝山洞走的步伐,她担心可能有野兽在藏着等她。 Having heard wolves howling in the forest, Lala accelerated her walk up the path to the caves fearing that there might be wild beasts lying in wait for her. 1)在这个句子中,有两个分词短语作状语,一个是 Having

6、heard 另一个是 fearing that 。 2)lie in wait( for sb.) 隐蔽静候以出人不意,3 她猛得坐下,结果却被她那大笑大叫的妹妹搂抱起来。 Abruptly she sat down, only to be scooped up by her laughing, shouting sister. only to 引导的非谓语动词短语作状语,表示意料之外的结果。 4.快到达目的地的时候,一阵香气扑鼻,她停下来,不往前走了。 She had almost reached her destination when a delicious smell arrested

7、 her progress and she stopped. 5.要是像去年那样就好了! If only it could be just like last year. If only 引导虚拟语气的句子, 意思是:要是就好了,练习,1.The little baby arrested the little girls attention. AAD,Dont mention it. 不必客气。 【疯狂短评】 当中国人对你致以谢意的时候,我们都知道该说声“不用谢”;但当外国人对你说“Thank you”时,你就不能以“no thank you”来回应了,而应该说“Dont mention it

8、”或“Youre welcome”、“ Sure”、“My pleasure”、“Forget it”,这些都是口语要素的精髓。“appreciate”是“感谢;感激”的意思,它用来表示比较正式的感谢。 A: I really appreciate your help. I never could have made it without you. 我真的很感激有你的帮助。没有你我永远也不会成功。B: Dont mention it. Its my pleasure. 不必客气。这是我的荣幸。,Forget (about) it的口语用法 1. 用来回答感谢,意为:算不了什么,不用谢了。如:

9、A:Thanks a lot. 非常感谢。 B:Forget it. 算不了什么,不用谢了。 A:Thank you very much for your help. 多谢你的帮助。 B:Forget about it. 不用谢。 2. 用来回答道歉,意为:没关系。如: A:Im sorry for what I said. 我为我所说的话道歉。 B:Forget it! I dont remember anyway. 没关系,反正我也没有记住。 A:Im sorry I broke your coffee cup. 对不起我打破了你的咖啡杯。 B:Forget it. 没关系。 3. 表示不

10、想提及或无关紧要,意为:忘了它吧;别提了; 别放在心上。如: A:Whats he got to do with it? 这跟他有什么关系? B:All right, forget it. 好吧,别提了。 A:How much do I owe you? 我欠你多少钱? B:Forget it. 别放在心上。,表示否定,意为:不行;休想; 不可能; 别抱什么希望。如: Forget it,she never did intend to go. 别抱什么希望,她从来就没打算去。 A:Ill take the small truck. 我要开那辆小卡车。 B:And leave me to drive the other one?Forget it. 啊,让我开另外那辆?不行。,(2004广西卷23)-Id like to take a weeks holiday-_,were too busyADont worry BDont mention it CForget it DPardon me【答案及解析】C C意为:你提都别提。从were too busy可推知回答者意思:你别想休假,我们太忙。考生易误选B,其实B意为“没关系不必客气”,是对道歉或道谢的答语。A、D也不合题意。,


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