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1、,The Literature Of 18thCentury,Introduction,Literary background Literary Development Famous writers,Literary background,The contending(敌对的) factions(派别) Literati(文人学士) as servants of contention The development of social life,1. The literature of the 18th century was dominated by the interests of con

2、tending parties,The Whigs: determined to safeguard popular liberty; The Tories: conservative, would leave as much authority as possible in the royal hands;,2. Literati as servants of contention,The Whigs and the Tories were well balanced in power. To overturn a Tory or a Whig cabinet , most of the g

3、reat writers of the age were the willing servants of the Whigs or Tories.,3. The development of social life,In the first half of the 18th century ,England saw the appearance of a large number of public coffeehouses and private clubs. Nearly all writers frequented the coffeehouses and discussed matte

4、rs of literature. Hence ,the enormous amount of 18th-century works were devoted to transient affairs, politics, fashions, and gossip.,Literary Development,1. Neo-classicism 2. sentimentalism 3. Modern novel 4. Romanticism,1. Neoclassicism 新古典主义,The Enlightenment Movement brought about a revival of i

5、nterest in the old classical works, this tendency is known as neoclassicism. The neoclassicists held that forms of literature were to be modeled after the classical works of the ancient Greek and Roman writers, such as Homer. Addison, Steele, Pope belonged to this school.,2. Sentimentalism 感伤主义,Sent

6、imentalism is indulged in emotion and sentiment. Criticizes the cruelty of the capitalist relations and the gross social injustices brought about by the bourgeois revolutions and the Industrial Revolution. They advocate that sentiment should take the place of reason. Thomas Gray, Oliver Goldsmith ar

7、e representatives of this school.,3. The beginning of modern novel,Modern English novel began in the 18th century and gave the world such novelists as Defoe, Swift, Fielding, Smollett and Sterne. Daniel Defoes Robinson Crusoe was one of the forerunners of the English 18th century realistic novel. Bu

8、t it was Henry Fielding and Tobias George Smollet who became the real founders of the genre of the bourgeois realistic novel in England and Europe.,4. Characteristics of Early/Pre-Romanticism,Romanticism has five prominent characteristics: The Romantic Movement was a strong reaction and protest agai

9、nst the bondage of rule and custom, which generally tend to fetter the free human spirit. Romanticism returned to nature and plain humanity for its material.,3. Romanticism is marked by renewed interest in medieval literature. 4. Romanticism is marked by intense human sympathy for the poor and the u

10、nderstanding of the human heart. 5. The Romantic Movement was the expression of individual genius rather than of established rules.,Writers Alexander Pope Daniel Defoe Jonathan Swift Henry Fielding Oliver Goldsmith,Alexander Pope (1688-1744),Alexander Pope 亚历山大蒲柏,Pope is known as a great poet in his

11、 day. He exerted much influence upon the other writers of his age. He popularized the neoclassical literary tradition, brought from France. He was one of the early representatives of the Enlightenment who introduced into English culture the spirit of rationalism. He was a great satirist and a litera

12、ry critic who occupied a prominent place in his time. The early period of the 18th century has often been named after him as “The Age of Pope”.,His Major Works,the Pastorals (1709)(田园诗歌) the Essay on Criticism (1711) (论批评 )a poem written in heroic couplets outlining critical tastes and standards; Th

13、e Rape of the Lock (1714)(卷发遇劫记), a mock-heroic poem ridiculing the fashionable world of his day; “Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate Lady” and “Eloise to Abelard,” the only pieces he ever wrote dealing with love. Essay on Man The Dunciad,Daniel Defoe: 1660-1731,丹尼尔笛福,Four facts to remember,1. A

14、jack-of-all-trades, as well as a writer. (Besides being a merchant, soldier, economist, politician, journalist, pamphleteer and social thinker, Defoe was a prolific author) 2. He was a radical nonconformist (不信奉国教的人) in religion. 3. Defoe was a journalist and pamphleteer, with a reporters eye for th

15、e picturesque and a newspaper mans instinct for making a “good story”. 4. Defoe knew prison life.,Major works,The True-born Englishman The Shortest Way with the Dissenters Hymn to the Pillory The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (1719, at the age of 58, he published his Robi

16、nson Crusoe, the book which made him immortal) Captain Singleton (1720) Moll Flanders (1722) Colonel Jacque,Robinson Crusoe,笛福真可谓是“大器晚成”,鲁滨逊飘流记就是他在59岁时才发表的第一部小说。这部小说在1719年发表之后,立即受到英国社会的广泛欢迎,从而成为他的的代表作,奠定了笛福在英国文学史上的地位。鲁滨逊飘流记,发表于18世纪早期。小说反映了资产阶级上升时期敢于进取,追求财富的冒险精神。鲁滨逊飘流记是以自叙体写的长篇小说。鲁滨逊在青年时代不安于平庸的生活,渴望冒

17、险,到海外经商。一次航海时船触礁沉没,他被海浪冲上荒岛。鲁滨逊一人在荒岛生活了28年,同自然奋斗。他开始过着匿居山洞的猎人生活,进而建造小屋,过上了农业生活。后来他还救了一个遇难的土人,鲁滨逊给他取名礼拜五,作为他的助手。最后他得到机会回到英国,又去巴西经营种植园致富。鲁滨逊的冒险精神,以及他的艰苦奋斗、刚毅意志和创造能力,典型地反映了那个时代商业资本家的特点。,Jonathan Swift 乔纳森斯威夫特(1667-1745),作者简介,斯威夫特出生于都柏林,是个遗腹子,在其伯父的抚养下长大。1682年入都柏林的三一学院求学,获得学士学位;1692年获牛津大学硕士学位,1701年在三一学院获

18、神学博士学位。 离开三一学院后,斯威夫特曾给贵族当私人秘书,后来回到故乡做牧师,介入政治,为托利党的考察报(The Examiner)撰稿,写下了大量的政论文和小册子。 斯威夫特的文笔以讽刺见长,是讽刺文学的一代宗师。斯威夫特的讽刺性散文很多,较为著名的有 “A Tale of a Tub”,”The Battle of the Books”, “The Drapiers Letter”, “A Modest Proposal”等。 斯威夫特一生不得志,他的社会经历使他看透了一切,于是他写下了不朽名著格列佛游记(Gullivers Travels, 1726)。此外,后人根据斯威夫特给其女友写

19、的信编成的给斯黛拉的日记(Journal to Stella, 1766)也是英语日记文学中很重要的一部作品。,His Major Works,A Tale of a Tub 1697 一只桶的故事 The Battle of the Books 1698 书籍之战 The Drapiers Letters 1724 布商来信 Gillivers Travels 1726 格列佛游记 A Modest Proposal 1729 一个温和的建议,Henry Fielding 亨利菲尔丁(17071754),Henry Fielding 亨利菲尔丁,He was the first to giv

20、e the modern novel its structure and style. He, therefore, has been regarded as “Father of the English Novel”.,The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling 弃婴汤姆琼斯的故事 Joseph Andrews 约瑟夫安德鲁斯 The History of Jonathan Wild the Great 伟大的乔纳森王尔德,Tom Jones,The greatest glory consists not in never falling, but in raising every time we fall. -Oliver Goldsmith,Works,1762 The Vicar of Wakefield 威克菲尔德牧师传 The Citizens of the World 世界公民 1764 The Traveller 旅行者 1768 The good-natured Man 善性之人 1770 The Deserted Village荒村 1773 She Stoops to Conquer屈身求爱,Thank you heartily,


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