War and Peace 公开课.ppt

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《War and Peace 公开课.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《War and Peace 公开课.ppt(21页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Module 6 War and Peace,War logo,Anti-war logo,Peace logo,The D-Day landings,Reading,.课标单词1_(v.)入侵,侵略2_(v.)放弃,抛弃 3_(v.)淹死,使溺死 4_(adv.)最后,最终 5_ 向 宣战 6_ 取得重大突破 7 _(n.) 海滩8 _(v.) 占领9 _(v.)持续,invade,abandon,drown,eventually,declare war on,make a breakthrough,beach,occupy,last,Read Passage 1 and make note

2、s: The Second World War,1.Starting time: 2.Ending time: 3.Joining countries: 4.Cause: 5.The important battle:,1939,1945,US, Britain, Canada, Germany,Britain declared war on Germany after Germany invaded Poland.,Operation Overlord,霸王行动,Scanning,1939 declare war on invade occupy battle 1944 Operation

3、Overlord take part in ,Use the notes to describe what happened in Operation Overlord,Germany,Poland,France,The US,Britain,Canada,(invade),Normandy,Operation Overlord (D-Day Landings),Operation Overlord: code name for the military operation in 1944 to invade France. 霸王行动,D-Day : The term D-Day is use

4、d for the day on which an attack or operation is to be launched. D for the day of the invasion actually begins.,D-Day landings: D-Day Invasion or Invasion of Normandy.,World War II Glossary,The soldiers are heading for the Normandy beach bravely,Passage 2,1.When did the soldiers of Able Company cros

5、sed the English Channel?,6 June 1944,2. How many of them were left after the war?,Only six men,Scanning,When the Germans started firing at the boats,_. A. the boats were so far from the beach that they werent hit. B. the boats were one kilometer from the beach.,2. When Boat 5 was hit by a shell,_. A

6、. everyone was killed. B. most of the men were rescued from the water.,choose the correct endings to the sentences.,3. Two of the soldiers from Able Company_. A. stayed on the beach. B. met some other soldiers.,Careful reading,World War II Cemetery,Read passage 3 and fill in the blanks.,On the 6th J

7、une 2004, of the D-Day Landings from many different countries returned to to remember their lost comrades. Many of them went to the cemetery and memorial .The cemetery contains the graves of _ Americans who died during the landings. The memorial also contains the names of more than men who were neve

8、r found.On the memorial , there is part of a poem called which was first published in _ newspaper in 1914 and can be seen on war _ in many parts of the world.,survivors,France,9,386,1,500,For the Fallen,The Times,memorials,Discussion,WAR,PEACE,Do you want war or peace?,war,peace,1. What do you think

9、 about the Second World War? Is it good or bad for us? 2.What does a war bring for us ? happiness? pain? 3.What does peace mean? 4.What do you want? war or peace?,答案:We hate war. We want peace. Lets build a peaceful world. Now,most of the people around the world are enjoying the peace. When we are r

10、eading a novel describing the war,no matter it is the First or the Second World War,we can imagine the bitterness,sadness and hopelessness that the war brought us. Nobody would like to forget it. So that is why most people are struggling for a much more beautiful and peaceful world.Lets work harder

11、to get rid of any kind of fights and conflicts.Wish that the different nations unite to fight against the war.,There will be no war in the world forever.Hope our world will be full of love 、peace and happiness.,For the Fallen,You shall not grow old,as we that are left grow old. Age shall not weary you ,nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning,We will remember you.,致倒下的战士,你们永远不会变老, 当我们活着的人们已老朽,年华不能使你们厌倦,岁月不能使你们愧疚,日出日落,我们缅怀你们直到永远,To memorize those who died in the D-day landings.,


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