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1、,Lesson 1 I Am excited!,Please dont run!,Its monday morning.Li,Li Ming,Jenny and Danny go to Beijing today.They arrive at the train station.Danny runs to the train.,Please dont +V原形 表示请求某人不要做某事,语气比较委婉.,在上面的故事中出现了几次这样的句子呢,都是什么意思同学们知道吗?,Please dont run! Please dont jump! Please dont sing! Please dont

2、dance!,同学们能不能用下列的动词及动词短语改写成这种形式呢,然后说出是什么意思?,sit down stand up go stright turn left ride a bike swim eat and drink walk on the grass,人+want to+V原形 表示某人想做某事,I want to She wants to He wants to,V原型,同学们观察一下故事中出现了这样的句子吗,是什么意思呢?,I want to dance!,练习,a.Dont go straight.,b.Dont turn left.,c.Dont ride a bike.,

3、e.Dont eat or drink.,f.Dont walk on the grass.,d.Dont swim.,lesson 2 What Are You Doing?,Jenny is looking out of the window on the train. What does she see?,1,See 看 强调 看的结果,Look看 强调 看的动作,如: I am looking , but I see nothing.,New Concepts,aa,Look! I see a big brown cow!,2,a tree,一棵高大的绿树,green,What is

4、this,?,I see a green tree.,3,a red school,一所红色的小学校,Look!What is this?,啊啊啊,I see a red school.,What is Danny looking at ?,Point 指,aa,Look! I see dumplings!,aa,I see a banana!,Look! Soup!,And chicken!,两人一组问答练习,What do you see? Look! I see .,Part 2,drawing a picture reading a book singing a song 是现在进行时

5、,表示说话时正在发生的动作。,1.含义:表示现在正在进行或一 段时间正在进行的动作。 2.标志词:now, look, listen等。 3.构成:肯定句:主语+be +V-ing 否定句:主语+be+not+ V-ing,现在进行时的含义与构成,2.否定句:直接在be后加not. 如:I am writing. I am not writing.,现在进行时的句式,1.肯定句: 主语+be +v-ing+其它. 如: I am reading a book.,根据图片回答:,What is the he doing?,He is sleeping.,What is the girl doin

6、g?,She is reading a book.,1,2,练习,根据图片回答:,What is the he doing?,What is the girl doing?,1,2,练习,He is having breakfast.,She is riding a bike.,What is the girl doing?,She is drawing a picture.,What is the girl doing?,She is singing a song.,What is the girl doing?,She is flying a kite.,What is the girl

7、doing?,She is making her bed.,What is the boy doing?,He is washing his hand.,What is the girl doing?,She is looking out of the window.,lesson 3 Who is singing?,1.Is Jenny singing?,本课重点,练习,二、汉译英: 1.在我后面的女人正在唱歌。 2.谁在谈话? 3.小孩在睡觉。,The woman behind me is singing.,Who is talking?,The baby is sleeping.,一、把

8、单词补充完整 mn wmn si ing bb 二、连词成句 1.man is this a _ 2.mother is the woman babys the _ 3.behind is the woman me singing _,a,o,a,t,t,a,y,This is a man.,The woman is the babys mother.,The woman behind me is singing.,Exercise,C,C,A,三、选词填空 1.The baby is A. cry B. to cry C. crying 2.This woman is sitting Jenny on the train. A. on B . in C. behind 3.He is sleeping, he is now. A. quiet B. loudly C. loud,Lesson4 Who is hungry?,


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