世界上最幸福的国家 英文ppt.ppt

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1、The top ten happiest countries,in the world !,the top ten happiest countries,1.Denmark 2.Norway 3.Switzerland 4.Holland 5.Sweden,6.Canada 7.Finland 8.Austria 9.Iceland 10.Australia,Denmark “Kingdom of fairy tales,Norway “The kingdom of numerous islands”,Switzerland “permanent neutral country”,The to

2、p three happiest countries.,1,2,3,The Kingdom of Denmark (丹麦),Brief Introduction,CAPITAL: Copenhagen (哥本哈根) NATIONAL SONG:Der er et yndigt lan 有一处好地方 NATIONAL DAY:Apr.16th NATIONAL FLOWER: Holly (冬青) NATIONAL BIRD:Swan(天鹅),Hans Christian Andersen(汉斯.克里斯蒂安.安徒生),一点不错,我童年时的精神陪伴者是安徒生,青年时的精神陪伴者是勃兰兑斯,中年时的

3、精神陪伴者多了,其中一个是克尔恺郭尔,他们全是丹麦人。 余秋雨北欧童话,NATIONAL FLAG: Dannebrog(丹尼布洛),NATIONAL EMBLEM,NATIONAL TREASURE:Little Mermaid Statue,More about the Denmark,Andersons fairy tales.,1.The little match girl 2.The emperors new clothes 3.The little mermaid 4.The nightingale 5.The princess on the pea 6.Thumbelina 7.

4、The wild swans 8.The steadfast tin soldier .,free healthcare and education 免费医疗和教育,unemployment benefits 失业补助,Product A,pensions systems 养老金制度,Denmark is the happinest country in the world.WHY?,High welfare model,The kingdom of Norway,“The kingdom of numerous islands”,Enjoy the beautiful scenery,A B

5、rief Introduction,The full name is the Norway Kingdom ,which means the road to the north.It is located in the west of Scandinavian Island. This kingdom has over 150,000 islands,so its called the kingdom of islands. It has the most mountains among Europe.,CAPITAL:Oslo(奥斯陆) NATIONAL DAY: may.17th NATI

6、ONAL SONG:是的,我们热爱这片土地 NATIONAL FLOWER:Erica (欧石楠) NATIONAL BIRD:water ouzel(河鸟),The real reasons in my opinion,Almost 74% of Norwegians say that they think they can trust everyone in their country,even a stranger. This ratio is the highest in the world.,94% of Norwegians are satisfied with their liv

7、ing environment.,About 95% of the Norwegians are satisfied with their lives,and Norwegianssatisfaction on their standard of living is the second in the world.,Switzerland,Do you know this country?,Swiss Confederation (瑞士联邦),size:41,285 sq km population:7.9 million national flag: capital:Berne nation

8、al anthem :The Swiss Psalm(瑞士诗篇) currency : S.Franc,Switzerland has four official languages. 瑞士有四种官方语言。,Title,German德语,French法语,Italian意大利语,Romansh 拉丁罗曼语,76,19.2,7.6,0.6,Welcome to Swiss Confederation !,What is Swiss Confederation In your mind? this one?,this one?,this one?,or this one?,selected rea

9、sons,Switzerland was selected third happiest country in the world. According to the latest report of the world economic forum, Switzerland had more investment in health, education and talent than any other developed countries.And Switzerland had won the most competitive country in the world for five

10、 consecutive years. The winning reason is: education well, market vitality and innovation strength.,cycle,people,money,gov,more healthy and talented,great wealth,social welfare,Switzerlands happiness,Switzerland is also one of the safest places in the world.,The Siwss bank promose to ensure the conf

11、identiality of customer forever in the past until this year. But as a permanent neutral country,it still is a most-having sense of security country.,Some international organizations whose homes are in swiss.总部设在瑞士一些国际性的组织,国际足联 FIFA(Federation Internationale de Football Association 洛桑 奥委会 (IOC)Olympi

12、c Committee 洛桑 联合国驻欧洲办事处(万国宫)The United Nations in the European Office 日内瓦 世界知识产权组织 World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO 日内瓦 世界贸易组织 World Trade Organization WTO 日内瓦 联合国粮食及农业组织 (Food and Agriculture Organization) FAO 日内瓦 “粮农组织” 国际贸易基金组织 (International Monetary Fund) IMF 日内瓦 联合国基金会 (United Nations Childrens Fund) UNICEF 日内瓦 红十字会 International Committee of the Red Cross(ICRC) 日内瓦 世界卫生组织 World Health Organization WHO 日内瓦,Thank you !,


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