PEP六年级下册复习Unit2 last weekend.ppt

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1、Unit 3 last weekend,复习 unit3 Melissa,PEP六年级英语下册,Did you go to the park? Yes, I went to the park. Did you go at night? Yes, I went at night. Did you see the full moon? Yes, I saw the full moon. Did you go last night? No, I went in June.,Lets chant,请注意红色字体部分哟!,Do you know these words?,watched TV,washe

2、d the clothes,cleaned the room,played football,visited grandparents,went to a park,went swimming,read a book,went fishing,went hiking,watched TV,washed the clothes,cleaned the room,played football,visited grandparents,Do you know these pictures?,went to a park,went swimming,read a book,went hiking,w

3、ent fishing,Lets play,Go to a park.,Went to a park.(去公园),go swimming(去游泳) read a book(读书) go fishing(去钓鱼) go hiking(去郊游) watch TV(看电视) wash clothes(洗衣服) clean the room(打扫房间) play football(踢足球) visit grandparents(看望爷爷奶奶),写出下列动词的过去式。 1.watch_ wash_ clean_ play_ visit_ 2. do_ go_ am/is_,I can do.,watch

4、ed,washed,cleaned,played,visited,did,went,was,-ed,不规则变化,汉译英:(I can write.) 1.看电视 2. 踢足球 3.看望爷爷奶奶_ 4.打扫房间 5.上周末 6.读书 7.去钓鱼 8.去郊游 9.去公园 10.去游泳,watch TV play football visit grandparents clean the room last weekend read a book go fishing go hiking go to a park go swimming,I can use: 根据汉语提示完成句子。 1.Are yo

5、u going to _ _ (游泳)this morning? 2.Did you _(看望)your grandparent? 3.Yesterday I _ _ _(洗衣服) at home. 4.Sarah _ _ _( 看书) last Saturday morning. 5.Amy _ _(去郊游)with John yesterday.,go,swimming,visit,washed,the,clothes,read,a,book,went,hiking,挑战自我,Lets play:玩一玩,A: What did you do last weekend/ yesterday?

6、 B: I played football .,A: Did you read books? B: Yes. I did /No. I didnt,Do you know these sentences?,选择适当的句子,完成对话(只填序号)。 A: . B: I played football. _,A: I visited my grandparents. What did you do yesterday? C: _ A: Did you read books? C: . A: B: No , I didnt.,I can do:,3,1,5,4,2,What did you do la

7、st weekend?,How about you?,I went fishing.,Yes, I did.,Did you clean your room?,连词成句:, did, do, what ,yesterday (?) 2. grandparents, visited, I, my, weekend, last(.) 3.I ,football, played(.) 4.clean, Did, , you, the, room, (?) ,did, read ,books(?) Did you read books?,What did you do yest

8、erday?,I visited my grandparents last weekend.,I played football.,Did you clean the room?,Lets do: 看图片,选短语,用所给短语的 正确形式补全短文。,wash the clothes go to a park clean the room read a book play football,Last weekend, My father_ , My mother_ , My brother _ , My sister_ , I _ , How excited we were!,washed my

9、clothes,cleaned the room,played football,went to a park,read a book,washed my clothes,did my homework,cleaned my room,played football,Writing: Task1. 根据表格内容以“Jacks last weekend”为题写作文,开头结尾已给出。,Jacks last weekend,Hi! I am Jack .I was busy last weekend. I_. I was happy.,Thank you!,Homework: 看图作文:你上个周末做了些什么啊?你的心情怎样啊?以“My last weekend”为题写一篇作文。,Saturday Sunday happy,My last weekend,Hi! I am Mike .I was busy last weekend. I_.I was happy.,


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