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1、人教版英语七下Unit9语法总动员 如何询问外貌本单元我们主要学习描写人物外貌的常用句型。下面就一起来探究一下吧!例句 1. What does your brother look like? 你哥哥长什么样? He is of medium build. 他中等身材。来源:zzst&ep.co%m2. What do you look like? 你长什么样? Im kind of heavy. 我有一点胖。3. He has short curly brown hair. 他留着棕色的短卷发。My parents both have big and beautiful eyes.我的父母都

2、有一双漂亮的大眼睛。4. She wears glasses. 她戴着眼镜。解析 通过观察上面的例句,我们知道What do/ does. look like? 是询问某人外貌的句型。而描述人物外貌的常用句型有:1. 主语+ is/ are +介词短语(of medium + height/ build).2. 主语+ is/ are +形容词(短语).3. 主语+ has/ have (+ a/ an) +形容词+名词.4. 主语+ wears/ wear +名词.来源:*&中教%网拓展 请区分以下3种句型:1. What does Bill look like?2. What is Bil

3、l like?3. What does Bill like?中国&教育%出版网*# 句1询问的是比尔的外貌;句2询问的是比尔怎么样,可以指询问外貌,也可以指询问性格等方面;句3询问的是比尔的喜好。中考真题把下面句子翻译成英语。1. 你爸爸穿红白相间的T恤衫,看上去真酷。(12苏州)来源:中教&网%_按要求改写句子。2. The twins are of medium height. (对画线部分提问) (11临沂)来*#源:&中国教育出版网_ _ the twins look like?单项选择w%ww.z*()3. You are always talking about your pet

4、cat. What does it look like? (11内江) _.A. It likes fish B. Its small and white来源:中教%网#C. It likes playing with me ()4. _ does your sister look like?w#ww.zzste% She is tall with long hair.(11吉林)A. Who B. What C. Which D. How中#国教育*出%版网跟踪练习I. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。1. 你叔叔长什么样?_ does your uncle _ _?2. 我们的语文老师

5、中等身高。Our Chinese teacher _ _ _ _.来#%源:中国教育&出版网3. 汤姆又矮又胖。Tom _ _ and _.4. 李老师留着黑色的短发。Mr Li _ _ _ hair.5. 格林先生戴眼镜吗?w#w&w.zzst*Does Mr Green _ _?II. 根据答语写出问句。1. _? She likes watching TV.2. _? Lucy is a quiet girl and she is a little shy.3. _?www.zz%step#.com His father is a little thin.来%&源#:中教网www.%zzstep#.&com来源*:%zzs#tep.&com【答案】1. Your father looks cool in red and white T-shirt. 2. What do 3-4 BB跟踪练习I. 1. What; look like 2. is of medium height 3. is short; fat 来源:中国教育*出#版%网4. has short black 5. wear glassesII. 1. What does she like? 2. Whats Lucy like? 3. What does his father look like?


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