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1、5、How to Survive Culture shockWhen you are preparing for your college adventures abroad, its easy enough to make sure you get all the right forms filled out,have your passport ready, your bags packed, and your textbooks waiting for you at the other end, but how do you prepare for the adjustment1 to

2、a new place? Especially, how to survive culture shock2? If your language is not the main language spoken, make sure you take some classes in the local language before you go. Phrase books are all very well, but listening is the best way to learn. Audiotapes are a good alternative. Any travel agent c

3、an tell you what the average rainfall will be and where the best tourist destinations are, but that doesnt help much. Ask around to find out if anyone you know has been there. Ask the travel agent for any less tourist-oriented information and check libraries and bookstores. Make sure you pack toilet

4、ries3, medicines, and personal items before you leave. Sure, you can find a lot of things in the new country, but the brands and ingredients4 might be different and confusing, so go prepared. That will make it easier when you eventually do have to do some shopping. Take a phone card so you can phone

5、 home for the sound of a familiar voice. When you get on the plane, set your watch to the new time zone and try and place yourself in it. Drink plenty of water because flying dehydrates5 you. Stretch your legs and get some sleep. Make sure you know where your consulate office is in case of emergenci

6、es. If you dont know, ask airport staff, university staff or use a phone book, but find it before you need it. Remember, if you take an umbrella, it wont rain. Use the university resources available to you. Be diligent about attending things like orientation6. It might seem like a drag, particularly

7、 when you are tired and dont know anyone, but it will be worth it in the long run. Prepare a list of questions before you go to orientation or welcome functions so that you dont forget to ask for information you need. How do I get a drivers license? Open a bank account? Get a bus into town? Can I us

8、e my electric razor / hair dryer here? Where is the nearest medical center? Ask to be put in touch with other students from your country or who speak your language. Many colleges offer a mentor or buddy system and if you are not staying with a family, making new friends can really help you settle in

9、. Go for short walks to familiarize yourself with your area, and set yourself a task each time, maybe to find a newspaper stand that sells international papers, or to find a restaurant that serves familiar food, locate a currency exchange center, laundromat7 or cinema. Later on. Remember, culture sh

10、ock takes a while to get used to, so give yourself time. Even the most simple things arent always the same in another country. Buses are different, so get maps and timetables. Road rules are different, so use extra care. The currency is different, so familiarize yourself with the money. Habits are h

11、ard to break. To get the most out of your study abroad experience, find a happy medium between home and your new environment. Its important to look for the balance. This is a little bit like changing the water in a fish are supposed to keep one/ third of the old water and replace two/ thirds with fr

12、esh way, the fish dont completely freak new environment is diluted9 with some water from their old environment. That makes sense to the students who study at another country. And once you think you got the water right, you can start to enjoy the swim! 如何克服文化冲突当你准备踏上赴国外求学的冒险之旅时,填写各种表格、准备护照、打点行李、以及在学校




16、要格外小心。货币是不同的,所以要熟悉当地货币。原有的习惯是很难改变的。充分利用你在国外读书的经历,在家乡和新的环境之间找到一个愉快的结合点。找到这种平衡是重要的。它就像给一个鱼塘换水。保持1/3的旧水,换上2/3的新水;在这种情况下,鱼就不会十分反常。旧环境的那些水冲淡了新环境的氛围。对那些到异国学习的学生来说也是这个道理。一旦水合适了,你就可以开始享受游泳!E5dVQstmEntn.调整,调节文化冲击,文化震惊(指面临异族文化或生活方式时可能经受到的一种困惑不安的感觉)5tCIlItrIn.化妆品In5ri:dIEntn.成分,组成部分di:5haIdreItvt.使脱水,使干燥C:rIEn5teIF(E)nn.(主美)迎新情况介绍5lB:ndrE7mAt, lC:n-n.(美)自助洗衣店(俚)扰乱,使躁动不安,激乱dai5lju:t7 di5lvt.稀释,冲淡,减轻


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