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1、(豪华版)国家开放大学电大本科高级英语(2)形考网络课网考作业及答案(第三套)国家开放大学电大本科高级英语(2)形考网络课网考作业及答案(第三套) 课程总成绩 = 形成性考核100% ;形考任务1(40分);形考任务(30分);形考任务3(30分) 形考任务1 题目1 She _ crying when she got her exam results. 选择一项:A. burst into B. burst out C. took off D. set off 题目2 “I was getting up when I heard a crash.” This sentence means:

2、_ 选择一项:A. I witnessed a car accident. B. I made loud noise. C. The noise woke me up. D. Id just turned the alarm clock off. 题目3 A: They should serve vegetarian food in the school canteen. B: Thats a good point. I _ that. 选择一项:A. wouldnt say B. d never thought of C. wouldnt appreciate D. can deal wit

3、h 题目4 _ to the dentist, he felt much better. 选择一项:A. Being B. Having been C. Been D. Was 题目5 _ the light, she left the room. 选择一项:A. Turn off B. Turning off C. Turned off D. To turn off 题目6 Im glad I saw that film, it really _. 选择一项:A. cheered me up B. cheered up C. cheered up me D. me cheered up 题目

4、7 Have you got any aspirin? The anaesthetic is _. 选择一项:A. wearing off it B. wearing off my mouth C. wearing off D. wearing it off 题目8 _ of having ratings for so many different age groups. 选择一项:A. I really dont see the point B. Bear in mind C. The way I see D. It might not necessarily be the case 题目9

5、 _ admit that most people are not interested in being informed. 选择一项:A. You have to B. You decide to C. As far as I D. The other hand to 题目10 Many people are worried about the effect of _ on local culture. 选择一项:A. global B. globalization C. globalise D. globalised 题目11 I sometimes feel as if Toby is

6、nt even aware of my _ . 选择一项:A. exist B. existing C. existed D. existence 题目12 I wonder what qualifications you need to be a business _ . 选择一项:A. analysis B. analyzing C. analyst D. analyze 题目13 Id lend you my car if I _ it to be serviced. 选择一项:A. wont take B. am not taken C. hadnt taken D. dont tak

7、e 题目14 I _ riding a motorbike in this weather if I were you. 选择一项:A. didnt risk B. wouldnt risk C. wont risk D. dont risk 题目15 When the police started asking questions, Joe felt _ to tell the truth. 选择一项:A. compelled B. dangerous C. depressed D. exciting 题目16 Cherie seems quiet, but she can be very

8、entertaining when the_takes her. 选择一项:A. mood B. wine C. star D. magic 题目17 Once the press find out his secret, hell never live it _ . 选择一项:A. off B. up C. down D. on 题目18 Hundreds of species are thought to be dying _ every day. 选择一项:A. off B. down C. away D. out 题目19 Id really like to be a photogra

9、pher and spend the _ day taking photographs! 选择一项:A. best B. first C. whole D. all 题目20 This newspapers full of photographs and advertising: theres _ real news. 选择一项:A. so much B. very little C. quite a few D. every 形考任务2 请同学们从以下口语交流任务中,选择一个口语任务,按照要求在自己的手机或者电脑上进行录音,然后将录制好的音频文件上传到课程平台。辅导教师根据口语任务的完成质量

10、,给予相应分数。口语交流任务:1.Work in pairs and role play the conversations. Then record your conversation. (1)You, Student A, want to buy two tickets for Romeo and Juliet next Friday. Phone Student B, who works at the theatre box office, and ask what tickets are available. Ask him/her for clarification when nec

11、essary. (2)You, Student B, work in a video library. Answer Student As questions, using the following information: When joining, people must provide some ID and proof of address. Members can borrow up to five DVDs at one time. Overdue DVDs will each incur a fine of 50p a day. Membership can be termin

12、ated at the discretion of the library staff. (Unit 2 / SPEAKING AND LISTENINGSorry, youve lost me there) 2.Choose one of the statements below and prepare your arguments for or against it. Then record your arguments with the speaking skills you learned in this unit. Schools should encourage girls to

13、study science and engineering more. Parents should not bring their children up to be stereotyped boys and girls. Historically, men were the hunters and women the homemakers. It should stay like that. (Unit 3 / SPEAKING AND LISTENINGModern Life) 3.Prepare a presentation about Eminem using the profile

14、 information in Unit 4. Use the presentation skills just learned and record it. (Unit 4/ SPEAKING AND LISTENINGPublic speech) 4.Look at the picture and then describe what are you thinking in this case why the pupil stole i-pod. Press the record button and record your answers. (Unit 9 /GRAMMAR-Your r

15、egrets) 5.Work in pairs and roleplay a conversation in which one makes suggestions about housework sharing, and the other, his or her roommate, responds to it by either agreeing, apologizing or making excuses. Use language from Speak Out. (Unit 10 /SPEAKING AND LISTENING-How about redecorating it? )

16、 6.Imagine you have been invited to the dinner party. Decide which famous people you should sit next to and why. Record your answer. Use language from Speak Out. (Unit 11/Speaking and Listening - Problem solving) 7.Choose a photo from the remaining four photos and prepare a short presentation. Use S

17、peak Out to help you give emphasis. Record your presentation. (Unit 12 / Speaking and Listening - Presentation skills: Emphasis ) (1) Say why you chose the photo and what concept it represents for you. (2) Explain any personal significance that the photo has for you. (3) Describe the interesting/imp

18、ressive features of the photo itself. 提示:本任务可通过在线文字转语音网站()进行英语转语音,完成后点击下载即可。最后把合成后的mp3文件上传到任务二当中。 形考任务3 请同学们从以下写作任务中,选择一个写作任务,按照要求在自己的电脑上进行写作,然后将写好的内容上传到课程平台。辅导教师根据写作任务的完成质量,给予相应分数。写作任务:1.Read the information and follow the instructions. Write a letter. An English person recently came to your school

19、 to give a talk (what was the talk about?). He/She left a personal possession (what is it?) at the school (where exactly?). You want to return the possession (how will you return it?) but you have had difficulty contacting the person (how have you tried to contact him/her?). You have a possible addr

20、ess for the person, but youre not sure if its correct (why?). Write a letter to the person. (1)Thank them for coming to give the talk. (2)Explain the situation. (3)Ask them to contact you. (Unit 2 /WritingSome real practice on communicating) 2.Read the letter from Mixed Up. Write a reply to Mixed Up

21、 advising him what to do. Use the ideas below and linking words from Train Your Brain. (1)talk to your parents/show them you are serious about Gloria (2)explain your feelings/ask them to try to accept her (3)tell them you understand their opinion/want them to understand yours (4)introduce Gloria to

22、your parents/give them the chance to get to know her Ive been going out with my Brazilian girlfriend, Gloria, for six months but Im afraid to tell my parents. They want me to go out with someone from my own country. I think theyre scared Ill get married and live abroad, and theyll never see me again

23、. What can I do? Mixed Up (Unit 3 /WRITING) 3.You are going to rewrite the story about Jack in Story B to make it more memorable. First, think about the questions below. Then plan and write the story. (1)What did Jack have in his bag and why? What were he and his friends planning to do at the beach?

24、 (2)Where could the turning point of the story be? Think about how long Jack was asleep/ what happened while he was asleep/what happened when he woke up. (3)Why were Jacks friends not at the beach when he arrived? Had Jack made a mistake about the time or place? Or had something happened to his frie

25、nds on their way? (Unit 4 / READING AND WRITINGMemorable Stories) 4.You are going to write an advice leaflet called Improving your Social Life. (1)make notes about the following: *reasons why people may not have a good social life *the effect that not having a good social life can have *ways of impr

26、oving your social life (where to go, what to do/avoid doing, how to behave, what to say/what not to say, etc)(2)look back at the leaflet about stress and underline any useful phrases for giving advice. (3)Write your leaflet, organising the information into paragraphs with headings (Unit 5/Writing -

27、Coping with stress) 5.Make notes about a book you have enjoyed reading, using the prompts below and information in TRAIN YOUR BRAIN in Unit 6. Expand the information and write a review of your book(200250 words).(6分)(Unit 6 /WRITING AND VOCABULARY-book review) 6.Look at the essay question. Make a li

28、st of arguments for and against the statement, and decide whether you agree with it or not. Then write your essay in 200-250 words. (Unit 8/WRITING-Mobile Phone) 7.Write a description of a memorable place you once visited. Use Train Your Brain to plan and check your review, and include descriptive l

29、anguage from the lesson. Write 200-250 words. (Unit 10 /WRITING AND READING-Living in the past) 8.Choose a headline from below and write a short article about it, using 60-70 words. (1)Thieves caught in stolen clothes (2)School burglar takes Maths test (3)Burglar sleeps on the job (4)Stolen painting

30、 recovered (Unit 11 /Writing - Headlines and short articles) 答案如下:(新建一个wordxx,把下面文字复制到新建的xx中,最后把该xx上到任务三中)A letter to an Englishman Dear Mr Jack, Im glad to write to you and thank you for giving us a wonderful speech on how to learn English well.Im also writing to tell you that you left your bag on

31、the desk in the hall during your speech.Id like to return it to you as soon as possible,but I dont know your address or your company. I got in touch with your office but you were out and I spoke to your secretary,who said that it belonged to your own possession and advised me to send it to where you live.She gave me your address and I will send your bag to you as soon as possible. Thank you again for spending your valuable time for us students at our school and I regret to be unable to return your bag as possible as I can. Yours sincerely Zhouyang


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