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1、人教修订版高一英语上Unit 5 The Silver ScreenGrammar 教案Goals : 1)Listening、speaking、reading 、 writingand translating are usedto learn the Attributive Clause;2) Learn the Attributive Clause well bycomparingthe relatives pronouns with adverbs;3)sum up the whole usagesof the relatives(which/that/who/whom/whose/as

2、/when/where/why); 4) Do grammar learning plan to get the Ss to master grammer.Teaching Aims: 1) Learn the Attributive Clause with prep+which/whome/whose;2) Make sentences with the relatives especially using when/where/why;3) Do NMET exercises to master the grammer.Important Points :1) The usages of

3、the relative pronouns and adverbs;2) Master the usages of “ prep + which/whom/whose.Difficult Points : The choice of the prepositions before the relatives.Teaching Methods: 1)Recite and comprehend the Attributive Clause;2)Use Group discussion、competition and individual work ; 3)Inductive method and

4、Deductive method to consolidate grammar.Teaching Aids: 1)A projector ;2) Some slides;3)The little blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step1. Free talk and Revision1). Free talk as usuall( 1 分钟演讲,全班共分三组,评出最佳演讲组。)Your title isMy dream/future/computer/2) . Reciting the Attributive Clause as many as possible.

5、(名句重现,背诵最多名句组加分。目的:学生通过背诵学习语法,并且效果甚佳。)3). A collection of Famous Sayings:( 名言警句集,增强语言积累,培养学习兴趣,有利语言输出。出示九句名言,由学生们分组讨论,理解,翻译。目的:能找准定语从句的先行词,准确理解句意。最后出示小黑板,给出建议翻译。)1) Heaven never helps the man who will not act.2) He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.3) He that will not work shall not eat.4) He is a

6、 fool that forgets himself.5) He knows most who speaks least.6) He is not laughed at that laugh at himself first .7)Life is acomedy to him who thinks and atragedyto him who feels.8) He who has health has hope, and who has hope has everything.9)Don t kill the goose(鹅) that laid the golden egg.建议翻译: 1

7、,自己不动,叫天何用。2,想不犯错误,就一事无成。3,不劳动者不得食。4,愚者忘乎所以。 5,大智若愚。6,自嘲者不会让人见笑。7, 对于认为人生是喜剧的人,人生便是喜剧;对于认为人生是悲剧的人,人生便是悲剧。8,身体健康就有希望,有了希望就有一切。9,不要只图眼前利益。StepII. Lead-in and practiceGroup A: 1) I still remember the day(that/which)we spent together.2)Do you stillremember the day on which/when we visitedtheGreat Wall t

8、ogether.Group B: 3) Is this the factoryin which/whereyour father works?第 1页共 2页4)Is this factory(which/that)we visited last year?Group C:5) The reason whyPeter is so happy is thathe passed the exam.1.6) I don belive the reason(that)he has given forhis being late.( 给出 5 分钟时间热烈讨论,填空,想出所有可能的答案,并讲出理由。全对

9、且理由充分者被评为最佳老师小助手。板书最后展示。)StepIII. The choice of prepositions(本环节为难点,要求起立抢答,凡答对一次者为本组获得一颗红星,答错者扣除一颗,请同学们认真思考。)Please pay attention to prep +which/whom/whose.1)The people with/to whom the man spoke werent listening.2)The filmduring /in which fell asleep was very boring.3)The gunwith / bywhich he was s

10、hot was never found.4)The boss in whose company my fatherworked is a very kind person.StepIV. Write sentences with when/where/why(为本节第 2 题变形,自创情景,设定时间,地点和原因,让学生写出相关的三个定语从句。此环节可灵活运用,最后小组讨论评出写作高手组。 )StepV. Extension( 做语法学案,高考真题集,扩充定语从句关系词,深化定语从句。)The best five-star group isAGroupABcThe AttributiveclauseStepVI. HomeworkDo exercises on the workbook and preview the next lesson.StepVII. The design on the blackboard.关系词指代从句中成分6Which物主 / 宾个 Who关人Whom宾系代 That主 / 宾词As人 / 物Whose定 =of which/whom3 个When时间时间状语关Where地点地点状语系副词why原因原因状语第 2页共 2页


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