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1、高三年 英 学科教学案一体化( 9)(学生用)高三 ( )姓名 _ 备课组长 : 申 忠Words and expressions:根据要求写出相 的 :1. abuse_(n.)2. hope_( 反 形容 )3. press_(n.)4. prosper_(n.)5. unlucky_( 同 )6. risk_(adj.)7. significant_(n.)8. devote_(n.)9. aggress_(adj.)10. insure_(n.)Warming up, listening and speakingThe World Health Organization is devo

2、ted to improving people s health.? devote 奉献(人生、 、 力等) (于);致力于? He devoted his life to.他一生致力于促 世界和平。短 : devote oneself to致力于,献身于be devoted to 心致志于;献身于,忠于? After graduation, he continued to devote himself to research.? He was still.他退休后依然 心于化学的研究。? devotion 献身 ;奉献 U(+to)? We appreciated.我 感 他 一 目花 的

3、和金 。?. 他 科学的献身精神 人熟知。忠 ;挚爱 ,热爱 U(+to/for)stop alcohol, tobacco and drug abuse?abuse vt. ( P74Line 3)devotion to music制止酗酒、吸烟和 用麻醉 品1) 用 , 妄用? Hewhile in office.( 用 )2) 辱 ;毁谤? You are always abusing and offending people.你 是出言不 得罪人。3) 虐待 , 害? I won t allow you? Those captives. 我不允 你虐待那条狗。.那些俘 遭受了肉体上的摧

4、残。1)n. 用 , 妄用 CU? Alcohol and drug abuse create big social problems in the world.酗酒和毒品泛 在当今世界引起大的社会 2) 辱 Ugreet sb. with a steam of abuse 一 某人就破口大 shower abuse on sb. 大 某人? She.她一 我就不停地 。3) 虐待 ; 害 Uis widespread in this country. ( 虐待儿童 )In what way was the SARS outbreak different from past diseases?

5、outbreak n.爆 ;突然 生outbreak 指战争、暴动、疾病等的发生,爆发;(怒气等的 )爆发,常与 of 连用。? an outbreak of disease/insects/fighting 疾病的突然蔓延虫害的突然出现战争的爆发Reading : A Helping HandI. Read the passage and try to come up with the general idea of each paragraph.Main Ideas of each paragraphs:? A new health project is aimed at explorin

6、g and developing a new health care model for China.Paragraph ( )?Health care project is very important in our country s efforts to fight poverty). Paragraph (?People must help each other if society is to develop and prosper.Paragraph ()?A man suffering from a serious disease was unable to pay for tr

7、eatment.Paragraph ()?Millions of Chinese people in urban areas cannot afford proper health care.Paragraph ()?With a health care project s help, Wang Lin s diseaseParagraphwascured(. )?Our country is working hard to fight poverty and improve health care.Paragraph ()?Many urban Chinese are living on m

8、oney given by the government.Paragraph ()?The Chinese government is taking measures to prevent the spread of AIDS.Paragraph ()The main idea of the passage:The Passage gives a brief introduction to_ in our country, and itemphasizes onthat our governmentis making tofightandimprove _ by giving examples

9、 of.II. Careful readingListen to the tape and choose the best answer. 1.1细枝末节Thanks to_, Wang Lin was able to receive a treatment in time to prevent the disease fromruining his health.A. his son in collegeB. the insurance for his familyC. the health care projectD. the kindness of his family and neig

10、hborsAccording to the text, if Wang Lin had had_, the sickness wouldn t have caused such a bigproblem.A. a good jobB. a high incomeC. insuranceD. a good doctor to consultWhat s the aim of new health care project?A. Helping people get rid of poverty.B. Exploring and developing a new health care model

11、 for China.C. Letting sick people treated properly.D. Providing medical insurance for the poor.In how many cities is the health project being treated?A. 4.B.5.C.10.D.14.According to the United Nations AIDS agency s report, how many people will be infected by AIDSin China by 2002 unless more is done

12、to prevent the spread of the disease?A.9 million.B.10 million.C.11 million.D.12 million. 1.2主旨大意The tex t“ A Helping Hand” is mainly about_.A. millions of Chinese people in urban areas can t afford proper health careB. the Chinese government is taking measures to prevent the spread of AIDSC. a new h

13、ealth care project is being explored and developed in ChinaD. people must help each other if society is to develop and prosperIII. Match the causes and effects below. Causes1. Many low -income families cannot afford medical insurance.2. Low-income families cannot afford to par for medical treatment3

14、. Low-income families cannot provide a healthy diet for their children/4. The government is providing free health care for low-income families.EffectsA Low-income families are able to receive treatment.B When a family member gets sick, the family falls into poverty.C Children in low -income families

15、 often get sick.D Measures to fight poverty will not work.1234Language points:Paragraph AMr Wang is a laid -off worker and his wife has an income of only 300 yuan per month.王先生是一名下 工人 ,他的妻子每月只有三百元 的收入。?1ay off1) lay off sth. 不再做( 或不好的事).? I ve smoked cigarettes for years, but now I m going. to我抽烟很多年

16、了, 在打算戒了.2) lay sb. off (因不景气等) 解雇? Theyfor three months.他 把我 解雇了三个月。3) lay off 停止工作或活 ;休息;? The doctor told me to lay off for a month. 医生要我休息一星期。? lay-offn. 工人被 解雇期 ,下 。To make matters worse, he also had a son in college who had taken a bank loan to pay for hisstudies. 更糟糕的是 ,他 有一个上大学的儿子 ,是从 行 款上的学

17、 .?to make matters worse 相当于 what is worse 或 worse still ,相当于一个副 ,意 “更糟的是 ”,往往在上文中要 述一种或几种困 或危 ,然后再作 一步的 述。?It got dark , and, it began to rain.天黑了,而更糟的是,开始下起雨来了? -What happened to you on your way back to the hotel last night?-I lost my way in complete darkness and, _ things worse, it began to pour.

18、A. makingB. to make C. having madeD. made 似的短 有 :to tell you the truth/ to be honest /to be frank等等都是用不定式作状 , 而generally/strictly speaking /considering everything等等用 在分 作状 Paragraph BWang Lin was told about a health care project that provides treatment at half the cost or less,depending on the needs

19、 of the patient. 王林听 有一个医 保健 目能根据患者的需要,以半价甚至更低的价格提供治 。?at the cost of 以 的价格;以 代价?He had the dictionary他以 100 元的价格得到了那本字典。?She saved him from drowning but only.他遇溺 他把他救了,但却 牲了自己的生命。at all costs at any costs 不惜代价,不 任何 牲,无 如何? We are determined to get our rights.我 决心不惜一切代价得到我 的 利。Paragraph DThis allowa

20、nce, however, is only enough to cover the most fundamental needs such as food andclothing. It does not cover health care, housing or education. 然而 些 的 只 解决衣食等最基本的需要, 不包括保健、住房或教育。?第一个 cover 的意思指“ 用 ”第,二个 cover 的意思是“包括 ”? cover 的用法小 覆盖? The mountain.山上 年被雪覆盖。? (指 ) 某事物之用? 10 willfor the journey. 10 美元

21、就足 支付我 旅行的汽油 。包括 ; 涉及 , 适用于? Is that wordin the dictionary? 部字典里有那个 ?The governmenteffortsto fightpoverty and improvehealth care,reducing poverty , helping sick people get treated properly and providing medical insurance forthe poor.(Para 7)政府在消除 困和加 医 保健方面所作的努力包括好几个方面:减小 困,帮助患者得到适当的治 ,以及 人提供医 保 。行走

22、 (一段路程 )? Each team18 to 53 miles. 每个 都要跑18-53 英里的路程 .掩盖 ,掩 ? Lies can t. 言掩盖不了事 .对 行采 , 道cover an eventParagraph EThey cannot afford to consult a doctor or purchase medicines from a chemist when they get sick,nor can they make sure that their children keep a healthy diet.他 生了病后看不起病, 不起 物,也无法确保 孩子提供

23、健康的食物.?consultvt. & vi ;向( 人士)咨 ;? to consult one s lawyer/a咨map 律 / 地 ? look up a word in a dictionary /refer to /consult the dictionary? Have you 字典?关于你的病情,你找你的医生看 了 ? consult 可作 “考 ; 及 ”之 。 ( 多用 consider)? We must. 我 必 及他的方便。consult with (很少用被 )与交 意 ,与 商? Before we can accept the management s off

24、er.我 在接受投 方提出的提 以 前再同工人 商量商量。? We will consult together with advisors about her education.我 将一起和 家商 她的教育事宜。Paragraph FAmong the many aspects of the government s efforts to fight poverty, health care occupies animportant position. 政府作了 多努力来消除 困,其中占据重要位置的措施是 生保健.?occupy: hold or fill an official posit

25、ion担任(某 );居(某地位)? My sisterin the Department of the Environment.(占据重要 位)If low -income families cannot afford to purchase medical insurance, as was the case with Wang Lin, other measures to reduce poverty will not succeed. 如果低收入家庭 不起医 保 ,正如王林的情况那 ,那么其他脱 的措施就不能成功。? as 在 里是关系代 ,引 非限制性定 从句 ,修 前面整个句子。 w

26、hich 也有 似的用法,他 的区 是 :1)which 的先行 可以是 个名 ,但as 的先行 多 整个句子。如 :?The meeting,was held in the park, was a success.?The meeting was a success,was expected.2)若主句与从句内容上不一致,或从句 主句内容起反 、 排斥、否定等作用 , 多用 which ;而 as 只能用于主句和从句内容一致 。?She has married again,was expected.?She has married again,was unexpected.As our co

27、untry develops, we must also remember the responsibilities that come with wealth and prosperity. 随着我 国家的 展,我 必 住 富和繁荣同 来的 任。? as 作 用,表 “随着”,引 状 从句。with 表“随着” ,作介 用。?our country develops: With the development of our country? Sports and games changeseasons.?I knew him better, I discovered that my impr

28、essions had been right.?the approach of Christmas the weather turned colder.?it grew darker it became colder.Integrating skills: The Little Mould That CouldRead the passage and choose the best answers:Who discovered penicillin?A. Howard Walter Florey.B. Alexander Fleming.C. Paul Ehrlich.D. Earnst Bo

29、ris Chain.It was not until_ that the importance of Fleming s discovery was fully recognized?A. World War B.World War C.1928D.1929When did Fleming receive the Nobel Prize with the two other scientists?A. In 1914.B. In 1928.C. In 1929.D. In 1945.Before the discovery of penicillin, medical treatments w

30、ere _.A. expensiveB. effectiveC. dangerousD. simplePenicillin was discovered in _.A. 1914B. 1928 C. 1929D. 1945When Fleming saw the mould growing in the jar, he was surprised because_.A. moulds did not usually grow in the jarsB. he was not looking for itC. the mould had stopped growingD. the mould h

31、ad killed the bacteriaWhen Fleming reported his discovery, other scientists _.A. did not believe himB. didn t careC. didn t understand himD. didn t agree with himThe discovery of penicillin has led to all of the following except_A. new treatmentsB. safer hospitalsC. fewer diseasesD. better health ca

32、reFrom Paragraph 4 of the text“ The Little Mould That Could” we can see that Fleming was all thefollowing except_.A. confident B. strong-willedC. hard-workingD. kind and warm -heartedLanguage points:Paragraph 1Treatments were neither scientific nor effective, and many patients suffered deadly infect

33、ions asa result of operations. 治 不科学 ,效果也不好 , 多病人做完手 后会受到致命的感染.? as a result of :/“ (造成某种 果的 )原因”?He left school. 由于父 世 ,他离开了学校 .?She won the scholarship.由于学 努力 ,她 得了 学金 .?as a result:/“ 果是”? Fleming developed a chemical that could cure serious infections. As a result, many lives weresaved during Wo

34、rld War II. 莱明研制出一种可以治愈 重感染的化学 品,所以在第二次大 中 多生命得以挽救.?result from“因 的 果 生 ”? Illness often.疾病常因 困而起.? result in 果是 .导,致?I m sure the government s efforts to stop the spread of AIDS will.我相信政府在遏制艾滋病 播上做出的努力一定会成功.Paragraph 2 but it was not until after the war that he made his most important discovery.但是

35、直到 后才有了最重要的 .( Para 2)Itwas not until World War II thattheimportance of Fleming discoverywas fullyrecognized.(Para 5)直到第二次世界大 期 ,人 才充分 到 莱明 的重要性.?It was not until you told me that I had any idea of it.( 构 )?Not until you told me did I have any idea of it.(not until置于句首 ,主句要倒装 )?It was _ back home af

36、ter the experiment.(湖北 ) 04A. not until midnight did he goB. until midnight that he didn t goC. not until midnight that he wentD. until midnight when he didn t go?It wasn t until nearly a month later _ I received the manager全国 ) s reply.( 05A. sinceB. whenC. asD. that?It is what you do rather than w

37、hat you say _ matters.(天津 ) 05A. thatB. whatC. whichD. this?I have always been honest and straightforward, and it doesn t matter _ I m talking to.A. who is itB. who it isC. it is whoD. it is whomParagraph 3WhenFleming returnedfromthe war, he began searching for the chemical which he believedcould tr

38、eat infections. 莱明 后回国了,他开始探索他 能 治 感染的 物.? 句中的 which 不能省去 ,在定 从句中作主 .? The shopkeeper did not want to sell for _ he thought was not enough.(山 ) 05A. whereB. howC. whatD. which全句的意思 :那位店主不想以他 不 高的价格出售他的商品. 可以改 : The shopkeeper didnt want to sell for the money/price which/that he thought wasnot enough

39、.? Do you have any idea _ is actually going on in the classroom?A. thatB. whatC. asD. which注: what 引 同位 从句且在从句中作主 。that 引 名 性从句 不能充当任何成分。which引 名 性从句意“哪一个” 。 as 不用来引 名 性从句.? Last year the Browns moved to Toronto, _ they had long dreamed of living in.A. whereB. whichC. in whichD. 不填? They also hoped

40、to find a new continent _they thought existed in the Indian or Pacific Ocean.A. whichB. whereC. whatD. whetherFleming continued his search until a fortunate incident led him to a new discovery of even greater significance. 莱明 行探索 ,直到一次偶然的机会 致了他那具有更大意 的新发现 .? incident n. 事情; (政治性 )事件; (引起公众注意的 )事件? I

41、n a recent incident, two bombs exploded. 在最近 生的事件中,两枚炸 爆炸了。? He told me of an incident that took place on his first day at school.他 我 述了他上学 一天的一件事。? the July 7th Incident of 19371937 年的七七 ( 沟 )事 ? frontier incidents 界 辨析 incident 偶 的,通常不太重要的事件;accident 意外的,偶 的, 性的事件事故event 重大的,引人瞩目的事件? significance 意 ;意思;重要性? understand the significance of a remark了解某句 的意 ? a look of deep significance 含意深刻的一瞥? an industry of


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