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1、名校名 推荐Unit 13PeopleHow to improve your EQ研究证明, IQ 只是成功的基础, 而 EQ是成功的保证, 因此我们要学会发展自己的情商。EQ which is short for Emotional Quotient is a concept that the psychologistspointouttodistinguishfromIntelligenceQuotientrecently.AccordingtoP Salovey , a famous psychologist,1.Theyare managing emotions ,motivating

2、emotions ,handing relationships,empathy and self- awareness.To judge successfulpeople ina traditionalway, wedliketoowe theirpersonalsuccesstotheirhighEQ.However withthedevelopmentofthebooming economics andsociety, 2.TakeBarackObamaforan example , as a presidentlikedby lotsof people , he isgenerallyb

3、elievedtohave an IQ highenough tomake wisedecisionsto rule the country.But without a high EQ,he would be failed to communicate wellwith the media and public.And as a result, he would not be remembered as a goodpresident either.Knowing what is EQ and being aware of the importanceofa highEQ,3.Andaccor

4、ding to theexperts of thisarea ,toimprove our EQ , we should tryto controlour anger at first.And then,we should learn to deal with people.Also, always beoptimisticand positive,and thelastbutnottheleast,cherishour chanceto livein this wonderful world.Do you want to be a successful person? So why hesi

5、tate to try improving yourEQ after reading all these words about EQ?根据短文内容, 从下面所给选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。A EQ is important in our life.B EQ, as a kind of ability, consists of five aspects.C EQ is not as important as before.DEQplaysa more and more importantrole ina personssuccessincareerthanbefo

6、re.E we would probably like to ask how to improve our EQ.【答案】1 3BDE1名校名 推荐Section Reading( ) (Warm-up & Lesson 1 ) 新生 初 . 匹配下列 的 性及 意思1emergencyA vt . 得, 得2giftedB vt . 言, 3descriptionC adj . 有天 的4predictD n. 急情况5deserveE n. 残疾;无能力6mistakenF n. 描述;形容7associationG vt . 控告, 8possibilityH n. 可能性9disabi

7、lityI n. 想; 会10 accuseJ adj . 的【答案】 1 5 DCFBA 610JIHEG. 下列句中相 的 意思A最后落得的 局( 下 )B指 ,控告C提出,想出D起草E集中于; 注于F就某事来 ;从某个角度上看1Peggy hascome up withthis fantastic idea for a party.2A committee was appointed todraw up a new constitution.3They mustfocus onthe quality of the products.4It can not be measuredin te

8、rms ofmoney.5If you continue to steal youllend up in prison.6She was accused ofsheltering a murderer.【答案】1 6CDEFAB 教材 篇 研 第一步速 了解文章主 和段落大意速 P8 P9 教材 文,匹配段落大意Part 11Para.1A The difference between IQ and EQ.2Para.2B There is no definite association betwee2名校名 推荐IQ and EQ.3Para.3C Success is not simply

9、the resultof a highIQ.Part 24Para.1A EQ has a lot to do with education.5Para.2B High EQ helps people get ahead in theworld and lead a happy successful life.6Para.3C People with high and low EQ in life.7Para.4D There are changes in peoples EQ aftereducation.【答案】1 3CAB 4 7CADB第二步细读把控文章关键信息细读 P8 P9 教材课

10、文,选择最佳答案1Which of the following is true?A Success is the result of a high IQ.B Success is the result of a high EQ.C Success has much to do with a high EQ.D Success has little to do with a high IQ.2to ones success in the future according to the passage.A IQ is more important than EQB EQ is more impor

11、tant than IQC IQ is as important as EQD EQ is at least as important as IQ3Ifthe clevereststudentin a classcantget good grades ,itisprobablybecausehe or she hasA a high IQ but a low EQB a high IQ and a high EQC a high EQ but a low IQD a low IQ and a low EQ4If someone has a low EQ,A he/she is open to

12、new ideasB he/she is positive about lifeC he/she is less likely to be troubled by problemsD he/she has a harder time surviving in life3名校名 推荐5It is usually believed that onesis determined by birth.A EQB IQC attitude to lifeD communication【答案】1 5CDADB第三步精读能力升华接轨高考根据 P P 课文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式89

13、New research has shown that success1. results(result) from not only a high IQbut also a high EQ.IQdecideshow intelligent you are, 2. while EQ decides how wellyou use your intelligence.3. To some extent , EQ might playa more importantrole thanIQ in ones success.4. Generally(general) speaking,people w

14、ith high EQs are open- minded , positiveand lesslikelyto5. be troubled(trouble)by problemswhilethosewith low EQs usually have more difficulties6. surviving(survive) in life.7. It hasbeen proved thatEQ isinfluencedby education 8. ratherthan by birth.Thus, inorderto make students9. better (good) at communication and more successful in life,schoolsneed toofferstudentsthenecessary educationtoraise their EQs thehigher10. the better.4


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