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1、/48ARFDUnit5 学案班级 -姓名 -一、填入所缺字母,完成 。1.窗帘 curt _ _ t2.衣橱 cl _ s _3.卧室 b _ droom4.垃圾箱 tr _ sh b_ n5. 子 m_ r_ _r6. 生 ba_ _ room7.厨房 k_ tch _ n8.在下面 _ nd _ r9.在后面 b _ h _ nd10.在旁 n _ _r二、将 与 英 。1.我自己的房 A. on the third floor2.在第三 B. in front of the desk3.在 桌前面C. my own room4.在 上D. over the bed5.在床的上方E. o

2、n the wall三、 填空。() 1.There _ a small closet in my bedroom.A. am B. is C. areD. be() 2.There _ some pictures on the wall.A. am B. is C. areD. be() 3.My father has _air-conditioner.A. aB. an C. some D. () 4.Tom is behind Jim, Jim is _Tom.A. front B. in front of C. over D. behind() 5.There is a TV set

3、_ the closet.A. nearB. inC. underD. behind() 6.This is a picture _ my room.第 1页共 4页A. onB. inC. ofD. to() 7.The books are _ the bookshelf.A. inB. onC. overD. under() 8.Two end tables _ near the bed.A. amB. is C. areD. be() 9.There _ a table ,a TV and two sofas in my room.A. is B. amC. are D. be() 10

4、.We are rabbits. We_ a new flat.A. haveB. hasC. isD. are四、找出错误并改正,将改后的句子写在横线。1、I have an new air-conditioner._2、There is a book over the desk._3、There are two end tables on the bed._4、The pens is in the pencil-case._5、There is blue curtains ,a big closet in my room._五、连词组句。1、trash bin , The ,the ,do

5、or, is , behind_2、Many , are , in , closet , clothes , the_3、my , I , room , have , own_4、are , There , studies , two , my , house , in_第 2页共 4页5、in , a , and , There , the , mirror , is , end table.Unit 6 学案班级 -姓名 -一、填入所缺字母,完成单词。1. 河流 r _ v _ r2.树 tr _ _3.房子 h _ _ se4.花 fl _ _ er5.森林 f _ r _ s _ t

6、6.建筑物 bu _ _ ding7.公园 p _ _ k8.公路 r _ _ d9.桥 bri _ _ e10. 干净的 cl _ _ -二、将汉语与对应英语连线。1.white cloudA.在农场上 skyB.白云3.on the farmC.蓝天 the cityD.在草地上5.on the grassE.在城市里6.near the villageF.山7.pathG.自然公园8.mountainH.在村庄旁边9.nature parkI.小道10.fresh airJ.新鲜空气三、选择填空。()1._ a river in the park?A. Is ther

7、eB. Are thereC. There isD. There are()2.Is there a bird in the sky? -_ .A. Yes, there areB. Yes, there isntC. Yes, there isD. No, there is() 3.Are there any fish in the river?A. No, there isnt.B. Yes, there are two fish.第 3页共 4页C. Yes, there are two fishes.D. No, there are.() 4.Thre are _apple in my

8、 bag.A. aB. an C. many D. any() 5._ two pens on the desk?A. IsB. AmC. AreD. Are there() 6. How many books are there on the shelf?-_.A. Yes, there areB. No, there arent.C. They are many books.D. Three() 7. Can you see the cat in the picture? -_.A. Yes, I can.B. Yes, there is.C. No, I canD. No, there

9、isn t()8.The bridge isthe river.A. inB. onC. overD. in front of()9.There aretall buildings in the village.A. noB. notC. manyD. a() the closet? It s near my bed.A. WhatB. Where C. WhoD. How四、连词组句。1、 there, Is, forest, nature park, the, a, in?2、 There, many, fish, in are, river, the.3、 any, in, the, Are, there, pandas, mountain?4、 many, There, houses, my, are, in, village.第 4页共 4页


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