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1、六年级英语毕业模拟试卷(五)姓名班级分数笔试部分一、下面画线部分的读音如果相同用“T”表示,不相同用 “F”表示。(10分)() 1. A. sayB. playC. todayD. May() 2.A. hearB.dearC.nearD.deer() 3.A. flyB. spyC. tryD. salty() 4.A. mouthB. thisC. thankD. thin() 5.A. whoB. whoseC. whyD.white二、从每行中找出不同类的单词,写在后面的横线上。(10 分)1. book;dish;chart;newspaper;picture_2. climb;f

2、ly; jump;run;study_3. call;dinner;e-mail; letter;phone_4. fight;listen;speak; read;write_5. climber; bedroom;room;study; kitchen_三、完形填空。将正确的形式填写在短文中相对应的空缺处。(20 分)It sSaturday morning. Frank 1 _ gotoschool, butheisn t2_Now, heissitting onabus.He3_tothepark. Ayoungwomanwitha babygetsonthe bus . Frank

3、4_ upand says to her ,“ 5andsithere , please.e” womanThcomes6_and sits down andsays“ Thank you. ”Thebusstops7_thepark .Frank 8_ “ Goodbye. ”Tothewomanand9_thebus. Thewoman smiles and says“ Goodbye. ”to 10 _ , too.1. doesn t;mustn t;don t;isn t2. at school;at home;at the zoo;in the park3. goes;go;goi

4、ng;isgoing4. sits ;gets ;stands;walks5. Come ;Go ;Stand ;Wait6. away ;there ;down ;on7.at ;on ;in ;near8.say ;says ;saying ;issaying9.gest up ;gets off ;gets on ;gets down10.he ;she ;him ;her四、选择:( 10 分)1It stime_ school.A. toB. forC. at2. Whereisthe art room? It sthesecondfloor.A. atB. inC. on3. My

5、father_ acarand_acamerainthecar.A. have;thereisB; has;thereisC; have;has4.当向你的同学介绍你的朋友时,你应说:_A. Heismyfriend,LiLei.B. Thisis my friend , LiLei.C. MyfriendisLiLei.5. Abigpeachis_theshort treeandasmallbird is_thetalltree.A. on;onB. on;inC. in;on五、按要求改写下列各句。(18 分 )1.Hegoesto schoolat7:40inthe morning.(

6、对画线部分提问)_ _hegotoschoolinthe morning?2.Kateissittingatthetable. (变为一般疑问句 )_Kate _ at the table?3.Theygohome by bike .(对画线部分提问 )_theygohome?4.Helikesplayingtabletennisatschool.(变为否定句 )He_playingtabletennisatschool.5. Are you going to go fishing with me? (肯定回答 ) Yes, I _.六、连词成句,注意标点符号的使用。(15 分)1. can

7、mom I to speak please your_2. study writing she sin e-mail an the_3. drinking elephant is its the trunk water with_4. Tom Ann s and birthdays in are month same the_5. climb fly I kites mountains on or sometimes weekends_七、阅读短文,回答问题。(10 分)It ssunny today.Myfriends and I are playingonthe beach(沙滩 ).It

8、 saverybeautifulplace(地方 ). Thewateriscleanand blue. Wearehavinga good time. Manybirds areflyingoverthesea.Somearestandingontherock( 岩石 ). Manypeopleareswimming.Someboys are playing football. Somepeoplearelying( 躺 )onthebeach.Mary is sitting on achairanddrawingapicture.Johnistakingpicturesofhisfrien

9、ds.AndI m sittingonarockandwriting toyou!Whatareyoudoingnow?IhopeIcangetyourlettersoon.Bestwishes,Tim1. What sthe weather like today?_2. Where are Tim and his friends?_3. Can they see birds?_4. Is Tim playing football on the beach?_5. What is John doing?_八、写作。( 7 分)这个周末,你想干些什么呢?你能用英语来介绍一下你在周末的安排吗?要求: 1.请用 be going to 句式写话 .2.不少于 4 句 ._


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