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1、Module 7 TravelUnit 2Were going to visit the Ming Tombs.一、教学目的1.情感目 :学生 祖国的大好山河。2.知 目 :学 句型We are going to visit .3.能力目 :培养学生使用be going to 述自己的 划和即将 生的事情。二、教学重难点1 学 运用 be going to 句型。2 掌握 及 : Ming Tombs/ stone animals/ camel/ scary / monster3 学唱歌曲 We are going to the zoo4.能 正确理解运用be going to 句型。三、教学

2、准备挂 、 音机、磁 、 片、一个骰子、游 表格 四、教学过程1. Warming up听歌曲 We are going to the zoo.2. Revision(1)Read text of Module 7 Unit 1(2)Free talk:What day is today? Where are you going to go and what are you going to do this weekend?3. Presentation(1)教 出示 Amy/ Sam/ Ms Smart/ Lingling/ Daming 的 片,并出示 :Q1: Where are the

3、y going to go?Q2: What can they see?(2)在学生理解 后,看 文CD-ROM,回答 。( 着 听 文,使听的目的更加明确,有助于 文的理解)(3)回答 一:They are going to go to the Ming Tombs.出示 片,学 Ming Tombs(可以观看 CD- ROM 使学生更多地了解有关明陵的一些情况,从而促进英语的学习)(4)回答问题二:They can see many stone animals, lions, camels and elephants.(5)教师出示单词卡片,学说stone animals / camels

4、(6)学生边看书中课文边听录音。(7)再次回答问题:Q1: Who are going to visit the Ming Tombs?Q2: When are they going to visit the Ming Tombs?Q3: What stone animals are they going to see?Q4: Who is afraid of the scary animals?Q5: What are these scary animals?( 通过问题再次强化学生对课文的理解。同时学说新单词scary/ monster)4 Practice(1)听录音,跟读课文。(2)学

5、生分组进行表演对话。(3) 游戏活动:分成 4 个小组:每组一张表格,上面画有 16 个格,并且标注起点和终点,并且拿出事先准备好的骰子,骰子的六面上分别贴有如下文字:Its time to go to BED.Were going to WALK.Were going to JUMP.Were going to HOME.Were going to going to the HOSPITAL.Were going to go BY PLANE.学生分为 A两组,每组四人,轮流扔骰子,具体规则:Its time to go to BED. 停在原地不动Were going to WALK. 向

6、前走一格Were going to JUMP.前跳两格Were going to HOME. 后退一格Were going to going to the HOSPITAL停.玩一次Were going to go BY PLANE直.接到终点学生掷出骰子后大声说出骰子上面的数字,然后按照规则前进或者后退相应的格数。(4)学唱歌曲 We are going to the zoo5. SummaryToday we have learned something about the Ming Tombs and the sentencepatterns with“ be going to” .6. HomeworkYou can go on playing the games after class.


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