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1、2020年江苏中考英语阅读类题型专题04,首字母阅读专项突破-2020年江苏中考英语阅读类题型专项突破(原卷版)首字母阅读专项突破 l 知识点:首字母填空的基本要求和特点 首字母填空类短文题是近几年中考试题经常采用的题型之一,因为它有非常好的信度和效度,又能拉开考生间的分差、提高区分度。这种题型属于能力测试的范畴,它考查的范围极广,可以是英语知识的方方面面,还可能涉及其它学科。它要求考生在充分理解短文的基础上将单词拼写出来,并且单词形式合理,符合语法规范,符合短文需要。这种试题的首字母已给,所填的就必须是该字母开头的单词。这既是一种限制,又是一种提示。这种题型因难度相对较大,考生失分现象比较严

2、重。学生要仔细阅读全文,利用上下文提供的有关信息,再仔细阅读相关句子,判断所缺单词的句子成分,才能完成练习。首字母填空类短文题是中考试卷中最难的题型,最能测量考生实际运用语言的能力。要做好此类题目,考生不但要有较强的语感,善于体会上下文的内在联系,而且要有扎实的语言知识储备和较大的词汇量。 l 知识点:首字母填空的考查范围和中考趋势 从近几年的考题来看,短文填空题所考查的单词涉及的词性范围较广,几乎涉及到了十大词类;文中所涉及的语言知识面较宽,学生需运用已学过的词法、句法及常用词组、短语、惯用法等知识进行具体分析后再答题,有一定的难度。文章短小、精致,字数通常在100150之间。短文的体裁不一

3、,有记叙文、说明文、议论文等。短文题材丰富,内容通俗易懂,与现代生活紧密相关,如:英国人分期付款购房;度假回来的路上买家具的小故事;食物对不同年龄段的人的不同影响;被驯化的动物可以为人们做事情等,可读性、趣味性强,符合初中生的认知特点。 l 知识点:首字母填空的解题基本步骤 1. 通读短文全文,抓住高频词,把握大意 短文中虽有一些词未知,但不影响对文章主要内容的理解。在初步阅读中,可以跳过空格,尽量捕捉文章所提供的内容信息,以及语法结构方面的提示,有助于下一步的分析与判断。因此,我们在做题时,一定要先掌握文章的中心大意。从中获取文章的基本结构、体裁、主题及所使用的时态等相关信息。为正确而高效答

4、题提供坚实的基础与保障。 2. 确定词性,缩小选词范围 通读全文、掌握大意后,瞻前顾后,结合空格前后的内容,从语法、句法及固定搭配等方面,确定空格所填词性。从文意中找出句与文、句与句、词与句、词与词之间的关系,尤其是一些不易察觉的、隐含的微妙关系,用已知信息去获取未知信息,以便初步确定词性。 如 (money)n., 处可能填写的词性? 具体到文章,联系上下文,结合句子成分等语法可得: 处可以填写 v. /prep./ adj. / n./art. earn money for money(work for money) 以此类推,要缜密的分析,然后确定词性; 3. 仔细推敲,判断题目类型并选

5、出正确词汇 词性判断正确,大大缩小选词范围,重要的一步是分析题目类型。所谓题目类型指的是题目的考察能力及内容。 1)语法题:考查学生的语法技能,如 the boy asked me loudly w he would be offered the job. 宾语从句的引导词,whether; 2)句法题:句法题,主要从句子成分的角度判定所填词汇; 如the boy tells me loudly w he thinks is the key point. 宾语从句的引导词,what; 3)逻辑题:考查学生的逻辑推理及理解能力; A month later, Christopher hadnt

6、heard from Jeff or received any money, s_ he phoned him. 注意句子前后句间的逻辑关系,这里是因果关系,所以填so; 4)上下文语意题:主要从句子成分的角度判定所填词汇; 5)常识题: 如Berlin is the c of the united Germany. 依常识可知柏林是德国的首都,因此答案为:capital; 6)固定搭配题: 如 i of; 空格出应填写 instead。 4. 确定词汇的正确形式 词选对了,并不代表正确答案,而要再次确定是否是填写的正确形式。 如果是名词,应注意其数的变化及所有格的变化; 如果是动词,需注意根

7、据其在句中的语法功能确定其正确的时态、语态及非谓语动词形式; 如果是形容词、副词,要注意其级的变化; 如果是代词,要注意其主格与宾格、形容词性与名词性物主代词、反身代词等的变化; 如果是连词,要注意其在并列句、状语从句、宾语从句中的用法等。 5. 注意首字母填空中的关键性小词or/and/but or/and前后的词性一致,词义相反或相近;happy and cheerful; sadness and happiness; but 前后的词性一致,词义相反。 6复读全文,全面检查 答题完毕后复读全文,进行核查是必不可少的。做完题后,一定要认真检查,尽量减少粗心所致的笔误或拼写错误,对有疑问的地

8、方,更要根据文章的内容、上下文的语法结构、逻辑发展进行反复斟酌,这样才能尽量避免失分。填完所有单词后,不可孤立地逐个词检查,而应复读全文,仔细检查自己所填的词是否符合文章的情景内容,读起来是否顺畅,是否合乎句法,单词拼写是否有误,单词形式是否正确等,发现问题及时更正。来源:学科网 l 知识点:首字母填空之解题技巧 1. 依据习惯用法与固定搭配,填出简单项 例1:Houston passed a on February 11, x. The cause of her death is still unknown. 例2:In some cultures, h , receiving money

9、can make people uncomfortable. 例3:I only hope t you have enough love and friends that you will have a shoulder to cry on when you need it.“ 例4:Often, your headache is from your too much a 81 paid to one thing. 2. 依据词性填写:注意词性变化,时态,语态 名词:要点注意名词单复数和属格 判断填写名词的基本方法:名词区别于其他此类的基本特征即是:名词前可以加上冠词。来源:学科网 例1:Sh

10、e didnt feel happy with her husband. The c often quarreled or even fought with each other and she began to take drugs(毒品). 例2:If someone has thought about a g for me, it always makes me happy.” 例3:Carrots are grown on farms and in small family gardens all over the world. It is one of the most popula

11、r sweet v . 例4:Li Feng quickly picked it up to answer the call. It was from a good friend of his m . 动词:需要注意时态、语态及非谓语动词 判断是否是动词的基本方法:不管句子的类型如何,英语中每个句子都有一个核心动词,去掉充当句子修饰部分的“枝叶”,留下的骨干部分,看是否为一个完整的句子,是否缺少一个核心骨动词。其他诸如助动词后加动词原形,情态动词须和动词等小的知识点不再赘述,在讲解动词专题时带着详述。 例1:Houston began singing with New Jersey churc

12、hs choir (唱诗班) at age 11. Later, she began performing with her mother in the New York City, she was d by Clive Davishead of the Arista Records. 例2:Drink a bottle of warm water. Many people do not r that the dry air in their working place can be a danger because of the lack(缺少) of water. 例3:Therapy a

13、nimals go into h 74 and nursing homes. These animals lower the stress levels of people who are very sick or who have just had operations. They also encourage people to recover. 形容词,副词:需要注意比较级和最高级 形容词用来修饰名词,位于名词前,代词,位置可前可后,或者出现在系动词后,构成系表结构;若出现the _ +名词,even_或 _than.一般可认为是形容词,根据是形容词区别于其他词类的特性(比较级或最高级)

14、。 副词和形容词相似,也有比较级和最高级,一般用来修饰动词。但是程度副词,频率副词等往往也是考查重点。常考的副词有:表强调的副词only,even,especially,still,also,always,almost,already;表否定的 hardly,never,seldom,rarely等;句中用逗号隔开的however,句后的again,together,altogether,instead,soon,anywhere等,句前的sometimes,usually等。平时同学们在做题时多留心,多总结高频出现的词,对增加做题的信心很有帮助。 例1:The woman explained

15、 that she was b 68 and that the dog Hampton acted as her eyes, helping her navigate (引导) her way a 69 the city. 例2:Hampton is m 71 than a pet. He helps me do the things that I need to do in the city,” the woman explained. 例3:Warm days and cool nights are the b time to grow great tasty carrots. The q

16、uickest way to know if a carrot is ready to be harvested(收获) is to see its color.(x年南京白下区一模) 例4:Alana was on the diet or two months. Her doctor was pleased with her. “ You have been very good,” he said “ You can eat some of the foods you like best. But only a little. Dont eat too many sweets.If you

17、do, you will get a lot of weight a_. “ But when you eat it, it makes you sick. Its not a good food for you.” “ You are right,” said Frank. “ Well, Ill eat more cake i_. 代词: 注意人称代词,物主代词,和反身代词 在首字母填空中常填的是不定代词和反身代词,我们如果能够正确地分析句子所缺成分,这类填词很容易得分。另外,代词的填写主要集中在人称代词,物主代词以及反身代词。 例1:“When someone gives me mone

18、y, it just makes me think theyre being lazy,” says John Wilson. “In England, we have a saying: Its the thought that counts. When s gives me money,it just makes me think theyre being lazy,” says John Wilson. 例2:E_ went wrong at the station. People were late and they were panicking(惊恐)! 例3:If you cant

19、 get to sleep after half an hour , get up and do s_ quiet, like reading . 连词:注意在复合句中的用法 连词在首字母填空中经常出现,是用来连接一个从句的,在分析确定填连词后,翻译一下上下句,连词就可以确定了。常考的连词有b开头的but,because,before;u开头的until和unless;wh-的宾语从句的连接词;以及although,though,so等。判断是否为连词,看两个句子是否为完整的句子,若完整,再看两个句子之间的关系:并列,转折等,从而选择相应的连词;有些既是副词又是连词的词(如:when),注意平

20、时整理此类词在首字母填空中的常考词性。 例1:T some people were not satisfied with Houstons acting, the film was a great success, making more than $410 million worldwide. 例2:However, he lost heart w_ a lovely young woman opened the door. 例3:A month later, Christopher hadnt heard from Jeff or received any money, s_ he pho

21、ned him. 例4:And even if you arent very rich, you want people to think that you are. That is w_ “Keeping up with the Joneses” is about. 近三年九年级上期末首字母汇编 年份/区域 主题 文章类型 x-x玄武 A three-day communication for Chinese Spring Festival 议论文 x-x鼓楼 Spring Festival来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,K 夹叙夹议类 x-x玄武 Shyness 记叙文 x-x鼓楼 Hones

22、ty or dishonesty 议论文 x-x玄武 Tolerance 议论文 x-x鼓楼 Water or food for astronauts 议论文 x-x学年南京市玄武区九年级上学期期末 A three-day celebration for the coming Chinese Spring Festival started last Saturday in central Japanese city of Nagoya. The celebration was h_66_ on Hisaya Square in downtown Nagoya, where red lanter

23、ns and f_67_ were hung high and people cheered in a festival atmosphere. A record high of 78 booths(展台) were set up around the square, selling traditional Chinese foods, i_68_ dumplings, sugar-coated haws and others. A n_69_ of Chinese and Japanese artists performed(表演) on an amazing stage set up at

24、 one end of the square, such as face-changing stunt of Sichuan opera, acrobatics and lion dances. “Spring Festival is a traditional h_70_ in China to celebrate the Lunar New Year. It is hoped that the festival celebrations here would improve both understanding and f_71_ between people in China and J

25、apan,” said Deng Wei, Chinese consul general in Nagoya. Ichiro Hirosawa, vice mayor of Nagya city, said the Spring Festival celebrations here have attracted plenty of v_72_ from Nagoya and neighboring areas and have p_73_ great chances for Japanese people to get in touch with Chinese culture. Overse

26、as Chinese have been holding Chinese Lunar New Year celebrations in Nagoya s_74_ x. The celebration has become an important platform(平台) for l_75_ people to learn more about Chinese culture and improve both understanding and cultural exchanges between central Japan and China. x-x学年南京市鼓楼区九年级上学期期末 Tea

27、chers and students are very happy. Why? Because the winter holiday is coming and the most important t 86 festival, Spring Festival is also on the way. At present, more and more Chinese focus on the traditional festivals, which belong to all Chinese people with strong Chinese color. A 87 them, Spring

28、 Festival is the most important. It falls on the f 88 day in the lunar calendar. Since it is at the end of winter and the beginning of spring, people call it Spring Festival. Chinese have many traditional customs relating to it. Since 23rd December in lunar calendar, people start to p 89 for the eve

29、nt. Every family will do some cleaning, do their Spring Festival s 90 in supermarkets, decorate their houses, put up Spring Festival couplets and also get ready all kinds of food for the big farewell dinner on New Years Eve. New Years Eve is the time for all the family members to g 91 to have a big

30、dinner, talking and laughing until daybreak, which is called “staying up to see the year out”. Every year, the Spring Festival Gala on CCTV is covered l 92 . Many people look forward to watching it. People can take part in the guessing games through WeChat, sending text m 93 and so on when they are

31、watching the gala. S 94 off fireworks once was the favourite activity of children. According to the legend, this could drive off evil monster called nian. With the development of the times, some changes have taken place. For example, to prevent environmental p 95 , fireworks are not allowed in many

32、big cities. For Chinese at home and abroad, the Spring Festival is always the most important. x-x学年南京市玄武区九年级上学期期末 Youre standing with your classmates. E 66 is talking except you. Perhaps youre afraid they will laugh at when you say. Maybe you just arent b 67 enough to speak. Shyness is like a snake

33、that crawls(爬进)into our mouth and s 68 us speaking. But we shouldnt let it stay there. I am 29 years old. Even today, that snake still sometimes v 69 me. When I was in high school, I was so shy that I wouldnt talk to anyone e 70 my parents and best friends. If a stranger asked me the way to a local

34、shop, it was as if Id forgotten how to talk. One summer, I got a j 71 in a restaurant and that helped a lot. It meant I had to talk to来源:学*科*网Z*X*X*K customers(顾客). I had to tell them how m 72 their meal cost. I had to ask them if they want to drink Coke or Sprite. This job taught me how to speak wi

35、th people. You may be too young to find a part-time job. But you can look for other c 73 to speak with people. You can offer to help an old woman carry her heavy bag. O 74 you can go to get a newspaper for your family. If you do these things for a while, the shyness snake will soon begin to l 75 you

36、 alone. Itll look for another mouth to crawl into. x-x学年南京市鼓楼区九年级上学期期末 In a town in France, there was a farmer who lived alone. Every day he s_86_ a pound of butter to his neighbour, who was a baker. One day the baker decided to weigh the butter to see i_87_ he was getting a pound. After he weighed

37、it, he found that he wasnt. The baker then took the farmer to the judge(法官). The judge wanted to know the farmers ways to weigh the butter. The farmer replied, “Im so p_88_ that I do not have enough money to buy anything to weigh it. H_89_, I do have a kind of scale(天平).” The judge asked, “Then h_90

38、_do you weigh the butter?” The farmer replied, “Before the baker started buying butter from me, I had bought bread from him. So now every time when I b_91_home the bread from the baker, I put it on the scale and give him the same w_92_.” We always get back what we give to others. Whenever you take a

39、ction, ask yourself this question, “Am I honest?” Honesty or dishonesty can become a habit. Some dishonest people can lie w_93_ a red face. Others lie so m_94_ that they do not even know what the truth is any more. But who is it bad for? In fact, those who lie will hurt t_95_, by their own dishonest

40、 behaviour. x-x学年南京市玄武区九年级上学期期末 You may not realize it, but you are doing much more than just studying when you are at school. School is also the p_76_ you socialize and learn to get along with people. But this is not always easy. What can you do if you just dont like one of your classmates? If you

41、d_77_ that you have problems getting along with your classmates or friends, the most important thing to learn is tolerance(宽容). Tolerance is the ability to recognize and respect the differences in others. We cannot change the w_78_ that other people act, it is important to learn to live h_79_with th

42、em. Tolerance will make everyone get on b_80_ with each other. Know others constantly makes us understand others differences. Something is different does not mean that it is bad. Tolerance t _81_us to keep an even temper and open mind. You have to remember an old saying, “Treat others how you want t

43、o be treated“. You would like to be treated kindly by your classmates, s_82_it is important to treat them with equal kindness. If you tolerate something, it does not mean that you have to like it. No one is asking you to change who you are or w_83_ you believe in. Tolerance just means that you shoul

44、d respect the differences in others and not try to make them change. It is important to practice tolerance because it will make e_84_ lives easier. Learn to accept people for their different abilities and i_85_. The world is a very different place, and practicing tolerance in your own school and cit

45、y can help make things better. x-x学年南京市鼓楼区九年级上学期期末 Space has never been a place known for good eating. It is certain that the food now is better than it was in the days of earlier missions. The International Space Station (ISS)has hot water, a food heater and even a coffee maker already. But what do

46、 the astronaut r 86 need on the space station? There is no doubt that fresh fruits and vegetables, which t 87 up room and cant be saved for a long time, are needed most. A 88 apples and carrots are sometimes sent up on cargo ships, those supply (供给)runs are so rare. To make matters worse, sometimes

47、a ship f 89 to arrive-something thats happened three times in the past year-how terrible it is! During longer t 90 into deep space-particularly to Mars-fresh products are not only good for astronauts health, but also for their mental(精神的)well-being b 91 they can give them a comforting taste of home. That means growing the crops onboard. The f 92 and the longer humans go away from Earth, the greater they need to be able to g


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