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1、新版 PEP 第二学期四年级英语期中测试卷班级姓名听力部分( 30 分)一、听音,选出你听到的单词或句子( 10 分)() 1.A. firstB. fourC. wall() 2.A. 7:30B. 11:30C. 11:13() 3 .A. colourB. clockC. o clock() 4 .A.It s 4:05. It s time for Chinese class.B.It s 4:15. It s time for Chinese class.C.It s 4:50. It s time for Chinese class.() 5 .A.Let s run.B. Let

2、 s go home.C.Let s go to school.二、听音排序,使其成为通顺的一段话。 (10 分)() OK . Hurry up !() What time is it now ?() Oh!No , it stime for school .() Let sgo to school .() It s seven forty三、根据录音内容, 将下面每组中你认为符合录音内容的图片下面的字母画一圆圈圈住。(10 分)1、2、3、ABABAB4、5、ABAB笔试部分( 70 分)一、把下列单词按照对应的读音规则分类。(10 分)tigerbirdtallcarfirsthambu

3、rgerfarmsmallcomputersistergirlrulergardenball二、找出不同类单词。(10 分)() 1. A. firstB. nineC. second() 2.A. dinnerB. libraryC. lunch() 3.A. coldB. warmC. friend() 4.A. thirtyB. libraryC. playground() 5.A. get upB. go homeC .be careful三、看图选择。(10 分)()()()()1.It scold outside .2. It s time for P.E. clas .3. Go

4、 to the library , read the books .4. Where is the computer room?()5. It stime to go to bed .四、 选择填空。(10 分)()1.that your classroom ?A. AreB. IsC. is()2. Its nine.A. clockB. clocksC. oclock()3 . Its. Its time to go to school .A. 7:10B. 5:00C. 11:05()4 . Its timeChinese class .A. forB. toC. in()5. Its

5、cloudyLondon .A. atB. inC. on五、读一读,连一连。(10分)()1. Is it cold in Hong Kong ?A. 现在我能出去吗?()2. What sthe weather like ?B.计算机房在哪里?()3.Can I go outside ?C. 几点了?()4.Where sthe computer room ?D. 香港冷吗?()5.What time is it ?E.天气怎么样?六、情景会话。(10分)1.早饭准备好了,应该说什么?()A. Dinner is ready .B.Breakfast is ready .2.你想去图书馆,

6、应该怎么问?()A. Where sthe library ?B. Where s the music room?3.你作为小向导请客人这边走应该怎样说?()A. It s on the first floor.B.This way , please .4.上课铃响了,你还在操场上玩,同学们会催促你()A. I m ready .B. Hurry up .5.早上七点了,你还在睡觉,妈妈叫你起床该怎么说?()A. It s time to get up .B. Just a minute .七、读短文,做习题。(10 分)Welcome to our school . This is the

7、teacher s ofirstfloor . Ioftengo totheteacheroffices andhand inthehomework . Miss Wang is my Chinese teacher , she. s beThat is my classroom , itthe second flosonr. There are 35 studentsin my classroom . The library is on the second floor,too. Itsnext toour classroom .()1.is on the first floor .A. The art roomB. The classroomC. The teacher s offi()2. I go to theand hand in the homework .A. libraryB. libraryC. teacher s office()3. Miss Wang is myteacher .A. ChineseB. mathC. English()4. There arestudents in my classroom .A. 35B. 45C. 51() 5. The library is on thefloor .A. oneB. secondC. first


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