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1、名校名 推荐Unit 1 May I speak to Kitty?时间班级小组姓名一、学习目标学会新单词: ring up, phone ,call, an IP card, use a telephone, message, e-mail , internet ,mobile phone,e-book, send二、自主学习1、翻译下列短语, 遇到不会的查字典。1.mobile phoen_ 2.make a phone call_3.readane-book_4.sendane-mail_5.takeamessage_6.sendamessage_7.ring up_ 8.send_2、

2、读句子试着翻译:(1) Hello, May I speak to Li Shan ,please?( 2) This is Kitty speaking.( 3) A: Hello, Is that Xiao Ming?B: Yes, this is Xiao Ming.Who is that?三、合作探究小组用该句型对话A: Hello, May I speak to XX, please?B: Sorry, xx is out. This is xx speaking. Can I take a message? A:Sure.四、学习小结:本节课你有什么收获?还有什么疑惑?第 2 课时

3、(陕旅版六年级英语下册)时间班级小组姓名一、学习目标学会用英语打电话。二、自主学习1、写出下列单词的意思, 并记住。Think about( ) read an e-book ( )上网( )学英语 ( )留言() 发短信 ( ) make a phone call( )2. 按要求写出下列单词的正确形式。I ll(完整形式 ) went(原型 ) come (单三)Wont( 完整形式 )- quick(副词 ) e-book(复数) Can not(缩写 ) shouldn t( 完整形式) message( 复数 ) has(原型 )3. 阅读 let s learn more,回答下列

4、问题。Q1: What does Liu want to have?1名校名 推荐Q2:Does his mother agree(同意 )?Q3: What will Liu do on the phone?Q4: What do Lius friends do on the phone?三、合作探究1.小组合作学习:组内练习p5 对话,并编写一组对话,教师巡视指导。2.同学们, 你觉得手机又哪些好处和坏处呢?你经常用手机干什么些什么?请仔细想想,用英语写下来,不少于 35 词。四、学习小结:本节课你有什么收获?还有什么疑惑?第三课时一. 学习目标1. 能听懂并理解let s learn m

5、ore的对话内容,并会流利的模仿演读。2. 能在老师的组织下,通过话题讨论,锻炼语用思维,说出自己的想法。二,开动脑筋,自主学习。1. 自读 let s learn more 的对话。并用红笔勾出自己不懂的短语,句子。2. 小组内赛读对话,讨论疑难句子。3. 快乐译一译。Could I have a mobile phone?I m afraid you cant.But they also use mobile phones to go on the Internet and read e-books. It takes too much time and it s bad for thei

6、r eyes.I ll only use it to make phone calls and learn English.Let me think about it.三,积极发挥,共同探讨问题1.再听录音,跟读对话。2.下列问题个人解决不了,可以请教他人,也可在书中勾画出答案要点Q1:Are mobilephone very useful?Q2: Does Liu s mom want to buy him a mobile phone? Why?Q3: What does Liu want use the mobile phone to do?四课堂展示交流1. 问题抢答2. 角色扮演3. 积极评价2名校名 推荐五,这节课我的收获?我的疑惑?3


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