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1、林家村镇四年级英语下册月考试题(时间: 0 分钟,满分:分 )学校班级姓名分数听力部分 ( 50 分)一听音 ,用排顺序。将你听(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)( D )(A)( C)( B)( E)二 .听音选图。(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)1.( A )2( B)ABAB3. (B )4 (B )ABAB5(A)AB三 .听音判断,正确写错误的。( 每小题 2 分,共 10 分)第 1页共 8页( A)( B)(A )(B)( A )四 .听音连线 . (每小题 2 分,共 10 分)( D )1.( C )2.AB( A )3.C( E )4.D( B)5E五听音选答语 (每小题 2

2、 分,共 10 分 )(A ) 1、 A Yes, he didBYes,I did.(B )2 、AYes, shedoes.BYes,shedid.( B)3 、 A Yes,I was.BNo, I didn t.( A) 4. A No, I didn t.BYes,he does.(A) 5. A Yes,he does.BYes, he did笔试部分 ( 70 分)第 2页共 8页六 .请划线部分发音是否相同,相同的写A 不同写 B(每小题 1 分,共 5 分)( A ) 1.A.takeB make( B ) 2.A.funB. cute( A ) 3.A .drinkB wi

3、ll( A ) 4.A.bookB .took( B ) 5.A.earthB .pear七.单项选择。(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)( B)1.Damingdidn tfootball.Hegamesyesterday.A. played, playB. play, played(A)2.Imy homework yesterday.A. didn t doB. didn t(B )3. -Did Amy walk with Lingling?- Yes ,.A. she wasB. she did( B )4.I talkedMiss Cat yesterday.A. andB. wit

4、h( B )5. Yesterday weout andwea happy day.A. were; havedB. were; had( B )6.Mum, we _ a picnic last Monday.A.haveB .had( B)7.Tell me _ your picnic.A.atB.about( A)8.He _ TV yesterday.A. watchedB. watches第 3页共 8页( A )9.We went to zoo _ bus.A.byB.in( B)10.Were you at school yesterday? No,_.A. I wasB.I w

5、eren t七. 根据课文完成句子。 (每小题 1 分,共 5 分)1.Grandma and Grandpawalkedin the park.2.wedrankmilk and juice.3.They sangsongsbeautifully.4.Hecamehereby plane.5.I tooksome pictures and made a poster.九 .句子匹配。请从 B 栏中选出与 A 栏句子相匹配的句子,并将其代号填入相应的括号内。 (每小题 2 分,共 10 分)( D) 1、Did you buy some water?( A) 2、Where do you li

6、ve?A 、I live in Beijing.B、Yes, It will.(C ) 3 、 Who are they?C 、 They are mygrandparents.( E) 4 、What sthis?D 、 No, we bought awatermelon.(B )5、Will it be windy in Tianjin?E、It s a robot.十 . 读句子 , 择合适的单词填写在横线上 (每小题 2 分,共 10 分)1. Weplayed(playing/played)on Sunday.2.Amycooked(cook/cooked)fishyesterday

7、. Andshe第 4页共 8页(walked/walks).3.Linglingdanced(dance/danced ) yesterday.4.Theyhad(had/haved) ahappy dayyesterday. They(listen/ listened) to music .5.Amyphoned (phoned/ phones) Lingling yesterday.十一选择所缺单词的序号填在横线上。(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)A.WasitanicedayB.Yes, IdidC.ItwassunnyD.HelloE.DidyoulistentomusicAmy:

8、Hello, Grandma!Grandma: Oh,_1_D_,Amy.Amy: Didyoucookfishyesterday?Grandma: _2_B_.Amy:_3_E_?Grangma: No, wedidnt. Wewalkedintheparkandwetalkedtoourfriends.Amy: Oh, _A_4_?Grandma: Yes._5_C_.十二 .阅读短文,(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)(一) 判断正( A )误(B)Yesterday was Saturday . It waa a busy day. In the moring,Amy got up ea

9、rly to help her mother cook breakfast.Then she cleaned the house and washed clothes . After a short rest , she went to the supermarket with her第 5页共 8页mother . They bought lots of vegetables , food and fruits . She was verytired . In the evening , she watched TV and went to bed early.1.Saturday was

10、a busy day.(A)2.Amy got up early and do morning exercises.(B)3.Amy didn t clean the house.(B)4.Amy and her mother went to the supermarket .(A)5.Her mother went to bed early.(A)(二)It was cold yesterday. Tom didnt go out. He did housework.Sam wentto play football. And he hadacold. Hefellilltoday. Hesg

11、otafever. Liliphonedhim. She will come to seeSam. Sams mother cookedlunch. They had noodles and eggs forlunch. Sam drank lots of hot water. Itsgood forhim.(C ) 1. Itwas _ _yesterday.A. hotB. warmC. cold(A) 2.Tom_ _yesterday.A.didhouseworkB.readbookesC.wentswimming(C ) 3.Sam_ _yesterday.A.playedbaske

12、tballB.playedpingpongC.playedfootball(B ) 4.Sams_ _cooked lunch.A.fatherB.motherC.sister(A ) 5.Samdranklotsof _ _.第 6页共 8页A.hotwaterB.milkC.orangejuice听力原文1、A .she watched Tv last night.B 2.They drank some drinks yesterday.C .Grandma cooked fish,and grandpa cooked noodles.D .He played on the compute

13、r yesterday.E Amry made a cake yesterday.二。听音选图1、Amry went to school by bike.2.Amry skippedwith lingling yesterday.3.Dad went swimming last Sunday.4.They talked with some friends .5.I came here by plane.三听音判断1.Did hevisit San Francisco? Yes ,he did.2. He lives in New York.3.They listened to music on

14、 Sunday.4.Sam played on the computer yesterday.5.They had a picnic last weekend.四听音连线1.They sang songs beautifully.2.Dalong lived inNew York. Last year.3.she helped mum on Friday.第 7页共 8页4.They played games in the park.5.we sang and danced.五、听音选择答语1、Did he lived in Beijing last year?2. Did shetravelled by plane?3.Did you have a busy day?4.Did you visit the West Lake?5.Does he live in Zhucheng?第 8页共 8页


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