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1、名校名 推荐Unit 5 How do you get to school? Section B(3a-4)一、教材分析本 元的中心 是“ transportation”, 它与学生的日常生活 密 系在一起的,因 生活中离不开“行”, 因此本 元就是学 描述人 日常出行方式, 学 一般 在 , 一个生活中离不开的 。Section B 的教学是在已有基 上展开的,重 写, 置了要求运用所学 言完成的各种任 ,使学生能 已 学 的目 句型运用自如。 Self-check 是 后自我表 , 本 元所学 的 ,添加生 , 一段 路的生活情景,最后在Just for fun小幽默中 松愉快地 束本 元

2、。二、教学目 I 知 能力目 :a. 培养学生的 能力和写作能力。b. 掌握: North America, school bus, depend, by boat, must, carc. 巩固和掌握句型:How do you get to school?How does it take?How far is it fromto?Most students ride their bikes to school. Many students walk.Some students drive.Other students take the bus.A small number of studen

3、ts take the subway.How far do you live from school?I live 10 miles from school.II 程与方法:听 说 :学会 交通工具和距离;学会合理安排行程,并合理 用交通工具。读 写 :学会 践 告中的 ,并提出解决 的 方案.III情感 度价 目 :不同的出行目的可以 不同的交通工具. 不同交通工具 来不同的心灵感受, 学生懂得从 保 一角度出 , 了解交通工具 境 来的影响.三、教学重 点本 需要重点掌握句型:A :How do you get to school?How does it take?How far is i

4、t fromto?要求学生能替 关 造新句并在 情景中自如运用。B: 与写作。本 的 点是:在真 的 境中使用本 元目 言;写作。四、教学策略方法( 1)直 教学法:充分利用 片与 例, 真 的情景,引起学生学 趣。( 2)听 教学法:以听、 、 、写、 主,通 本 重点句型的学 培养学生听力、口 以及 面 的能力。( 3)任 型教学法: 各种活 如 活 、小 合作,促使学生 用而学,增 集体荣誉感。五、教具准 : Music, pictures, cards六、教学 程1名校名 推荐Step Warming -up and revision1. Greet the class as usua

5、l and enjoy an English song.2. Check the homework.Ask some studentsto reporthow theirparentsget to theiroffices.Ifthey use thesewords “first, next, then” , give them presents and praise them.Step Presentation.Show some new words on the screen. Then teach the new words and ask students to repeat.nort

6、h n.北部;北方east n. 方; 部south n.南方;南部west n.西方;西部North America北美洲school bus 校 althoughpron. 然,即使,尽管depend v.依 ;依靠depend onby boat乘坐小船must aux. v.必 ;一定要rivern.河流lake n.湖泊than与,比Step Reading ( Work on 3a )1. First play the recording of the article to students.2. Now let students read the article again. T

7、hen have them look at the five sentences on the screen.( 1) In North America, not all students take the bus to school.( 2) Other parts of world are different from the United States.( 3) In Japan, the three most popular ways of getting to school are bus, train andbike.( 4) In China, bikes and buses a

8、re the most popular means of transportation.(5)Studentsin Hongshan Lake and Kaishan Islandhave to take a boat to get to school.3. Read again the passage carefully and answer these questions:(1)How do most students go to school in North America?(2). How do most students go to school in Japan?(3). How

9、 do students usually go to school in big cities in China? Step 3b1. First let students look at the chart.This chart shows how students get to Garden High School. There are 175 studentsriding their bikes to school. The number 175 means most. ( That is the sample answer. ) At Garden High School most s

10、tudents ride their bikes to school.( Make sure students know what to do. )2. Ask them to finish the activity individual-ly according to the chart.3. Then check the answers.Step Task1. Task one : Make a survey ( Work on 3c )2. Task two: Survey Find someone who3. Task three: Tomorrow is National Day .

11、Tomorrow is National Day . Where are you going? How are you going?2名校名 推荐Step Game What other transportations do you know? Well, lets make a competition.Show some pictures of other transportations.Lets who know more than others.( Maybe students can exert their imagination. )Step Self Check 11.Firstt

12、ellstudentst o use these words:“ride,take,live,thinkof and get to ”to fill in the blanks. Ask them to do thisexercise individually.2. Then check the answers3.Then ask students to make their own sentences with the words.Step Pair work : Self-check 2First let students look at the picture. Imagine you

13、meet an American who needs help. His friend is ill in hospital. He has got a map. But its a Chinese map. He doesnt know Chinese. Can you tell him how to get to the hospital? Step Just for Fun!cater pillar毛毛虫butterfly蝴蝶Ask students to read the cartoon to themselves.How do they get to school?The cater

14、 pillar walks.The butterfly flies.Step SummaryToday weve learntsome key vocabularyand done some readingand writingpractice.And then pay more attention to the usage of take Step Homework1. Write 3c down in your exercise book2. Finish off the exercises.七、板书Unit 5 How do you get to school?175mostby boat100manydepend on50somemore + (adj)+ than40othera part ofparts of30a small numbernot all八、反思本节课根据新课标提出的以学生为本的教学理念,注重学生兴趣和实际应用英语能力的培养,把掌握知识,形成技能,发展能力与培养学生个性健康发展结合起来,努力创设真实情境,在真实的情境中培养学生英语学习的积极情感和语言实践能力、文化意识, 为学生的可持续发展打下坚实基础。3


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