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1、.教学课题Unit 1 Wheres Kitty?课型新授本课题教时数:5 本教时为第1 教时备课日期:月日教学目标:认知目标:能听懂、会说、会读词汇sofa, vase, basket, on, under, behind, in, wheres能力目标:能初步听懂、会读、会说句型Wheres.?; Its on/under/behind/in.情感目标:了解家居环境中的物品位置教学重点、难点:重点:能听懂、会说、会读词汇 sofa, vase, basket, on, under, behind, in, wheres;能初步听懂、会说、会读句型: Wheres.?; Its on/und

2、er/behind/in.难点:词汇 sofa, vase, basket, under, behind, wheres的读音;句型 Wheres.?的用法。教学方法与手段:谈话法,演示法,表演法;多媒体课件,图片教学过程:教师活动学生活动Step 1 Warm up1. GreetingsT: Class begins.Ss: Stand up.T: Good morning, boys and girls. WelcomeSs: Good morning,back to school.Miss xxx.T: Nice to see you.Ss: Nice to see you too.T

3、: Sit down, please.2. Free talkT: Hello, I m Miss xxx. Whats your name?S1: Hello, my name isT: Nice to see you.xxx.S1: Nice to see youtoo.T: Hi, xxx. How are you?S2: Hi, Miss xxx. I mfine, thank you. AndT: I m fine too.you?Step 2 Presentation and practice1. Listen and guess(Play the sound of dog, pi

4、g, cow, cat., askstudents to say out the name quickly)E.g.T: Oink! Oink! What s this?Ss: Its a pig.T: Moo! Moo! What s this?Ss: Its a cow.T: Miaow! Miaow! What s this?Ss: Its a cat.2. Lets introduce(根据上一活动中猫咪的叫声, 引出课文中的角色 -猫咪 Kitty 。教师可以拿着猫咪手偶,与学生打招呼)E.g.设计意图通过互致问候来活跃课堂气氛,拉近师生间的距离,也可以帮助学生缓解开学的紧张感。自由

5、交谈环节,通过询问姓名来进行师生互动,让老师更快的认识和了解学生。通过教师播放或模 仿 动 物 的 叫声,来帮助学生回顾旧知: dog,pig, cow, cat,为接下 来的 Story time 的教学做铺垫。以猫咪Kitty为;.T:(展示猫咪手偶) Look! This is a cat. Its主线来引导学生name is Kitty!复习之前学过的(扮演 Kitty 与学生打招呼) Hello! I m物品类词汇,为Kitty.Ss: Hello, Kitty.本单元目标词汇3. Enjoy a rhyme的学习做准备。Kitty, Kitty, where are you?Kit

6、ty, Kitty, I see you.Ss: Enjoy the rhymeKitty, Kitty, where are you?Kitty, Kitty, I see you.教师利用多媒体T:(引出课题) Unit 1 Where s Kitty? (初Ss: Wheres Kitty?呈现沙发、花瓶步感知 wheres.)和篮子的局部图4. Lets review片,请学生猜测(教师引导学生向 Kitty 介绍身边的物品,S1: This is a desk.是什么物品,然复习之前学过的物品类词汇)S2: This is a book.后 呈 现 完 整 图T: Look, Kit

7、ty! This is a chair.片。通过这样显5. Look and learnS1: Is this a chair.露局部的方式,1)(呈现沙发的局部图片)教授本单元的物T: Whats this?Ss: sofa, vase, basket品类词汇。T: No.(呈现沙发的完整图片) It s a sofa.sofa, sofa, s-o-f-a, sofa(Teach: sofa)vase, vase, v-a-s-e,T:(同法教授) vase, basketvase教师将猫咪 Kitty2) T:(将猫咪 Kitty 图贴在沙发上) Look atbasket, baske

8、t,Kitty. It s on the sofa. (Teach: on)b-a-s-k-e-t, basket的小图贴在大图T:(将猫咪 Kitty 图贴在花瓶后面) Look!Ss: on, on, o-n, on中的不同位置,Kitty is behind the vase. (Teach: behind)behind, behind,教 授 介 词 on,T: (同法教授) in, underb-e-h-i-n-d, behindunder, behind 和in, in, i-n, inin 。借助不同图Step 3 Consoliationunder, under, u-n-d-

9、e-r,片的位置关系,1. Quick picturesunder帮助学生充分理sofa, vase, basket, on, under, behind, in解这四个介词的2. Look and find意思。Wheres Kitty?Step 4 Assignment听录音,读熟 Story time 部分单词。Blackboard design:Unit 1 Wheres Kitty?on under behind insofa vase basket授后小记:授课日期:月日;.教学课题Unit 1 Wheres Kitty?课型新授本课题教时数:5 本教时为第2 教时备课日期:月日教

10、学目标:认知目标:能听懂、会说、会读词汇sofa, vase, basket, on, under, behind, in, wheres能力目标:能听懂、会说、会读句型Is it on/in/under/behind .? ; Yes/No.Its .情感目标:能正确的描述宠物在家居环境中的位置,感知方位的不同。教学重点、难点:重点:单词 sofa, vase, basket的读音难点:句型 Is it on/in/under/behind .? ; Yes/No.Its .的运用。教学方法与手段:演示法,表演法;多媒体课件,图片教学过程:教师活动Step 1 Warm up1. Greet

11、ingsT: Class begins.T: Good morning, boys and girls.T: Sit down, please.2. Free talkT: Whats your name?T: Hello, xxx. Nice to see you.T: Hi, xxx. How are you?T: I m fine too.3. Ask and answerT: Whats her name?(拿出手偶猫咪 Kitty )T: Now, where s Kitty? It s .(呈现不同物品类图片)4.Pair workWheres .? Its in/ on/ und

12、er/ behind.Step 2 Presentation and practiceT: (将手偶放在一张椅子下面)WheresKitty?T: (将手偶放在讲台的上面) Is Kitty in the desk?T: You re right. It isn tin the desk. (Teach: It isnt.)So wheres Kitty?.学生活动设计意图Ss: Stand up.Ss: Good morning,Miss xxx.通过互致问候来活跃课堂气氛,S1: My name is xxx.拉近师生间的距离,也可以帮助S1: Hello, Miss xxx.学 生 缓

13、解 紧 张Nice to see you too.感。S2: Im fine, thankyou. And you?Ss: Kitty !Ss: Its on the sofa/behind the vase/ in thebasket/ under thetable.教师将猫咪手偶Ss: Pair work.放在教室里的不同位置,然后向S1: Its under the chair.学生提问,深度感知 句型Wheres.? 和S2: No!Is.on/in/under/behind .?S2: Its on the desk.Step 3 Story time动画时间通过带1. Enjoy

14、the storySs: Enjoy the story着问题看卡通的;.2. Watch and answerSs: Watch the story方式来引导学生Q: Who are they in the story?S1: They are Su Hai,有目的性的观看Su Hais mum and动画,在看的过3. Listen and answerdad.程中思考动画中的人物和内容。Q: Wheres Kitty?T: Is it in the desk?S1: No. It isntin the在看动画的基础desk.上,让学生带着T: Is it under the chair?

15、S2: No. It isntunder问题“听”卡通,the chair.让学生进一步感T: Is it under the basket?S3: No. It isntunder受动画的内容和the basket.趣味之处。Look! It s behind thedoor.4. Read the story1)Read after the tape2)Read after TSs: Read the story in3)Read togetherdifferent ways.4) Read in groups5) Read in rolesStep 3 Consoliation1. Li

16、ttle train采用不同的方式来读课文,既摆脱了枯燥感,也帮助学生层层递进,由简到难的熟读课文,做到发音的不断纠正和巩固。Wheres .? Its (not) in/ on/ under/ behind. Ss: Practice one by Is it in/ on/ under/ behind.? Yes/ No. Its. one.2. Role playSs: Do the role play.Step 4 Assignment1.听录音,朗读 Story time 部分对话,尝试Ss: Finish the和家长进行角色对话。assignment.2.鼓励学生运用所学词汇、

17、句型进行日常交流问话。Blackboard design:Unit 1 Wheres Kitty?Wheres.? Its on.inunderbehindIs it .? Yes/ No. Its .授后小记:;.授课日期:月日教学课题Unit 1 Wheres Kitty?课型新授本课题教时数:5 本教时为第3 教时备课日期:月日教学目标:认知目标:复习巩固词汇sofa, vase, basket, on, under, behind, in, wheres能 力 目 标 : 1. 能 正 确 运 用 Wheres.? ; It s (not) on/under/behind/in. ;

18、Is it on/in/under/behind .? ; Yes/No.Its .向他人询问物品位置,发音正确2.能根据图片对物品的位置进行相应的问答情感目标:了解物品的方位,学会整理自己的物品教学重点、难点:重点:能正确运用 Wheres.? ; Its (not) on/under/behind/in. ; Is it on/in/under/behind .? ; Yes/No.Its .向他人询问物品位置,发音正确难点:能根据图片对物品的位置进行相应的问答教学方法与手段:谈话法,演示法;多媒体课件,图片教学过程:教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1 Warm up1. Greetin

19、gsT: Class begins.Ss: Stand up.T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning,T: Sit down, please.Miss xxx.通过互致问候来2. Free talk活跃课堂气氛,拉近师生间的距T: Whats your name?S1: My name is xxx.离,也可以帮助T: Hello, xxx. Nice to see you.S1: Hello, Miss xxx.学 生 缓 解 紧 张Nice to see you too.感。T: Hi, xxx. How are you?S2: I

20、m fine, thankT: I m fine too.you. And you?通过图片快闪来3. Ask and answer帮助学生复习上T: Wheres Kitty?Ss: Its on/ behind/ in/节课的词汇和句4. Pair workunder.型。Wheres .? Its in/ on/ under/ behind.Ss: Pair work.通过小组活动来Is it .? Yes/ No. Its .活 调 动 课 堂 氛Step 2 Fun time围,激发学生的兴趣和积极性。1. Look and sayS1:monkey(指导学生观察图片,快速说出图片中

21、所学S2: dog过的单词)S3: cat;.S4: giraffe.本版块是一个看2. Read the model(朗读范例,理解大意)图回答活动。学会说呢过根据图E.g. Wheres the teddy?片,运用目标句Its in the basket.型 Wheres .?和Its on/ under/3. Pair workbehind/ in . 对图A: Wheres .?Ss: Pair work.中玩具和动物的B: It s .位置进行问答,4. Ask and answer(随机提问,快速反应)巩固 Story time。T: Wheres the giraffe/ do

22、g/ monkey.?S: Its on/ in/ behind.5. Draw and say (画一画,拓展表达)Ss: Draw and say.Step 3 Consoliation1. Little trainWheres .? Its .Ss: Ask and answer.Is it .? Yes/No. Its .2. Show and introduceThis is my picture.Ss: Show andStep 4 Assignmentintroduce.1.熟读 Story time。Ss: Finish the2.鼓励学生平时用本单元所学的日常交际assign

23、ment.用语相互打招呼。相互介绍自己的 pictureBlackboard design:Unit 1 Wheres Kitty?Wheres.? Its on.inunderbehindIs it .? Yes/ No. Its .授后小记:;.授课日期:月日教学课题Unit 1 Wheres Kitty?课型新授本课题教时数:5 本教时为第4 教时备课日期:月日教学目标:认知目标: 1.复习巩固词汇 on, under, behind, in, wheres, sofa, vase, basket; 2.能正确运用 Wheres.? ; Its (not) on/under/behind

24、/in. ; Is it on/in/under/behind .? ; Yes/No.Its .向他人询问物品位置,发音正确能力目标:能诵读歌谣 Molly the cat情感目标:关爱我们的宠物教学重点、难点:重点:能运用本单元的词汇和句型向他人询问物品位置,发音正确难点:会诵读歌谣 Molly the cat教学方法与手段:谈话法,演示法;多媒体课件,图片教学过程:教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1 Warm up1. GreetingsT: Class begins.Ss: Stand up.通过互致问候来T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Goo

25、d morning,活跃课堂气氛,T: Sit down, please.Miss xxx.拉近师生间的距离,也可以帮助2. Free talk学 生 缓 解 紧 张感。T: Whats your name?S1: My name is xxx.T: Hello, xxx. Nice to see you.S1: Hello, Miss xxx.Nice to see you too.T: Hi, xxx. How are you?S2: Im fine, thankyou. And you?T: I m fine too.3. Ask and answer T: Wheres Kitty?通

26、过图片快闪来帮助学生复习上节课的词汇和句Ss: Its on/ behind/ in/型。under.4. Pair work通过小组活动来Wheres .? Its in/ on/ under/ behind.活 调 动 课 堂 氛Ss: Pair work.围,激发学生的Is it .? Yes/ No. Its .兴趣和积极性。Step 2 Rhyme time1. Look and say;.(看图说话,理解歌谣大意)T: Whats the name of this cat?(示意学生看猫咪的颈圈)T: Yes. Its name is Molly. Wheres Molly?2.

27、Read the lyrics (pair work)3. Enjoy the rhyme4. Say the rhyme5. Act the rhyme(加入动作 )6. Make a new rhymeStep 3 ConsolidationLets compete(Say the rhyme in groups)Step 4 Assignment1.熟读 Story time2.练习歌谣 Molly the cat 3.鼓励学生平时用本单元所学的日常交际用语相互打招呼。Blackboard design:Unit 1 Wheres Kitty?Wheres.? Its on.inunde

28、rbehindIs it .? Yes/ No. Its .授后小记:Ss: Molly.S1: Its on the mat.Ss: Pair work.Ss: Enjoy the rhyme.Ss: Say the rhyme.Ss: Act the rhyme.Ss: Make a new rhyme.Ss: Compete with others.Ss:Finishtheassignment.本首歌 谣呈 现了猫咪 Molly 愉快玩耍的场景。首先让学生先看图说话,理解歌词大意并指导学生有感情地诵读歌谣。鼓励学生用猫咪 Kitty 的名字替换 Molly ,并替换歌谣中的韵脚,改编歌谣

29、并朗读出来。;.授课日期:月日教学课题Unit 1 Wheres Kitty?课型复习本课题教时数:5 本教时为第5 教时备课日期:月日教学目标:认 知目 标: 1. 巩 固练 习句 型 Wheres.? ; Its (not) on/under/behind/in. ; Is it on/in/under/behind .? ; Yes/No.Its .向他人询问物品位置,发音正确能力目标: 1.综合运用所学语言进行交流,培养学生在实际生活中综合运用语言的能力和对语言的应变的能力 2.完成活动手册和练习与测试情感目标:学会帮助家长整理物品,了解家里物品的位置教学重点、难点:重点:能熟练掌握句

30、型Wheres.? ; Its (not) on/under/behind/in. ; Is iton/in/under/behind .? ; Yes/No.Its .难点:综合运用所学语言进行交流,完成活动手册和补充习题。教学方法与手段:谈话法,演示法;多媒体课件,活动手册,补充习题教学过程:教师活动Step 1 Warm up1. GreetingsT: Class begins.T: Good morning, boys and girls.T: Sit down, please.2. Free talkT: Whats your name?T: Hello, xxx. Nice to

31、 see you.T: Hi, xxx. How are you?T: I m fine too.3. Ask and answer T: Wheres Kitty?学生活动设计意图Ss: Stand up.通过互致问候来 活 跃 课 堂 气Ss: Good morning,氛,拉近师生间Miss xxx.的距离,也可以帮助学生缓解紧张感。S1: My name is xxx.S1: Hello, Miss xxx.Nice to see you too.S2: Im fine, thankyou. And you?通过图片快闪来帮助学生复习上Ss: Its on/ behind/ in/节课

32、的词汇和句型。under.4. Pair work通过小组活动来Wheres .? Its in/ on/ under/ behind.活 调 动 课 堂 氛Ss: Pair work.围,激发学生的Is it .? Yes/ No. Its .兴趣和积极性。Step 2 Review;.1. Read the story6) Read after the tapeSs: Read the story in7) Read after Tdifferent ways.8) Read together通过不同环节的9) Read in groups复习和巩固,层10) Read in roles层

33、递进,让学生2. Say the rhymeSs: Say the rhyme一步步扎实提高语言运用能力,Step 3 Practice也为下面的练习环节做铺垫。1.活动手册 P.1-4Ss: Do the practice.A Listen and judgeB Look and sayC Read and circleD Look and write2.补充习题 P.1-3A Listen and circleB Listen and number练习环节需注意C Look and say学 生 的 做 题 技D Read and number巧,特别要引导E Read and trace

34、他们如何审题,Step 4 Consolidation这是关键。还有,就是学生的书写1. Work in groups.Ss: Work in groups.习惯和问题,需要及时指出并纠2. Act out the dialogue.Ss: Finish the正。Step 5 Assignmentassignment.1.背诵 Story time2.订正练习3.预习 Unit 2 Dinner is ready!Blackboard design:Unit 1 Wheres Kitty?Wheres.? Its on.inunderbehindIs it .? Yes/ No. Its .授后小记:;.授课日期:月日;.


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