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1、英文名著轻松学希腊罗马神话旧神谱及奥林匹斯主神1、问题 : Who is the primitive god in GreenRomanmythology?选项:A:GaeaB:CronusC: ChaosD:Uranus答案 :【Chaos】2、问题 :Uranus and Gaea give birth to_Titans.选项:A:9B:12C:18D:21答案 :【 12】3、问题 :_helps Zeus to defeat Cronus.选项:A:AthenaB:HeraC:AphroditeD: Metis答案 :【Metis 】4、问题 :Ares is the god of_

2、.选项:A: FireB: WarC: HandicraftD:Trifle答案 :【 Trifle】5、问题 : Oceanus is the god of_.选项:A: Sea B:Morality C:SkyD:Earth答案 :【Sea】6、问题 : Artemis is_Greek name.选项:A:VenussB: Hera sC:Diana sD:Athena s答案 :【Dianas】7、问题 : Hestia and Hera are_.选项:A: LoversB: Sisters C:BrothersD:Rivals in love答案 :【Sisters】8、问题 :_

3、is not Zeuss son.选项:A:ErosB:AresC:HephaestusD:Apollo答案 :【 Eros 】9、问题 :_is the queen of the Underworld.选项:A: DemeterB: RheaC:LetoD:Persephone答案 :【 Persephone】10 、问题 :_ forces Cronus to disgorge his sons and daughters.选项:A:ZeusB:HadesC: Poseidon D:Uranus答案 :【 Zeus】西方戏剧概说1 、问题 :Western drama originates

4、 from the ritual to honor Dionysus, the god of wine and fertility in ancient Greece.选项:A: 对B: 错答案 :【对】2、问题 :According to Aristotle, thoughts in dramarefer to how the characters mental activities.选项:A: 对B: 错答案 :【错】3、问题 :Hamlet is a typical“tragedy of society”.选项:A: 对B: 错答案 :【错】4 、问题 :The main charact

5、ers in tragedies are usually good and noble people.选项:A: 对B: 错答案 :【对】5 、问题 :According to the trinity law in drama writing, the story in the play should hen in one day.选项:A: 对B: 错答案 :【对】6 、问题 :Usually the climax of a drama should be in the last scene.选项:A: 对B: 错答案 :【错】7、问题 : Romance is another name f

6、or tragic comedy.选项:A: 对B: 错答案 :【对】8 、问题 :The clown in the drama only ears between scenes.选项:A: 对B: 错答案 :【错】9 、问题 : “Antagonist ” refers to the main character in a drama.选项:A: 对B: 错答案 :【错】英美诗歌的艺术美与生活美1、问题 :“To Luisa in the Lane” is a hy love poem.选项:A: 对B: 错答案 :【错】2 、问题 :In “To Luisa in the Lane ”,

7、Luisa is 选项:A: A woman died long time ago.B:A woman whom the poet loves deeply.C:A woman who loves the poet deeply.D:A women who has no feeling toward the poet.答案 :【A woman died long time ago.】3、问题 :Image just indicates mental picture.选项:A: 对B: 错答案 :【错】4、问题 : “Aspen”in“To Luisa in the Lane”is a选项:A:

8、 kind of tree depicting in the poemB: description of the heroines figure.C: description of the poets figure.s feeling.答案 :【description of the heroines figure.】5、问题 : Which one of the following about love is notdelivered in“i carry you in my heart”?选项:A: EternityB: ConfessionC: BitternessD: Regret答案

9、:【Regret 】6 、问题 :Which one of the following has nothing to do with figurative image?选项:A: Appealing to imaginationB: Appealing to physical sensesC: Creating vague portraitD: Indicating certain mood.答案 :【Appealing to physical senses】第一章单元测试1 、问题 :Deucalion and Pyrrha threw ( ) to create men and women

10、 after the Great Flood.选项:A:ArksB:arrowsC:ThemselvesD:Stones答案 :【 Stones 】2 、问题 :Beauty and Beast is adopted from the story of( ).选项:A: Eros and PsycheB: Apollo and DaphneC:Pygmalion and GalateaD:Zeus and Europa答案 :【Eros and Psyche 】3、问题 :The golden fleece symbolizes ( ).选项:A:power and loveB:treasur

11、e and loveC:authority and treasureD: power and treasure答案 :【 authority and treasure】4、问题 :A sop to Cerberus refers to means of ( ).选项:A:sadnessB:hinessC:tragedyD:bribery答案 :【 bribery】5、问题 :Achilless heel implies ( ).选项:A:vitalsB:wisdomC:fateD:love答案 :【 fate 】6、问题 :Prometheus and Epimetheus were brot

12、hers.选项:A: 对B: 错答案 :【对】7 、问题 : “The virgin is destined for the bride of no mortal over. Her future husband awaits her on the top of the mountain. He is a monster whom neither gods nor man can resist. ” is an oracle of ( ).选项:A: Eros B:Apollo C:Pygmalion D:Hera答案 :【 Apollo 】8、问题 :Midas ear or ass ear

13、 is used to describea person foolish.选项:A: 对B: 错答案 :【对】9 、问题 :Labors of Hercules refers to an extremely difficult task requiring great strength or effort toaccomplish.选项:A: 对B: 错答案 :【对】10、问题 :Which one is Homers epic?选项:A:B:C:D:答案 :【】第二章单元测试1 、问题 :选项:A:SophoclesB:AeschylusC:EuripidesD:Shakespeare答案

14、:【 Euripides 】2 、问题 :( ) was the mostawarded playwright in ancient Roman time.选项:A:SophoclesB:AeschylusC:EuripidesD:Shakespeare答案 :【 Sophocles 】3、问题 :Zeus presented Pandora to ( ).选项:A:PrometheusB:Prometheus brotherC:ApolloD:Hemers答案 :【Prometheus brother】4、问题 :Oedipus solves the ( ) of the Sphinx.选项

15、:A:fateB:identityC:riddleD:game答案 :【 riddle】5 、问题 :Jason claimed his inheritance and throne by retrieving the( ).选项:A:Golden FleeceB:golden coronetC:dragonD:fiery oxen答案 :【 Golden Fleece 】6、问题 : ”Prometheus Bound” waswritten by ( ).选项:A:SophoclesB:AeschylusC:EuripidesD:Shakespeare答案 :【 Aeschylus 】7

16、、问题 :Whose work is known primarily for having reshaped the formal structure of Athenian tragedy by portraying strong female characters?选项:A:ShakespeareB:AeschylusC:EuripidesD:Sophocles答案 :【 Euripides 】8、问题 :Who presented Pandora to Prometheus brother?选项:A:PrometheusB:AthenaC:ApolloD:Zeus答案 :【 Zeus】9

17、、问题 : ”Oedipus Rex” was written by ( ).选项:A:ShakespeareB:AeschylusC:EuripidesD:Sophocles答案 :【 Sophocles】10 、问题 :Who claimed his inheritance and throne by retrieving the Golden Fleece?选项:A:JasonB:Medeas brotherC:MedeaD:Medeas father答案 :【 Jason】第三章单元测试1 、问题 :According to the Bible, the world was created by God in ( ).选项:A:one dayB:ten daysC:seven daysD:six days答案 :【 six days 】


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