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1、英文电影鉴赏第一章单元测试1 、问题 : 如图选项:A:E,J, O,D,I ,N, C,H,M, LB:J ,E, O,D,I ,N, C,H,L, MC:E,J, D,O,I ,N, C,H,M, LD:J ,E, O,D,I ,N, C,H,M, L答案 :【 E,J,O,D, I ,N,C, H, M, L】2 、问题 : 如图选项:A:B,F, E,A,J,C, H,D,I , GB:F,B, E,A,J,C, H,D,I , GC:F,B, E,A,J,C, H,D,G, ID:B,F, E,A,J,C, H,D,G, I答案 :【 F,B,E,A, J,C,H, D, I , G

2、】3 、问题 :Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona, where we lay our scene, from ancient_break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil handsunclean.选项:A:illB:grudgeC:nastinessD:complaint答案 :【 grudge 】4 、问题 :What is a youth? Impetuous fire. What is a main? Ice and desire. The world wa

3、gs on. A rose will bloom. It then will fade.选项:A: 青春是什么?激烈燃烧的火,少女是什么?冰霜和欲望的结晶。年华如此迁移下去,玫瑰会盛开,然后凋零。B: 年轻是什么?冲动猛烈的火,少女是什么?冰霜和欲望的结晶。年华如此迁移下去,玫瑰会盛开,然后凋零。C:青春是什么?激烈燃烧的火,少女是什么?冰和欲望的主宰。年华如此迁移下去,玫瑰会盛开,然后凋零。D: 年轻是什么?激烈燃烧的火,少女是什么?冰霜和欲望的结晶。年华如此迁移下去,玫瑰会盛开,然后凋零。答案 : 【青春是什么?激烈燃烧的火,少女是什么?冰霜和欲望的结晶。年华如此迁移下去,玫瑰会盛开,然后

4、凋零。】5 、问题 : 离别是这样甜蜜又悲伤,我要对你说再见一直说到大天亮。选项:A:Parting is so sweet sorrow that I shall say good night till it be morrow.B: Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall say good night till it be morrow.C: Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall say good night till it will be morrow.D: Parting is so sweet

5、sorrow that I should say good night till it be morrow.答案 :【Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall saygood night till it be morrow.】第二章单元测试1 、问题 : 如图选项:A:B,G, C,L,H,M, D,I ,N, EB:B,G, L,C,H,M, D,I ,E, NC:B,G, L,C,H,M, D,I ,N, ED:B,G, L,C,H,M, I ,D,N, E答案 :【 B,G,L,C, H,M,D, I , N, E】2 、问题 : 如图选项:A:

6、E,C, I ,F,B,J, G,A,H, DB:E,C, I ,F,J,B, A,G,H, DC:E,C, I ,F,J,B, G,A,D, HD:E,C, I ,F,J,B, G,A,H, D答案 :【 E,C,I ,F, J,B,G, A, H, D】3、问题 :When my husband came here he was verydisturbed. And I think hes been encouraged to believehis fantasies really existed. But that s over now, hes _ himself.选项:A:washe

7、dB:cleansedC:purifiedD:purged答案 :【 purged 】4、问题 :Never give up hope, thats my motto. Alwayshas been, always will be. You remember that wintersmorning? Walking on the beach in the snow? We thought wed never find anything. Give up although. When suddenly, out of the blue, we find a treasure!选项:A: 永不放弃

8、希望那是我的主见。总会做到,总会实现。还记得那个冬天的早上我们在海滩的雪上走吗?我们以为不会有发现希望都放弃了。突然,我们发现了一件财宝!B: 永不放弃希望那是我的格言。总会做到,总会实现。还记得那个冬天的早上我们在海滩的雪上走吗?我们以为不会有发现希望都放弃了。突然,我们发现了一件财宝!C:永不放弃希望那是我的主见。总会做到,总会实现。还记得一个冬天的早上我们在海滩的雪上走吗?我们以为不会有发现希望都放弃了。突然,我们发现了一件财宝!D:永不放弃希望那是我的格言。总会做到,总会实现。还记得那个冬天的早上我们在海滩的雪上走吗?我们以为不会有发现希望都放弃了。突然,我们发现了一些财宝!答案 :

9、【永不放弃希望那是我的格言。总会做到,总会实现。还记得那个冬天的早上我们在海滩的雪上走吗?我们以为不会有发现希望都放弃了。突然,我们发现了一件财宝!】5 、问题 : 如果他瞎了 他会更加听话和勇敢,因为他看不到危险!选项:A:When hes blind, hell be much more obedient, andeven more courageous, because he wont see any danger!B:When hes blinded, he ll be much more obedient, and even more courageous, because he w

10、on t see any danger!C:When hes blind, he ll be much more obedient, and even more courageous, be cause he won t see danger! D:When hes blinded, he ll be more obedient, and even more courageous, because he won t see any danger!答案 :【When hes blinded, hell be much more obedient,and even more courageous, because he won t see any danger! 】第三章单元测试1 、问题 : 如图选项:A:F,A, K,B,G,L, C,H,M, DB:A,F, K,B,G,L, C,H,M, DC:A,F, B,K,G,L, C,H,M, DD:A,F, K,B,G,L, C,H,D, M答案 :【 A,F,K,B, G,L,C, H, M, D】


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