第十六章 介词.doc

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《第十六章 介词.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《第十六章 介词.doc(11页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、. 第十六章 介词介词(preposition)又叫做前置词,一般置于名词之前。它是一种虚词,一般不重读,在句中不单独作任何句子成分,只表示其后的名词或相当于名词的词语与其它句子成分的关系。16.1 介词分类16.1.1 介词按结构的分类从结构上看,介词可以分为下面几类:1) 简单介词(Simple Prepositions):2)合成介词(Compound Prepositions):3)带-ing词尾的介词(-ing Prepositions):Barring concerning considering excepting excludingFailing following inclu

2、ding pending regarding4)成语介词(Phrasal Prepositions):According to ahead of along with apart fromAs for as from as regards as toBecause of but for by means of due toExcept for in accordance with in front of in place ofIn spite of instead of in view of near toNext to on account of on behalf of owing toP

3、rior to together with up to in regard to以上成语都起着与介词同样的作用,因此许多语法学家把它们称作成语介词。16.1.2介词按意思的分类从意思上考虑,介词可分为下面三类:1)引导时间短语的介词:2)引导地点短语的介词:3)引导其它短语的介词(表除去、比较、反对、原因、结果、手段、所属、条件、让步、关于、对于、根据):16.2介词短语在句子中的作用16.2.1介词短语介词不能单独担任一个成分,必须构成介词短语来担任一个成分。能和介词构成短语的有下面这些:1) 名词或名词从句:2)代词:3)动名词或动名词短语:4)由连接代(副)词或关系代词型what引导的从

4、句:5)由连接代(副)词引导的不定式短语:6)另一个介词:7)副词或形容词:8)复合结构:在个别情况下,介词后面还可跟where或that引导的从句(a),甚至跟带to或者不带to的不定式(b)(只限于介词but和except):a. The car stopped only a few inches from where I stood.He is a good student except that he is occasionally careless.精品.b. I had no alternative but to walk out.She can do everthing exce

5、pt cook.介词后的宾语可称为介词宾语(Prepositional Object)介词短语可作主、表、宾、定、状、补、副、连:16.2.2介词短语作状语1)介词短语作状语是最多,主要修饰谓语:2)“be+形容词”这种结构也常跟介词短语作定语:3)还可用介词短语修饰非谓语动词:16.2.3介词兼作副词和连词有一些介词可兼作副词,这种介词亦可称作小品词(particle)。试比较:(1)My mother is in the house. 我母亲在屋里。(介词)(2)Is there anybody in? 里面有人吗?(副词)(3)The programme was broadcast ov

6、er the radio. 这个节目是通过电台广(介词)(4)The programme is over. 这个节目播完了。(副词)请注意下面两句中的与介词形式相同的副词:(5)He turned over the page. 他翻过书页。(over在此是副词,与turned组成短语动词)(6)Ive put on weight. 我体重增加了。(on在此是副词,与put组成短语动词)请注意下面两句中的与副词形式相同的介词:(7)The boat moved slowly down the river. 那船沿河缓缓而下。(down在此是介词)(8)He climbed up the tree

7、. 他爬上了树。(up在此是介词)还有少数介词可以兼作连词,如after,before,since,till(until)等。如:(9)The ball goes up very high after it hits the ground. 这球着地后蹦得很高。(10)It will not be long before they come back. 他们不久就回来。(11)I cant make you out. Youre so changed since last we met. 我认不得你了。自上次见面后,你可变多了。(12)Will you be all right until I

8、 get back? 在我回来之前你会一切都好吗?16.2.4介词短语作定语1)在不少情况下也可用介词短语作定语:2)有些介词常可引导短语作定语:Of;A child of six a pupil of EnglishA boy of middle height a lady of characterA congress of unity men of easy temperA man of immense capacity an act of friendshipAn hour of danger things of great valueWith:A boy with red hair a

9、 widow with 3 childrenA man with a gun a jacket with a hoodIn:The girl in blue a man in his 40sA report in preparation a mistake in tacticsA request in reason a policeman in disguiseTo:An answer to a puzzle a reply to his letter精品.Devotion to parents his fidelity to his wifeHer attachment to her mot

10、herAn introduction to botanyFor:A war for profits a medicine for coldsA machine for making boxes a passion for sportsEnthusiasm for music room for improvementA thirst for knowledge sympathy for orphansA change for the better his hunger for powerAbout:Doubts about his ability news about their progres

11、sIllusions about wealth information about ParisMy opinion about it a debate about the questionAn agreement about trade a dispute about where to goMy idea about friendship16.2.5 介词短语作表语或作宾语的补语1) 介词短语用作表语时也很多,几乎大部分常用介词都可以这样用:2) 许多介词可构成短语作表语:At:Beyond:In:Of: On: Out of: Under:3) 介词短语有时可作宾语的补语(一道构成复合宾语)

12、:16.3 由介词构成的成语动词和介词成语16.3.1 由介词构成的成语动词由介词构成的成语动词主要有两类:1) 动词+介词:2) 动词+副词+介词:16.3.2 介词成语1) 除了成语动词,英语中还有大量成语由介词构成,单是一些常用介词就可构成大量成语:At: At a stretch at a timeAt all costs at all eventsAt all hazards at any rateAt ease at faultAt first at first sightAt hand at heartAt home at largeAt last at leastAt leis

13、ure at lengthAt liberty at the momentAt most at onceAt one blow (stroke) at ones fingertipsAt ones service at ones wits endAt peace (war) at play (work)At present at random精品.At sea at the earliest (latest)At the outset at the riskAt the same time at the startAt the time at the top of ones voiceAt t

14、imes at willBy:By accident by airBy all means by airBy birth By bus (plane, etc.)By chance by chequeBy credit card by choiceBy daylight by day (night)By far by dint ofBy force by fits and startsBy leaps and bounds by hook or by crookBy mistake by means ofBy post by no meansBy turns by stages (degree

15、s)By surprise by virtue ofBy the wayIn:In a nutshell in a rowIn a sense in accordance withIn addition (to) in advanceIn all in any case (event)In brief in caseIn case of in comparisonIn danger in debtIn demand in depthIn detail in doubtIn fact in fullIn general in ink (pencil)In love in no timeIn on

16、es opinion in order (disorder)In order to (that) in other wordsIn part(s) in personIn practice in public (private)In regard to in returnIn short in so far asIn spite of in terms ofIn that in the course ofIn the dark in the day timeIn the end in the event ofIn (the) face of in the least精品.In the long

17、 run in the mainIn the mean time in the middle ofIn the nick of time in turnIn vain in view ofOn:On account of on approvalOn average on behalf ofOn board on businessOn condition on creditOn the decline on the decreaseOn demand on displayOn duty on fireOn foot on guardOn hand on holidayOn no account

18、on ones chestOn ones mind on ones ownOn purpose on saleOn strike on the contraryOn the mend on the (tele)phoneOn the point of on the runOn the spot on the spur of the momentOn the way on timeOn top of on trialOut of:Out of action out of breathOut of control out of dangerOut of date out of doorsOut o

19、f element out of fashionOut of favor out of focusOut of hand out of humorOut of keeping (with) out of luckOut of ones mind out of orderOut of pain out of patienceOut of place out of practiceOut of print out of reachOut of season out of sensesOut of service out of shapeOut of sight out of sortsOut of

20、 step out of stockOut of sympathy out of temperOut of the ordinary out of the questionOut of touch (with) out of tuneOut of use out of work2) 有些介词夹在名词之间构成成语:精品.Day after day year after yearOne after another one by oneLittle by little side by sideStep by step face to faceArm in arm hand in handHand i

21、n glove hand over fistHead above water head over heelsDay to day day by dayDay before yesterday day after tomorrowHeart in ones mouth heart-to-heart3) 还有一些成语包含两个介词:From beginning to end from bad to worseFrom time to time from head to footFrom morning to night from start to finishFrom door to door fr

22、om top to bottomFrom place to place from hand to mouthFrom generation to generation from cover to cover4) 此外,“be+形容词+介词”也是一类成语:Be found of be full ofBe interested in be keen onBe confident in be short ofBe sick of be proud ofBe loyal to be ashamed ofBe worried about be allergic toBe satisfied with b

23、e aware ofBe sympathetic with be capable ofBe famous for be curious about关于各介词短语和成语动词的用法可参阅现代英语用法词典(外研社出版)。16.3.3介词的后置前已说过,介词一般须放在名词之前,但在下列情况下,则常后置(常在全句或分句或从句之末):1)介词宾语为疑问词时。如:What are you talking about? 你们在谈什么?Where are you from? 你是哪里人?What for? 为什么?在间接疑问句和感叹句中介词亦可后置。如:I dont know what you are talk

24、ing about. 我不知道你们在谈什么?(间接疑问句)What a jolly mess I am in! 我所处的局面多么糟啊!(感叹句)2)介词宾语为关系代词或缩合连接代词时。如:Do you remember the book which the teacher referred us to? Thats what he is talking about? 那就是他所谈的事。注在正式文体中,介词亦可放在疑问词、关系代词、连接代词之前。如:With whom did you go? 你同谁一道去?This is the book from which I got the story.

25、这就是我从中读到这个故事的那本书。From what I hear, he is a good swimmer. 我听说,他是个优秀的游泳运动员。(from what I hear是一固定词组,from须置于what之前)3)在其它情况下。如:“Theres nothing to be afraid of,” Mother said. “没有什么可怕的,”妈妈说道。It is a fact that here I could not find one garbage can to throw trash in. We helped the troupe avoid the kind of tr

26、ouble it had met with elsewhere. 我们帮助这个剧团避免了它在别处遇到过的那种麻烦。(介词with在此并不位于句末)I will try to get it over with as quickly as possible. 我一定尽快地把它结束。(to get it over with是一固定说法)精品.16.3.4介词的省略现代英语在某些情况下看来一种省略介词的趋势。1)省去as,如:I consider him an expert. 我认为他是一位专家,(him之后省去as,现在一般认为不应用as)2)省去at,如:What time did you arr

27、ive home? 你什么时候到家的?(what前省去at)It is hard work keeping the grass green this time of year. (this time前省去at)3)省去by,如:I sent the letter airmail. 我将此信由航空寄出。(airmail前省去by)I want to go economy. 我要节约。(economy前省去by)4)省去from,如:Illness prevented him going. 疾病使他未能成行。(going前省去from)Cant you stop the child getting

28、 into mischief? (getting前省去from)5)省去in,如:I had started a schoolboy diary the same year I entered the Latin School, in 1928. 我作为学生记日记是我于1928年进入拉丁学校时开始的。(the same year前省去in)They have recruited few new barbers the past three years. 在过去三年中,他们很少补充新理发师。(the past three years前省去in)有些动名词之前常省去in,如:I have been

29、 some time answering this question. (answering前省去in)He showed his appreciation for her assistance helping him practice English. 他对她帮他练习英语表示感谢。(helping前省去in)6)省去of,如:The Pacific Ocean is so big that it could hold twenty countries the size of the United States. 太平洋很大,它可以装得下20个美国那样大的国家。(the size前省去of)W

30、hat colour is it? 它是什么颜色?(what前省去of)He plunged out the doors. 他冲出门口。(美国英语out=out of)6)省去on,如:The police arrested him on an assault charge the evening of November 18. (the evening前省去on)He meant to go hunting. 他意欲打猎。(hunting前省去on。现今也有语法空认为go是连系动词,hunting是表语)7)省去to,如:He never failed to show the traditi

31、onal respect due Prof. Lin.(due后省去to)The reception accorded the精品. book has been very gratifying.(accorded后省去to)9)在列举一系列名词时,介词可省去,以免重复,如:When youre lying without moving, you suddenly get an itch on the shoulder, the head, the back. 当你躲着一动不动时,你会突然感到肩上、头上、背上一陈搔痒。但在下面句子中由于强调介词of,故须重复:He was guilty of vanity, of several meannesses. 他有虚荣心,干过好几桩卑劣的事。下面一句中连词and前后的介词不同,故一般皆不可省略:Dr. Sun has agreed to be an adviser to and member of the board of the college. 注在某些现成说法中,介词的宾词亦可省略。如:Have you put the kettle on? 你把水壶放在炉子上了吗?(介词on后省去the fire)When do you go off? 你什么时候休息?(介词off后省去duty)如有侵权请联系告知删除,感谢你们的配合!精品


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