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1、. Unit8 Topic2 Section C 导学案学习目标: (1)能读懂有关旅游的短文,并找出相关信息完成预习任务 (2)能讨论旅游和相关的事项学习流程:Step1,自学导学 预习并完成下列短语: 为.做准备_ 和某人分享、共享_ 乐趣_ 衣服_ 携带,拿,提_ 决定做某事_ 有危险的_ 呆在某个地方_ 呆在那儿_ 单独,独自_ 远离_ 高山_去旅行_ 和某人一起旅行_ 呆在太阳下太久_应该做某事_ 不应该做某事_你应该计划你想去哪儿_你应该戴一副地图并决定你想参观什么_Step2,交流合作2, finish 1c,work in pairs,Tell your partner wha

2、t you have learnt from the passage with the help of the information I 1b.Step3,展示激励 (1)ask three groups to let a student explain or say out some new words.(2)the other three groups explain phrases and difficult sentences.(3)finish2a,then write a letter to Kangkang to give him some suggestions.(要求用上s

3、hould,shouldt,had better do sth./had better not do sth.)Step4,深化引领 Teacher explain some difficult phrases and sentences (1) the trip to sp. 去某地的旅行 eg, the trip to Wuhan (2) should be +形容词 eg, 应当小心_ (3) where you want to go/what you want to visit (4) danger名词,危险;dangerous 形容词,危险的; safe 形容词,安全的 (5) Yo

4、u shouldnt stay in the sun too long. Stay in sp. 呆在某地 eg, Well stay in Beijing for five days. Stay there 呆在那儿 stay here 呆在这儿Step5,巩固提高: (1)单项选择 精品.(2)句型转换 Unit8 Topic 2 SectionD导学案学习目标: (1)能够正确多的书写明信片(2)总结动词不定式词组的用法(3)继续讨论旅游的话题学习流程:Step1,自学导学Read through Section A-C and pay attention to the underlin

5、ed part of each sentence below(1) want/plan/ wish/hope/would like to I want to go to Canada. / I plan to go to Australia. I wish to travel around the country and take some pictures. I hope to get together with them. Id like to visit some places of interest in China.(2) functions What places should I

6、 visit in Yunnan. You should visit Dali and Lijiang.What should I take with me? You should only drink safe water.精品.Dont go to dangerous places.You shouldnt stay in the sun too long.Youd better take a camera, a pair of sunglasses, a map and so on.You shouldnt swim alone.(2) do the following tasks an

7、d check(part 1)Step2,交流合作 根据下列话题讨论Maria的旅行 (1) Who did Maria go to Sichuan with?(2) How did Maria travel there?(3) How long did Maria stay there?(4) What places of interest did she visit?(5) How were the people in Sichuan?(6) What does Maria think of the food there?(7) How was Marias trip?Step3, 展示激

8、励 (1) 汇报讨论的上述问题(2) 明信片的书写Step4, 深化引领 (1)How are you doing?=How are you? (2) arrive in+大地方, arrive at+小地方 get to sp. 均可表达“到达某地”但是:到达这儿、那儿/到达家里 则要说成 arrive here/there/home或get here/there/home (3)be different from 与什么不同 Eg, The weather in Beijing is different from that in Hainan in winter. (4) 那儿的人们、那儿的食物、那儿的天气:the people there/the food there/the weather there (5) Please give my love to your parentsStep5, 巩固提高 精品. 如有侵权请联系告知删除,感谢你们的配合!精品


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