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1、.Unit6 A PE lesson 第一课时一、教学内容:PartA二、教学目标:1. 掌握单词、词组foot (feet), time, turn, left, right, hand, leg, follow, order, line, exercise, up and down, stop, lie, lie on ones back, back, lift up, touch, with, everybody2. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型Put on , Touch with 3. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语Stand in a line. Lets do some exer

2、cise. Now, listen carefully. Jump up and down. Do this times. Now, stand up everybody.三、教学重点让学生掌握Put. on. Stand in a line. Lets do some exercise. Now, listen carefully. 等祈使句,理解指令用语的含义并做出相应的动作。四、教学难点1.正确区分 left, right.2.能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。五、教学具准备及辅助活动:多媒体课件六、教学过程Step 1. Warming-up.1. Greetings

3、.T: Hello, boys and girls. /How are you today?/Nice to see you, everybody.T: what day is it today? What subject do you like?T:I like running and jumping, so I like PE, too. Boys and girls, do you like PE?Ss: Yes,we do. Today well learn Unit6 A PE lesson.(揭题)齐读课题。Step 2. Presentation and practice1.T:

4、 I like PE, so I like doing some exercise every day.Its good for our healthy.(呈现:exercise/ do some exercise 做锻炼,尤其注意exercise 的读音。)T: Shall we do some exercise now?Ss: All right.T: Lets do some exercise.Stand up, everybody!Left, left, right, right,Run, run , run fast,Jump, jump, jump high Good. Stop

5、, everybody! (师一边说一边带领学生做运动)T: Wonderful!Here are some new words。Lets learn them。Please read after me:(同时教授:left, right, everybody, stop)T: Well done, boys and girls! 同学们做得可真棒!做完了热身运动,让我们来认识一下我们的身体吧。Please say after me. head, hand, legs, foot (feet).这几个人体部位,你记住了吗?老师现在来考考你,请你根据我所指的部位,迅速说出单词。T: Now, l

6、ook at me. Where are my hands now? Yes, they are on my head. I put my hands on my head.Boys and girls, can you put your hands on your head? Good! Now, follow me: Put on Put your hands on your head (带读)T: Now, listen carefully. Put your hands on your legs/feet.T: 怎么样?你都做对了吗?Now, please read after me.

7、 (带读以上句子)T: 同学们,刚才我们认识了一些人体部位,再来看看,我们脸上有哪些器官呢? Yes, we have two eyes, two ears, a nose, a mouth and a lot of hair. Now, lets play a game: Listen and touch!(教touch)Touch with 请你用手来触摸你听到的部位。Show me your left hand. Show me your right hand. 下面听清楚了,老师要你用哪只手来触摸。T : Are you ready? Lets begin!Touch your mou

8、th with your left hand. (中文)你做对了吗? 跟读句子Touch with 提示:请同学们注意了,在中文里,我们先说用什么部位,而在英文中,我们要先说触摸什么部位,清楚了吗?再来试试看。Touch your left ear with your right hand. 跟读句子下面,就请你和同桌也来互相发一发指令吧。(操练句型Touch with )精品.Step 3. Learn the dialogue.1. T: Now, boys and girls. Look at this young man. Whos he? Do you know? Hes Mr Ma

9、. Hes a PE teacher. What are Mr Ma and his students doing? Lets listen!(播放引言)教order, give orders, follow, try to follow the orders2. T: What orders are Mr Ma going to give?马老师将会发出什么样的指令呢?Lets watch the cartoon together. (播放课文动画) 看图片,马老师都发出了哪些指令呢?让我们一起来学习一下吧。 Stand in a line. (line) Lets do some exer

10、cise. (exercise) Put your feet together. Jump up and down ten times. (time)现在,就请你自己把这些指令读一读吧。Now,lets try to read the orders.3. T: Next ,what orders are the students going to do?接下来,学生们又将做什么练习呢(出示第二个图片)这一次,马老师请同学们做了什么呢?你能说说看吗? Put your hands on your head and turn left and right. Do this ten times.(t

11、urn, turn left and right)3. T: Good,stop。The next orders are very difficult。最后,同学们又要做什么高难度的练习了呢?Lets go on watching. (出示第三个图片)Lie on your back. Lift up your left leg and touch it with your right hand. Then lift up your right leg and touch it with your left hand. Do this ten times.(lie, lie on ones b

12、ack. lift up)How do the students feel at last? 最后,学生们都觉得怎么样?Yes, they are very tired.4. T: Mr Ma gives lots of orders,can you read them?自由读5. T: Good! Now lets listen and repeat. 现在,让我们打开书,翻到44页,跟读课文。Are you ready? 准备好了吗?Lets begin.(PPT出示课文内容,放录音学生跟读。)6. T: Now please read the text by yourselves. 现在

13、请你们自己来读一读课文吧!你可以和同桌分角色朗读,还可以边读,边做动作,把课文表演出来,试试看吧!精品.Step 4. Consolidation.1、T: Boys and girls, Can you give the orders now? Can you follow the orders? lets review。(PPT罗列本课主要知识点)Stand in a line.Lets do some exercise.Put your feet together.Jump up and down times.Put your hands on your head and turn le

14、ft and right.Do this times.Lie on your back.Lift up your left leg and touch it with your right hand.2、T: Can you remember these orders?Miss sun has other orders,Lets have a look。Everybody can give the orders at the next PE lesson。3、Daily EnglishReading is to the mind, While exercise to the body.读书健脑,运动强身。Step 5. Homework:1、做小小体育老师:回家后用所学内容帮你的父母或朋友上一堂体育课。如有侵权请联系告知删除,感谢你们的配合!精品


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