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1、Lesson 143,A walk through the woods,New words and expressions,1 surround sraund v.包围 2 wood wud n.树林 3 beauty spot 风景点 4 hundred hndrid n.百 5 city siti n.城市 6 through ru: prep.穿过 7 visitor vizit n.参观者,游客,来访者 8 tidy taidi a.整齐的 9 litter lit n.杂乱的东西 10 litter basket 废物筐,11 place pleis v.放 12 throw ru

2、v.扔,抛 13 rubbish rbi n.垃圾 14 count kaunt v.数,点 15 cover kv v.覆盖 16 piece pi:s n.碎片 17 tyre tai n.轮胎 18 rusty rsti a.生锈的 19 among m prep.在之间 20 prosecute prsikju:t v.依法处置,The usage of the new words,1 surround sraund v.包围 surrounding adj. 周围的,附近的 eg:the surrounding country近郊 surroundings n. (复数)环境,周围的

3、事物 2. wood wud n.树林 wood woods forest n. (复数)树林,森林(通常比forest小) 例:She got lost in the woods. 她在森林中迷路了。 n. (不可数)木材,木料 例:This house is made of wood. 这栋房子是木制的。,3 beauty spot 风景点 a beauty spot; (Am.) a beauty mark 美人痣 4 hundred hndrid n.百 four hundred hundreds of 数以百计的,几百的 thousand, million, billion,5 th

4、rough ru: prep.穿过 though / through; across / cross 6. visitor vizit n.参观者,游客,来访者 visit v. 浏览,参观 7. tidy taidi a.整齐的 untidy,8. place pleis v.放 place n. 地方 take place 发生, take the place of 代替 9. throw ru threw, thrown v.扔,抛 throw away 抛弃,丢弃,丢掉 throw at 砸过去 throw to 丢过去,10. rubbish rbi n.垃圾 garbage; tr

5、ash; litter; 11. count kaunt v.数,点 countable, uncountable,12. cover kv v.覆盖 discover, appear, disappear 13. piece pi:s n.碎片 a piece of , 14. among m prep.在之间 (三者,三者以上) between (两者)之间,Lesson 143 A walk through the woods,1I live in a very old town which is surrounded by beautiful woods. which is surro

6、unded by beautiful woods为定语从句 修饰town which指代town 从句用的是被动语态,“被所包围”。,2. It is a famous beauty spot. be famous(known) as / for 3On Sundays, hundreds of people come from the city to see our town and to walk through the woods. 简单句,to see our town and to walk through the woods为不定式短语充当目的状语, from the city作定

7、语修饰hundreds of people。,4Visitors have been asked to keep the woods clean and tidy. (1)被动语态的现在完成时 to keep the woods clean and tidy为不定式短语充当ask的宾语补足语。 (2)keep the woods clean and tidy也是复合结构,充当宾语补足语的是形容词短语clean and tidy。 拓展:keep在此处的用法:动词+宾语+补语。另外,可以用于该结构的供词一般还有make,get,keep,find ,wash等,宾语补足语一般是形容词。,5. L

8、itter baskets have been placed under the tree 被动语态的现在完成时 6 What I saw made me very sad. (1)句中的主语What I saw 是 what 引导的名词性从句。 (2)made这里的意思是:使存在;使发生。 (3)very sad.做宾语补足语。,5 Among the rubbish, I found a sign which said, Anyone who leaves litter in these woods will be prosecuted! (1)如果是牌子上,报纸上说什么,就如课文中那样可

9、以用say (2)“Anyone who leaves litter in these woods will be prosecuted!”是主从复合句,who引导的定语从句,修饰anyone。 anyone who任何的人。例:anyone who comes to the party is welcome. 该晚会来者不拒。 (3) will be prosecuted: 被动语态的一般将来时,Key structures,1. I lived in a very old town which is surrounded by beautiful woods. 2. On Sundays,

10、 hundreds of people come from the city to see our town and to walk through the woods. 3. Visitors have been asked to keep the woods clean and tidy. 4. What I saw made me very sad. 5. I found a sign which said, anyone who leaves litter in these woods will be prosecuted!,被动语态(2) 上一次介绍了被动语态的一般现在时和一般过去时

11、形式,这里介绍其现在完成时和一般将来时形式: (1)现在完成时形式: has/have + been + 过去分词: The basket has already been emptied. 篮子已经被腾空了。 They have already been invited. 他们已被邀请。 (2)一般将来时形式: will/shall +be +过去分词: The floor will be swept soon. 地不久就会扫的。 The knives will be sharpened soon. 刀不久就会磨的。,Written exercises,B 模仿例句回答一下问题 Hasnt

12、anyone opened the window yet? Someone has opened it. It has already been opened. Hasnt anyone opened the windows yet? Someone has opened them. They have already been opened.,C. 模仿例句回答一下问题 Hasnt anyone opened the window yet? It hasnt been opened yet. It will be opened tomorrow. Hasnt anyone opened the windows yet? They havent been opened yet. They will be opened tomorrow.,


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