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1、Lesson 141 Sallys first train ride 单词学习 excited adj. 兴奋的 get on 登上 middle-aged adj. 中年的 opposite prep.在对面 curiously adv.好奇地 funny adj. 可笑的,滑稽的 powder n. 香粉 compact n. 带镜的化妆盒 kindly adv. 和蔼地 ugly adj. 丑陋的 amused adj. 有趣的 smile v. 微笑 embarrassed adj. 尴尬 Q1: What was Sally invited to do? Q2: How was th

2、e lady dressed? Q3: How did Sally look at her? Look, listen and answerLook, listen and answer 课文讲解 Last week, my four-year-old daughter, Sally, was invited to a childrens party. 1. four-year-old 是名词 daughter的定语。各词用连字符连在 一起,构成一个复合形容词。注意在这个复合词中名词必须 用单数形式,而不用复数:如: a thirteen-year-old girl 一个13岁的姑娘 a fi

3、ve-year-old boy 一个五岁的男孩 a three-meter-tall tree 一棵三米高的树 an 800-metre-long bridge 一座800米长的桥 2. was invited to 被邀请去,这是一个被动语态的句子 我被邀请参加颁奖仪式。 I am invited to the award ceremony. I decided to take her by train. 3. decide to do sth 决定去做某事 非谓语 我决定开始学习法语。 Ive decided to learn French. Sally was very excited

4、because she had never travelled on a train before. 4. excited adj. 兴奋的(修饰人) excited people 激动的人们 exciting adj. 使人兴奋的,刺激的(修饰物) an exciting book 非常有趣的书 他听到那消息很激动 He was excited to hear the news. 他们等待激动人心的事情发生 They waited for something exciting to happen. 5. because 连词,引导原因状语从句 我不干,因为我不喜欢。 I wont do it

5、, because I dont like it. 6. on a train=by train She sat near the window and asked questions about everything she saw. 定语从句 7.ask questions about 对提出问题 8.everything she saw 她所看到的一切 =everything that she saw Suddenly, a middle-aged lady got on the train and sat opposite Sally. 9. middle-aged 形容词+名词+ -

6、ed,构成形容词相当于 with介词短语 a long-faced man =a man with a long face 一个长脸的人 a big-eyed girl= a girl with big eyes 一个大眼睛的女孩 a hand-made coat 一件手工制作的上衣 a large-eyed boy 一个大眼睛的男孩 a long-legged girl 一个长长腿的姑娘 10. get on the train 上火车 反义词get off get in 上小汽车 反义词get out of sudden Suddenly, a middle-aged lady got o

7、n the train and sat opposite Sally. 11. opposite 1)prep. 在对面 那女服务员站在我对面 The waitress stood opposite me. 2)adj. (位置)对面的(立场,性质等)相反的,反 对的 他站在那条街的对面 He stood on the opposite side of the street. 我们办公大楼在银行的对面 Our office building is opposite to the bank. sudden “Hello, little girl, she said. Sally did not

8、answer, but looked at her curiously. 12. curiously,修饰动词 1)adv. 好奇地 小男孩好奇的看着他的妈妈打开箱子。 The little boy watched curiously as his mum opened the box. 2) 奇怪地 说来奇怪,他似乎己经知道我们下一步怎么做。 Curiously, he seems to have known what we would do next. curious adj. 好奇的,强烈的 小孩子对周遭的事情感到好奇。 Children are curious about everyt

9、hing around them. be curious to do 极想. 我极想知道他在信中写些什么。 Im curious to know what is written in his letter. The lady was dressed in a blue coat and a large, funny hat. 13.funny adj. 可笑的,滑稽的 fun-ny 昨天晚上我听到一个非常有趣的笑话。 I heard a funny joke last night. 14.be / get dressed in +服饰或颜色 (=wear, have on) 穿着 在那个年代,

10、人人都穿蓝色或绿色的衣服。 In those years, everyone was dressed in blue or green. dress oneself:自己穿衣服 My little son can dress himself. After the train had left the station, the lady opened her handbag and took out her power compact. 15. power compact:粉盒 16. take out 拿出,取出 学生们拿出课本,开始阅读。 The students took out thei

11、r textbooks and started reading at the station She then began to make up her face. 17. begin to do: 开始做某事,begin-began 18. make up 化妆,打扮 make- made 我们赶到的时候,演员们还在化妆。 The actors were making up when we arrived. Why are you doing that? Sally asked. 19.doing that=making up your face 对比过去进行时 To make myself

12、 beautiful, the lady answered. 完整说法 I made up my face to make myself beautiful.(to表示目的) She put away her compact and smiled kindly. 20. kindly adv. 和蔼地,修饰动词 他待我亲切。 He treated me kindly. 他好心开车送我回家 He kindly drove me home. kind:adj 和蔼的,友善的, be kind / kind+ 名词 Its very kind of you. He is kind to us. 21

13、.make sth./ sb.+形容词: 使. My friends always make me happy. 22.put away 放在一边,收起 他收好书,起身走了。 He put his books away, stood up and left. But you are still ugly, Sally said. Sally was amused, but I was very embarrassed! 23. ugly adj. 1)丑陋的,难看的 现在他把一个丑陋的石雕头像挂在大门上。 Now he puts an ugly stone head over the gate

14、. 2)不愉快的,讨厌的 24. amused adj. 有趣的,表示(人表情等)愉快, 用于sb. +be+ amused. amusing adj. 好笑的,好玩的,有趣的,常用于修饰物 去年我有过一次好笑的经历。 I had an amusing experience last year. amuse v. 使(某人)快乐,逗乐 But you are still ugly, Sally said. Sally was amused, but I was very embarrassed! 25. embarrassed 尴尬的,窘迫的,主语是人,用于 sb. +be+embarrass

15、ed. 在那一刻,他觉得非常尴尬。 He felt so embarrassed at that moment. embarrassing 使人尴尬的,窘迫的,主语是物 或修饰物 Its kind of embarrassing. PhrasesPhrases 四岁 一位中年妇女 在某人的对面 穿戴着 拿出/ 取出 化妆 / 打扮 粉盒 往脸上施胭脂/ 抹粉 把自己打扮漂亮 收拾好,收起 决定做某事 1. four-year-old 2. decide to do sth. 3. a middle-aged lady 4. opposite sb. 5. be dressed in 6. ta

16、ke out 7. powder compact 8. make up make up ones face 9. make myself beautiful 10.put away PhrasesPhrases 1. four-year-old 2. decide to do sth. 3. a middle-aged lady 4. opposite sb. 5. be dressed in 6. take out 7. powder compact 8. make up make up ones face 9. make myself beautiful 10.put away 一位中年妇

17、女 在某人的对面 穿戴着 拿出/ 取出 化妆 / 打扮 粉盒 往脸上施胭脂/ 抹粉 把自己打扮漂亮 收拾好,收起 决定做某事 四岁的 Last week , my four-year-old daughter, Sally, was invited to a childrens party . 被动语态: be + V过去分词 Focus on grmmarFocus on grmmar 被动语态 English is spoken by the most people in the world. The Great Wall was built by Chinese people. The

18、tress were planted by students. What is it? 英语动词有两种语态: 主动语态 被动语态 A:主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者。 We planted the tree. B:被动语态表示主语是动作的承受着。 Tree was planted by us. 被动语态结构:be+过去分词(+by.) 主动语态变被动语态解题步骤: 1.找宾语-即动作的承受着 2.判断宾语的单复数-即be动词的单复数 3.判断动词的时态-即be动词的时态 4.修改谓语的时态-即原句动词改为过去分词 5.修改原句的主语-即by+主语 We cleaned the classroo

19、m yesterday. The classroom was cleaned by us yesterday. (1)一般现在时的被动语态 : am/are/is +过去分词: The room is aired regularly. 这个房间定期通风。 The knives are sharpened regularly. 刀定期磨。 (2)一般过去时的被动语态 was/were +过去分词: She was dressed in red. 她身穿红色衣 服。 The windows were opened this morning. 窗户今早是开着的/被打开了。 (3)英语中表达感情的动词

20、通常可用 于被动式, 这些动词如:amuse, embarrass, worry, surprise, interest, upset等: She is embarrassed. 她感到尴尬。 They were worried. 他们感到担忧。 Sally was amused. Sally was very excited. I was very embarrassed. 把下列句子变成被动语态。 1.They plant trees every year. Trees_ _by them every year. 2.Somebody cleans the room every day.

21、The room_ _every day. 3.John answered all the questions. All the questions_ _by John. 4.We call him Xioa Wang. He _ _Xiao Wang by us. 5.Somebody airs the room every day. The room_ _every day. 6.Li Lei mended the bike. The bike_ _by Li Lei. 7.I took mamy photos last summer. Many photos _ _by me last

22、summer. 8.They write my name down on the paper. My name _ _down on the paper. 把下列句子变成被动语态 1.My husband dropped some coins. 2.My mother does the housework every day. 3.He spent all the money yesterday. 4.He broke the glass. 5.We often use the machine. 6.People throw rubbish everywhere. 7.We planted a

23、 lot of trees last year. 8.He airs the room every morning. 9.Mike drew the picture just now. 10.People grow cotton in the south of China. Lesson 142 Lesson 142 Someone invited Sally to a party.Someone invited Sally to a party. Sally was invited to a party .Sally was invited to a party . Active Someo

24、ne cleans the windows every week . Someone cleaned them last week . Passive The windows are cleaned every week . They were cleaned last week . 1. People often invite me to parties . 2. Someone invited me to one last week I _I _ _ I_I_ _ am often invited to parties . was invited to one last week . 被动

25、语态: be + V过去分词 Focus on grammarFocus on grammar ActivePassive 3. Someone paints our house every year . 4. Some people painted it last year . 5. People often overtake him on the road . 6. Someone overtook him a minute ago . Our house _ _ It _ _ He_ _ He_ _ is painted every year . was painted last yea

26、r . is often overtaken on the road was overtaken a minute ago . Focus on grammarFocus on grammar ActivePassive 7. Someone waters the flowers every day . 8. Someone watered them yesterday . The flowers _ _ They _ _ are watered every day . were watered yesterday . Focus on grammarFocus on grammar How

27、do they feel ? How did they feel ? Rewrite the sentences like the example . 1. Someone embarrassed her . 2. Something worries me . 3. Something excited him . 4. Something amuses them . She_ I_ He_ They_ was embarrassed . am worried . was excited . are amused Focus on grammarFocus on grammar Answer t

28、hese questions about yourself with complete sentences . 1. Are you ever worried ? If so, why ? _ _ 2. When were you last embarrassed ? _ _ 3. Whose party were you last invited to ? And when was it ? _ _ Yes, I am . Because I always have much work . I cant remember when I was last embarrassed. I was

29、last invited to my friends party at five p.m. on Sunday March 6th,2010. No, Im never worried . I was last embarrassed on July 5th, 2009. Focus on grammarFocus on grammar 用括号词的适当形式填空。 1.The lady_in a large funny hat.(dress) 2.After school, he _away his book and went home.(put) 3.This key_(use)for loc

30、king the door.(锁门) 4.The bridge_(build) by themselves in 1980. 5.Sally was_because she never travelled by plane.(excite) 6.The girl is_(worry). 7.My car is checked(检查)_.(regular) 8.The plates_yesterday.(wash) 9.Tom was_at the station yesterday.(meet) 10.The door is_every day.(clean) 把下列句子变成被动语态 9.Th

31、ey listened to the teacher carefully. The teacher_ _ _carefully by them. 10.People grow rice in the south of China. Rice_ _in the south of China. 11.Jack broke my watch yesterday. My watch_ _by Jack yesterday. 12.I invited all my friends to my party. All my friends_ _to my party by me. 13.He often i

32、nvites me to his party. I _ _ _to his party by him. 14.The workers built the bridge last year. The bridge_ _by the workers last year. 15.He speaks English in the morning. English_ _by him in the morning. 16.Granny told us a story last night. We_ _a story by granny last night. 17.They sell shoes in t

33、his shop. Shoes_ _by them in this shop. 18.His mother made a big cake. A big cake_ _by his mother. 19.My father gave me a toy a Christmas. I _ _a toy by m father at Christmas. 20. More and more farmers buy colour TV sets. Colour TV sets_ _by more and more farmers. 把下列句子变成被动语态 1.My husband dropped so

34、me coins. 2.My mother does the housework every day. 3.He spent all the money yesterday. 4.He broke the glass. 5.We often use the machine. 6.People throw rubbish everywhere. 7.We planted a lot of trees last year. 8.He airs the room every morning. 9.Mike drew the picture just now. 10.People grow cotto

35、n in the south of China. 辨别下列句子中be的用途:构成时态,构 成语态,构成系表。 1.My mother is hardworking and kind. 2.Sally was invited to a childrens party. 3.Sally was happy. 4.My car is repaired regularly. 5.A cigarette was given to him. 6.The lady was making up her face. 7.I was very sad. 8.The classroom is cleaned eve

36、ry day. 9.My sister is tall and thin. 10.My father is reading a book. 11.Rice is grown by farmers. 12.I am having a holiday now. 13.My shirt is often washed. 14.His sister is washing her face. 15.My blouse is pink 16.Tom is often helped by me. 17.Tommy is always careful. 18.That mechanic is very dirty. 19.The flowers were watered. 20.The old man is crossing the road now.


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