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1、读后续写场景类句子积累自然场景1.夜幕降临 darkness fell2.天气寒冷 The day was bitterly cold3.天空蔚蓝,阳光明媚The sky was blue and the sun was shining 4.大雨倾盆而下 It was pouring really hard5.皓月当空 The moon was shining brightly in the sky6.天空繁星密布 The sky was dotted with stars7.云散开了,太阳出来了The clouds parted and the sun shone 8.山丘沐浴在阳光下9.

2、The hills were bathed in the sunshine10. 风越来越大,天空开始乌云密布The wind was getting up and it was becoming cloudy 11.浓雾笼罩着整个大地 The thick fog blanketed the field12.夜里一点声音都没有,只有萤火虫还醒着,小心翼翼的在夜空里织着一幅画 .Theres not a single sound at night.Only the glowworms were still awake,carefully weaving a picture in the nigh

3、t sky.13.不远处有一条小溪,在绿油油的两岸间潺潺流动。14.晴空万里,火热的太阳晒得我后背发烫Blue skystood tall and far,and the sun was searing my back.15.阳光下河面波光粼粼 .The river glitters in the sunshine.16.月亮在天空中好像一盏夜灯,闪烁的星好奇地眨着眼睛Likea lamp,the moon shone fromabove.The starstwinkled their eyes with curiosity.社会场景1. 整 个 教 室 一 片 安 静 Silence spr

4、ead across the classroom2.整个教室安静了下来 Silence fell in the classroom3.这是在学校的最后一天,整个班级非常难过It wasthe last day of school.The whole class was enveloped In sadness.4.老师 讲完故事后,教室里爆 发出阵阵掌声 .The teacher having finished the story,claps burst out from the classroom.5.同学们争前恐后地发言 All the students were trying to ge

5、t a word in.6. 他 尴 尬 得 涨 红 了 脸 His face flushed with embarrassment.情绪类句子翻译练习1 听到这个消息,她陷入极度的悲伤之中Hearing the news, she fell into deep sorrow2 他一看到熟悉的字迹, 便热泪盈眶 At the sight of the familiar handwriting,tears welled up In His eyes3 看到信的结尾,她再也抑制不住内心的悲伤,潸然泪下 Seeing the ending of the letter,she could not co

6、ntain her sorrow and tears rolled down her cheeks4 一想到这个,她嘴角露出了久违的笑容At the thought of this ,theres a long- expected smile across her lips5 一走进屋里,他的心就沉了下去His heart sank when stepping into the room6 在回家的路上,爸爸紧紧地拉着我,眉头紧皱On our way back home,my father held me tightly,wearing a big frown7 难过但不恐惧,他决定要改变这一

7、切Heartbroken but fearless,he decided to turn everything around8 我笑了,回想起这学期开始那个尴尬的一刻I smiled and flashed back to the embarrassing moment at the beginning of the term、9 当他意识到父亲为他付出了多少爱的时候,一股暖流涌上心头 A warm current welled up in his heart themoment he realized how much love his father had devoted to him10

8、 他身心俱疲11 旁观的人们欢呼起来,她开始喜极而泣The on-looking crowd cheered and she began to shed tears of joy12 他回到房间,眼泪不由自主地流了下来He returned to his room,tears rolling down beyond control13 他羞愧难当,满脸通红,趁人不注意溜了出去His face flaming with shame ,he stole out without being noticed14 突然,他羞愧得哑口无言Shame suddenly silenced him15 当她得知

9、自己被录取的消息时, 她无法掩饰内心的兴奋之情 Heard of her admission, she could not concealher excitement16 他感到很激动,立刻拿出手机,迫不及待地告诉他的朋友这次经历He was so excited that he immediately took out his cell phone and couldnt wait to tell his friend about the experience或 者 Feeling excited,he instantly took out his phone,eager to tell h

10、is friends the experience.17 当他认真倾听时,一股悲伤涌上心头 A surge of sadnesswelled up as he listened attentively.或者 As he listened carefully, a sadness poured into his mind18 我安静快乐耐心地看着太阳描绘出崭新的一天Iwas quietly,joyfully and patiently watching as the sun painted a brand-new day.19 这副画让我落泪, 因为我想起了我对爸爸来说是多么的重要 The pa

11、inting brought tears to my eyes as I remembered how important I was to my father20 听到爸爸要带她去迪斯尼的消息,她欣喜若狂 She was overjoyed at the news that her father was taking her to Disney或者 She went wild with joy at the news that her father would take her to the Disneyland21 她的声音中明显地透露着开心 There was obvious pleas

12、ure in her voice动作类句子翻译1.老师满意地点了点头,朝他竖起了大拇指The teacher nodded with satisfaction and thumbed up at him2 她用轻微颤抖的手打开了礼物She opened the gift with her hands shaking slightly3 在这学年剩下的时间里,我全身心地投入到学习中I devoted myself completely into study for the rest of the school year.4 别无选择,我只能举起课本,希望把自己隐藏起来Having no choi

13、ce, I slowly raised the book ,hoping to hide myself.5 当我讲故事时,她会把头枕在胳膊上,眼睛盯着我She would lay her head between my arms, with her eyes on me as I told her stories.6 母亲拥抱着我,低声安慰我My mother hugged me , whispering to comfort me.7 我躺在床上,关于父亲的回忆涌上心头Memories of my father flooded back when I lied in bed.8 她坐在那儿,

14、眼睛盯着电视屏幕She was sitting there, staring at the TV screen或 She sat therewith her eyes glued to the TV screen9 她站在原地,陷入沉思,好像明白了什么.She stood still, lost in thought, as if she had understood something.10 他走到她面前,帮她擦去脸上的泪水He stepped forward to her and helped her wipe the tears off her cheeks11 父亲拍着我的肩膀, 鼓励

15、我永远不要放弃自己的梦想 My father patted me on the shoulder , encouraging menever to give up my dreams或 Patting on my shoulder,my father encouraged menever to give up my dreams12 听到呼喊,邻居们冲了出来,想知道发生了什么Hearing the cry, the neighbors rushed out to know what had happened或 Hearing the cry, outrushed the neighbors,t

16、ryingknow what had happened13 天寒地冻,他走在上学路上,瑟瑟发抖Itwasafreezingday, hewasonhiswaytoschool,trembling from head to toe.14 没有多想,他收拾好野营装备直奔树林Without any hesitation,he packed up his camping gear , heading straight to the woods15 她看到眼前的景象,惊呆了,嘴巴张得大大的She was astonished at the sight, her mouth wide open She w

17、as numb with shock at the sight,with wide openmouth主旨类句子翻译:.世界总会给有梦想的人开路。The world always makes way for dreamers.每个人都是自己命运的建筑师Everyone is the architect of his own fate.苦难是磨炼人的好机会Suffering is a good opportunity to cultivate people . 事实上,每个人都有天赋。发现它的时候要勇敢,也要付出努力。 最终,你会创造奇迹。 In fact, everyonehas talent

18、. Be brave when you find it and work hard. In the end, youll create miracles .战胜恐惧和实现目标需要决心和乐观。Fighting fear and achieving goals require determination and optimism. . 生命就是充满欢笑和泪水的。只有同时接受两者,我们才能享受生活。 Life is full of laughter and tears.Only by accepting both can we enjoy life.有时候一些小小的善行也能带来巨大的改变Someti

19、mes a little kindness can make a big difference. . 有时候 ,一些小小的关爱也能融化人们内心的孤单。 Sometimes a little love can also melt peoples inner loneliness. . 一个小小的善行,无论是对施予者还是接受者,都是一份祝福。 A little good deed is a blessing to boththe giver and the receiver. .永远不要低估你的行为的力量。Never underestimate the power of your action.高

20、考续写真题句子翻译真题一 jane 在森林中迷路1 远处动物的嚎叫声和呼啸的风声加剧了她的恐惧Her fears were heightened by the whistling wind and howls of animals in the distance或者 The howl of animals and the whistling wind in the distance added to her fear2 她擦干眼泪,不断安慰自己, Tom 一定会想尽办法来救我。逐渐的,她睡着了She wiped away her tears , constantly comforting he

21、rself ,Tomwouldcertainlytryhisbesttosaveme.Gradually ,she fell asleep3 突然,她发现一架直升飞机朝她的方向飞来,便拼命 挥舞着 黄 衬衫 求 救, 希望 里 面的人 能看到 她Suddenly finding a helicopter approaching her,she waved her yellow blouse wildly for help,hoping someone in it could spot her或者Suddenly she found a helicopter flyingin herdirect

22、ion and waved her yellow shirt desperately for help, hoping the people inside could see her4 她一看到 Tom 就跑过去抱住他,喜悦和如释重负的感觉一下子涌上心头As soon as she saw Tom, she ran to him and hugged him,with joy and relief rising up her heart5.Tom 轻轻地抚摸着她的脸颊并向她道歉,她也保证再也不会因为小事而闹脾气了Tom gently touched her cheek and apologiz

23、ed to her, and she promised that she would never lose her temper again with nothing serious.参考范文第一段 But no more helicopters came and it was getting dark again.Scared and helpless 既害怕又无助 ,she walked around,trying to find a temporary shelter临时的避难所 for the night.(动作、心理描写)Slowly,the sun hid himself behi

24、nd the mountainsand it was hard to see anything(环境描写) . Her fears were heightened by the whistling wind 呼啸的风 and howls of animals 动物的嚎叫 in the distance,but she still couldnt find a suitableplace.(环境描写、心理描写)Physically and mentally exhausted 身心疲惫 ,she finally sat by a tree and held her shoulders in he

25、r arms to make herself warmer (.动作、心理描写)Inthedarkness,she wipedaway her tears ,constantlycomfortingherself:Tom wouldcertainly try his best to save me. Gradually ,she fellasleep(动作、心理描写)第二段 It was daybreak when Jane woke up.After struggling to stand on her feet and cheering herself up for a while,she

26、 ate berries and drank some water from the stream and continued to look for the way out.Suddenly, finding a helicopter approaching her,she waved her yellow blouse wildly for help,hoping someone in it could spot her.To her great joy,she was eventually noticed and brought into the helicopter.She retur

27、ned to where Tom waited.As soon as she saw Tom, she ran to him and hugged him,with joy and relief rising up her heart. Tom gently touched her cheek and apologized to her, and she promised that she would never lose her temper again with nothing serious.心理活动:一喜乐1 The smile on her face shone like a dia

28、mond.她脸上的笑容像钻石一样闪闪发光。2. Her eyes twinkled with pleasure. 她的眼睛闪烁着快乐。3. She was wild with joy. 她欣喜若狂。4. She was pleased beyond words /description.她高兴得无以言表。二愤怒1. He was seized by anger.他充满了愤怒。2. His anger boiled over.3. His voice trembled with anger.他的声音因愤怒而颤抖。4. He glared at me with burning eyes.他用灼热的

29、目光瞪着我。5. His face clouded with anger.他生气得脸色阴沉三悲伤1. He stood silently,with tears tolling down his cheeks.他默默地站着,眼泪顺着脸颊流下来。2. She felt like she was floating in an ocean of sadness.她觉得自己好像漂浮在悲伤的海洋里。3. Hearing the news, so desperate was he that he drowned sadness in wine. 听到这个消息,他绝望得把悲伤淹没在酒中。4. The news

30、 cast a cloud of gloom over his face. 这消息使他脸上蒙上了一层愁云。四害怕1. Fear slowly creeps upon her. 恐惧慢慢地蔓延到她身上。2. Her face turned pale and stood there tongue-tied. 她的脸变得苍白,站在那里舌头打结。3. Fear flooded over him.恐惧淹没了他。4. She shook all over , feeling like sitting on pins and needles. 她浑身发抖,如坐针毡。吞吞老师动作描写语料补充1一 head 头

31、部动作1. His head drooped and tears fell onto his lap. 他的头垂下来,眼泪落在他的膝盖上。2. He fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. 他头一碰到枕头就睡着了。3. So anxious/scared Tom that he trembled from head to toe. 汤姆着急 /害怕得从头到脚都发抖。二 face/cheek脸部动作1. His face suddenly grew serious. 他的脸色突然变得严肃起来。2. He came to her with a

32、 very long face. 他摆着一副臭脸来找她。3. She rested her cheek on his shoulder. 她把脸颊靠在他的肩膀上三 eye1. The dog s hungry eyes fell on his sandwich狗.饥饿的眼神落在他的三明治上。2. His eyes scanned the room as he entered当.他走进房间时,他的眼睛扫视了一下房间。四 mouthHis jaw dropped when he saw the phone bill. 当看到电话账单时,他极为惊讶。五 handHe clenched his fis

33、ts , his face burning with rage.他攥紧拳头,满脸怒火His palms were sweaty, knees weak and arms heavy.他手掌出汗,膝盖发软,双臂沉重。六 heartTouched by such a warm scene,her heart melted.被这样温暖的一幕感动,她的心融化了。Just follow your heart and you will be happy.只要跟随你的心,你就会快乐。He took the teacher s advicert. to hea他把老师的建议放在心上。Her heart beg

34、an to beat wildly. 她的心开始狂跳。Those words made his heart skip a beat.那些话使他的心跳漏了一拍。 (惊喜,紧张,害怕)七 fingerShe raised up a finger to her lip to ask for silence.她举起一根手指到嘴唇上,要求安静。She cried, pointing an warning finger at him.她哭了,用警告的手指指着他。吞吞老师动作链句型句型一A ,BandC拦车 +上车 +告诉司机目的地She hailed a taxi , got into it and to

35、ld the driver her destination.拿出肉 +瞄准狼 +扔出去He pulled out the meat, aimed at the wolf and threw it straight to the fierce animal他掏出肉,瞄准狼,直接扔向这个凶兽句型二非谓语 +主干 +非谓语Having fought in the war for years , the soldier returned to his home , only to find his wife had gone with someone else. 打了很多年仗后,这名士兵回到了他的家,

36、结果发现他的妻子和别人跑了。Having queued for 3 hours , he was told that the tickets had been sold out. 排队 3 小时后,他被告知票已经卖完了。Having passed the exam, he was so happy that he was at a loss what to do. 通过考试后,他非常高兴,不知所措。吞吞老师动作面句型:一非谓语 +主干 +非谓语Standing beside the empty road, they looked up into the sky, feeling the pre

37、cious peace from within. 站在空旷的道路旁(肢体),他们抬头仰望天空(面部) ,从内心感受着这珍贵的平静(内心) 。Encouraged by the teacher whispering , ” I volunteer s words, she raised her hand, ”.在老师的话的鼓励下,她举起手,低声说:“我来 ”。二主干 , 非谓语 and 非谓语He was wild with joy,singing and dancing in the rain. 他欣喜若狂,在雨中又唱又跳。吞吞老师情绪描写:Seeing an ax piercing thro

38、ugh the door, She felt a great sense of horror welling up in her heart and surging through her.看到一把斧子破门而入, 她感到一种巨大的恐惧感在内心升腾、奔涌。Feeling a great sense of jealousy welling up in her heart and surging through her,She threw a can at the woman.感到一种巨大的嫉妒感在内心升腾、 奔涌 ,她朝那个女人扔了一个罐子。a great sense of可以升级为 a mixture of A and B a mixture of excitement and nervous又兴奋又紧张


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