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1、Teaching Plans for Unit 8 Section B 2a-2eLearning aims:* Key words and phrases:Thanksgiving, traditional, autumn, traveler, England, celebrate, mix, pepper,fill, oven, plate, cover, gravy, serve, temperature , at this timetosbforsth , cut.into, cover.with,fill.with,celebrate by,mix together,Target l

2、anguage:, give thanksserveto,It is always on the fourth Thursday in November.It is a time to give thanks for food in the autumn.Most Americans still celebrate this idea of giving thanks by having a big meal at home with their family.The main dish of this meal is almost always turkey, a large bird Fi

3、ll the turkey with this bread mix.Cover it with gravy.Cut the turkey into thin pieces.* Improve students integrating skills: reading skillsTeaching procedure:1. Warming up:Watch the video about the history of Thanksgiving in the United States (6 mins)T: What s the date today?S: Its December 10 th .t

4、husuallycelebrateitby havinga big meal together.It s a specialday forme.When is your special day? How do you usually celebrate it?Ss try to say it like this:_isaspecialdayformebecause_.Icelebrateitby_.T: Are there any special holidays in China? Ss try to answer:The Spring Festival, The Lantern Festi

5、val, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-autumnT: These are traditionalholidaysinChina.What traditionalfood do Chinese eaton theseholidays? How do they celebrate these holidays?2. Lead in:T: How about Americans? Are there any special holidays in America? Here s a picture. What is it? Predict: What are we goin

6、g to read?S: We are going to read about Thanksgiving Day.T: What do you know about Thanksgiving?It s a traditional holiday for Americans.How do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving?Americans celebrate Thanksgiving by having a big dinner at home with family.3. Reading:1) T: Fast reading:Read quickly and

7、find the main idea of each paragraph. (1 min)Para 1 : The introduction of ThanksgivingPara 2: Making a turkey dinner2) T: Careful reading(Para. 1) :Readslowlyand answer T or F: Find the sentenceshave toin thedo withthe statementspassage.1.Allcountriesusuallyhavetraditionalfoodonspecialholidays.()2.

8、Thanksgiving Day is to remember the first travelers.()3. On Thanksgiving Day, American people get together on a big square (to give广 )thanks.()4. A turkey is almost always the main dish on American Thanksgiving.()Answer the questions about ThanksgivingWhereWhen?ThanksgivingWhat/eatHowWhat/eatWhy3) C

9、areful reading (Para. 2)T: What do we need to make a turkey dinner?Ss give answers: turkey, bread pieces, onions, salt, pepper, gravy, plate, ,knife, ovenT: Number the picturesSs give the answers by saying the phrasal verbs:1. mix together 2. fill with 3. put in and cook 4. place on and cover with5.

10、 cut into Ask students tosay the instructions for making a turkey dinner,pictures, withFirst,. Then, , Next, , When it is, . Finally,according to theWhat to eat? TurkeyHow to make it?First , mix togetherNext , fill with 2354andThen, put in andFinally ,cut andintocookeat When , place on4) Finish 2d.

11、Here are the instructions for making a turkey dinner written in a different way. Put them in order. Write First, Next, Then and Finally.5) Retell the whole passage according to the mind map.maappd mMiinndMspecialA _ dayIn the United StatesWhere ?_.When ?.The fourth Thursday in NovemberWhy?A time to

12、give thanks for the life andfood in the autumn.How to celebrate?These days, theycelebrate it by having .Thanksgiving DayFirst ,mix together. Next ,fill with.Then,put in and cook .When it is ready,/After that,place on cover with .Finally ,cut into andeat with.4. Groupwork:Introduce one of the traditi

13、onal holidays in China, using the mind map.When?When?ThanksgivingWhat/eatHowWhat/eat5. Homework:Writea shortpassage abouta specialfestival.(DragonBoat Festival,the SpringFestival, Mid-autumn Festival)Thanksgiving in the United States教学反思温岭市实验学校杨丹蕴这节课的教学重点设计符合学生认知水平,学生学习中把握重点准确及时,针对重点训练能够及时达标。 这节课是八年

14、级上册第八单元的阅读课,这篇阅读Thanksgiving in the United States是关于美国的感恩节以及感恩节的传统实物火鸡制作的内容, 阅读材料内容丰富, 包含了历史文化知识并涉及到有关实物制步骤的拓展。我设计了两个重点,一是Howto make Thanksgivingturkey.学生通过阅读,将图片编号是针对这一重点的任务之一,2d, 在简略做法前加First, Next, Then, Finally是针对性的又一任务。二是了解Thanks-giving的文化习俗,这里我只引导学生对中国传统节日和传统食品,与西方传统节日和食品对比配对,在感恩节的话题上,我引导学生了解了

15、美国人感恩节的感恩对象,感恩理由,同时很自然地联想到To give thanks to the people who you loveor who love you.这个班的学生发言不是很踊跃,这节课的表现基本令人满意。 在学习这一单元时,学生对这一单元内容掌握比较好,兴趣也还浓厚, 学生对中外节日兴趣浓厚,对感恩节了解不是很多, 这节课在感恩节的习俗和文化方面,学生能够通过学习这节课的内容,了解这方面的内容。基于以上学情分析, 我确定了这节课的教法, 以学生阅读任务驱动为主, 学生阅读感悟,对比中外传统习俗,进一步增强对民族文化的认同感和自豪感。教学过程第三步生词学习, 在教学实际中没有时间, 鉴于学生预习在先, 学生在学习中没有障碍。 但是在最后拓展部分, 由于时间关系, 没有能给学生在谈论传统节日及制作实物方面留足时间,关于端午节粽子的制作没有学习和了解,非常遗憾。我反思Careful reading( Para. 1 )的回答问题环节应该作适当取舍,因为这个练习有点难度,超过了下一步的回答有关Thanksgiving的 5 个questions 。还有课后的 2d 练习本来可以选择本节课不做,这样给学生拓展练习会留出更多的时间。


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