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1、考点1 名 名 的数词人称代 2 代 物主代 词 (形)物主代 (名)固定搭配3 冠 最高 前词基本用法固定搭配4 介词.四年高考语法填空考点归纳考 (2017卷 ) This trend, has had some unintended side _ (effect)such as overweight and heart disease the very thing the medical communitywas trying to fight. (effects)(2017卷 ) It ran for just under seven kilometers and allowed pe

2、ople to avoidterrible _ (crowd) on the roads(crowds)(2017卷 ) She has turned down several _(invitation)to star atshows in order to concentrate on her studies. (invitations)(2016卷 ) The nursery team switches him everyfew _ (day) withhis sister(days)(2015卷 ) dark waters of the LiRiverthat are pictured

3、by artistsin somany Chinese _ (painting). (paintings)(2014卷 ) for most of us the _ (change) are gradual (changes)(2016卷 II) Recent _ (study)show that we are far more productive(studies)(2017卷 ) However,the railwayquicklyprovedto be a great success andwithinsix months, more than 25,000 people were us

4、ing _ everyday.(it)(2016卷 ) On my recent visit, I help a lively three-month-old twin that hadbeen rejected by _ (it) mother. (its)(2015卷 )I d been at home in Hong Kong, with_ (it) choking smog.(its)(2014卷 II)“Did anyone lose a suitcase at the last stop?” A woman on the busshouted,“ Oh dear!It s(I).(

5、mine)”(2017卷) As _ result, people will eat more food to try to make upfor that something missing. (a)(2016卷 ) whileoneis being bottle-fed,_other iswithmum-she never suspects. (the)(2014卷 ) this river is one of _most outstanding examples of(the)(2015卷 II) The adobe dwellings( 土坯房) are admired by even

6、 _most modern architects and engineers. (the)(2017卷 ) Thisincludeddiggingup the road,laying thetrack andthenbuilding a strong roof over _top. (the)(2017卷 ) Instead, she is earning ?6,500 a day as_ model in NewYork. (a)(2016卷 II)Give your body and brain a rest by stepping outside for _while, exercisi

7、ng(a) (2017卷 ) and allowed people to avoid terriblecrowds on theroadsabove as they travelled to and _ work. (from)(2016卷 )But my connection with pandasgoes back _my days (go back to)(2015卷 )For those who fly to Guilin, it s only an hour awaycar (by)(2016卷 II)Mostofusare more focused _ourtasks inthem

8、orning (on)(2015卷 II) _ the same time, they warm up again for the night. (At)(2014卷 II) When the bus finally came, we all hurried on board. I got a placenext _ the window, so I had a good view of the sidewalk. (to)(2017卷 ) This trend, which was started by the medical community (医学界 ) _a method offig

9、htingheart disease, has had some unintended;.基本用法并列 连5 词定 从句状 从句 从句语态6谓语时态( 一 般 过去 /一般 在时 )side effects such as overweight and heart disease(as)(2017卷 ) After school she plans to take a year off to model full-time beforegoing to university to get a degree _engineering or architecture. (in)(2016卷 III

10、)InIndia,most peopletraditionallyeat_theirhands.(with)(2016卷 III) especially the so-called “ ricebowl ”culturesof China, Japan,Korea, _Vietnam , food is usually eaten with chopsticks. (and)(2014卷 ) But the river wasn t changed in a few dayseven afew months. (or)(2014卷 II) There weremanypeople waitin

11、g at the bus stop,_some of them looked very anxious and disappointed. (and)(2017卷 ) Having enough fat and salt in your meals will reduce the urge tosnack(吃点心 ) between meals and will improve the taste of your foodLikeanything, it is possible to have too much of both, _is not good for thehealth. (whi

12、ch)(2017卷 ) But Sarah, _has taken part in shows along withtopmodels, wants to prove that she has brains as well as beauty. (who)(2016卷 )But goes back to my days , _I was the first Western TVreporter (when)(2015卷 ) seeking the li mestone mountain tops and dark waters of the LiRiver _ are pictured by

13、artists(which/that)(2014卷 )Maybe you have a habit _ is drivingyour family crazy.(which/that)(2016卷 III) the great Chinese scholar Confucius , _ livedfromroughly 551 to 479 B.C., influenced (who)(2016卷 II) So, try tobe as productive _possible before lunch.(as as possible)(2016卷 III) _the population g

14、rew, people began cutting food intosmall pieces (as 随着 /when 当 )(2015卷 II) the Pueblo Indians figured out exactly_ thick theadobe walls needed to be (how)(2017卷 ) Fat and salt are very important parts of a diet. They are requiredto process the food that we eat. When fat and salt _ (remove) fromfood,

15、 the food tastes as if it is missing something. (were removed)(2017卷 ) Steam engines_ (use) to pullthe carriages and itmusthave been fairly unpleasant for the passengers However, the railway quicklyproved to be a great success(were used)(2017卷 ) Sarah _ (tell) that she could be Britain s new supermo

16、del,earning a million dollars in the next year. Her father Peter, 44, wants her togive up school(was told /has been told)(2016卷 ) So it was a great honour to be invited I _ (allow) to getup close to these cute animals (was allowed)(2016卷 III)Trulyelegant chopsticks might _ (make)of goldandsilver wit

17、h Chinese characters. (be made)(2017卷 ) Later, engineers _ (manage) to construct railwaysin asystem of deep tunnels (隧道 ) whichbecame knownas theTube. Thisdevelopment was only possible(managed)(2016卷 III)Confuciusbelieved knives would remindpeople of killingsand_ (be) too violent for use at the tabl

18、e. (were)(2015卷 ) It was raining lightly when I_ (arrive) in Yangshuo justbefore dawn. (arrived)(2014卷 )In1969,the pollutionwas terrible.It_(be)unimaginable that it could ever be cleaned up. (was)(2014卷 II) A boy on a bike _ (catch) my attention. Hewas ridingbeside the bus and waving his arms. (caug

19、ht);. 去分 7 在分 非谓语 名 词不定式.(2017卷 ) Even worse, the amount of fast food that people eat goes up. Fastfood _ (be) full of fat and salt. (is)(2017卷 ) My dad thinks I should take the offer now. But at that moment,school _ (come) first. I don t want to get too absorbed in modeling.(comes)(2016卷 II) Leavin

20、gthe less important things until tomorrow _ (be)often acceptable. (is)(2015卷 ) Yangshuo_ (be) really beautiful. A study of travelersnames Yangshuo asAnd the town is (is)(2015卷 II)In the same time, they warm up again forthe night. This cycle_ (go) day after day. The wallswarm up during the day and co

21、oloff during the night and thus always a timelyoffset(抵消) forthe outsidetemperatures. (goes)(2016卷 )Iwas the firstWestern TVreporter_(permit) to film aspecial unit caring for pandas(permitted)(2015卷 ) A study of travelers_ (conduct) by the website TripAdvisor names Yangshuo as (conducted)(2015卷 II)

22、The adobe dwellings (土坯房 ) _ (build) by the PuebloIndians of the American Southwestare admired by. (built)(2014卷 II)There were many people waitingat the bus stop, and some ofthem looked very anxious and_ (disappointed).(2015卷 ) Abercrombie & Kent says it regularly arranges quick getawayshere for peo

23、ple _ (live) in Shanghai and Hong Kong. (living)(2014卷 )While thereare_(amaze)storiesofinstanttransformation (2016卷 III) People probablycooked their food in large pots, _ (use)twigs( 枝 ) to remove it. (using)(2017卷 ) Fast food is full of fat and salt;by _ (eat) more fast foodpeople will get more sal

24、t and fat than they need in their diet. (eating)(2017卷 ) This included digging up the road, _ (lay) the trackandthen building a strong roof(laying)(2017卷 )But unlike her school friends, 16-year-old Sarah is not spendinghalf-term _ (rest). (resting)(2016卷 )Myambassadorialdutieswillinclude_(introduce)

25、British visitors to(introducing)(2014卷 II) Still, the boy kept _ (ride). (riding)(2015卷 II)theirabilityto“ airconditiona”house without _(use) electric equipment. (using)(2014卷 II)Onemorning,Iwas waitingatthe bus stop, worriedabout_ (be) late for school. (being)(2017卷 ) Fat and salt are very importan

26、t parts of a diet. They are required_ (process) the food that we eat, torecoverfrom injury and forseveral other bodily functions. (to progress)(2017卷 ) But Sarah, who has taken part in shows along with top models,wants _ (prove) that she has brains as well as beauty. (to prove)(2014卷 )It tookyears o

27、f work _ (reduce) the industrial pollutionand clean the water. (to reduce)(2015卷 II)Whena newday breaks, the walls are nowcold enough_ (cool) the house during the hot day. (to cool)(2014卷 II)I heard a passenger behindme shoutingto thedriver,but herefused _ (stop) until we reached the next stop.(to s

28、top)(2016卷 II) If you find something you love doing outside of the office, yoube less likely_ (bring) your work home. (to bring)(2016卷 III)Skilledworkersalso combinevarious hardwoodsandmetal_ (create) special designs. (to create);.副 ( 修 饰 动 、 形容 、全句 )8 词类转换形容 (作定 、表 、 补语 )名 作表语名 (作主 、宾语 )比在 than 前9

29、较级 并列一致关 副 10 其他 疑 句祈使句(2017卷 ) Steam engines were used to pull the carriages and it must havebeen _ (fair)unpleasant for the passengers, withallthe smoke andnoise. (fairly)(2017卷 )Itis_ (certain) funbutthe lifestyleisa little unreal.(certainly)(2016卷 )Iwillbe theirUKambassador. The titlewillbe_(off

30、icial) given to me at a ceremony in London. (officially)(2015卷 ) it _ (regular) arranges quick getaways (regularly)(2014卷 ) The river was so polluted that it _ (actual)caught fireand burned. (actually)(2016卷 II) if we take short breaks _ (regular). (regularly)(2016卷 III)Foodinsmall pieces couldbe ea

31、ten easilywith twigs which_ (gradual) turned into chopsticks. (gradually)(2015卷 II) Walls made of adobe take in the heat from the sun on hot days andgive out that heat_ (slow) duringcoolnights,thus warning thehouse. (slowly)(2014卷 II) the crowd of strangers _ (sudden) became friendlyto one another.

32、(suddenly)(2017卷 ) However, be _ (care) not to go to extremes. (careful)(2017卷 )The CentralLondonRailway was one ofthe most _(success) of these new lines(successful)(2014卷 ) Just be _ (patience). (patient)(2015卷 II) As _ (nature)architects, the Pueblo Indians figured outexactly howthickthe adobe wal

33、ls needed tobe to make the cycle work onmost days. (natural)(2016卷 ) But for tourists like me, pandas areits top _ (attract).(attraction)(2015卷 II) In addition totheirsimple beauty, whatmakesthe adobedwellings admirableis their _(able) to“ airconditiona”housewithout using electric equipment.(2017卷 )

34、Thisdevelopmentwas onlypossiblewiththe_(introduce) of electric-powered engines and lifts. (introduction)(2017卷 )She isdetermined tocarryonwithher_(educate).(education)(2016卷 II)Then,handlethe most important tasks firstso you llfeel a realsense of _ (achieve). (achievement)(2016卷 III)Confuciusinfluencedthe_(develop)ofchopsticks.(development)(2017卷 ) Even _ (bad), the amount of fast foodthat people eatgoes up. (worse)(2014卷 ) Finally, that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is_ (clean) than(cleaner)(2016卷 II) If you feel stressed by responsi


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