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1、高二英语下册Unit2教案 5The fifth period SpeakingStepRevisionCheck the students homework.Step Warming upT: Work in pairs to act out the dialogue on page 13. One plays as the role of Jane and the other plays the role of Susan. You are shopping in a supermarket.First let the students make a good preparation th

2、emselves. Then ask several pairs to act outthe dialogue before the class. In this part the, try to make the class get active.Step TalkingIf young people are too thin or too fat, it shows that they are not eating a balanced diet. Sothis exercise is to encourage the students to discuss how their diets

3、 may affect their qualityof life.( Divide the class into two groups: team A and team B.)T: Now team A will take the role o f the patient who is worried about being too fat and has gone to the doctor for advice. Team B will take the role of the doctor and advise the patient how to change his or her d

4、iet. Here are some useful expressions. Imagine what you will say to the doctor or patient. Discuss with your group members.Doctor PatientWhat s the matter? What should I do ?第 1页共 2页How long have you been like this? What seem to be the trouble?I think you ought to. Do you think you could give me som

5、e advice?Perhaps you shouldI suppose you had betterStep Speaking taskThis is the opportunity for the students to discuss their reaction to the information they havereceived. It allows students to have their own point of view and to practice explaining whythey think as they do.T: In the reading task

6、we have read two speakers arguments. Now itourisyturn to discusswhat you have heard at the meeting in groups of four. Two of ou argue for and two againstbuilding the restaurant. The following is useful to you. Please look at the table.I don t agree That s a good idea.I m afraid not Certainly/ Sure.Of course not. All right.I don t think so. No problem.Yes, I think so.Step Homework1. Review the sentence structures, new words and expressions.2. Imagine the old local restaurant has gone. What do you think should be built there. Present the advantages of your idea.第 2页共 2页


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