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1、Unit 12 Fact and FantasyWarming UpAsk ss two simple questions:Q1: Have you read any science fiction?Q2: If so, what s it and what have you learnt from it?If ss are interested in science fictions, the teacher may introduce to them the two books, 20000 Leagues Under the Sea and Around the World in 80

2、Days by Jules Verne.(refer to the teaching reference bood)ListeningBefore listening, teach ss the following words:sketchn. 概略;概要;大要distancen.距离; 隔in the distance 在 ; 方的trunkn.象鼻; 干;大箱;衣箱;monstern. 怪物;妖怪adaptv.(使)适 ;(使)适合Instruction : 1. Tell ss that they will listen to a dialogue between three peopl

3、e on a holiday trip. The first time, ask them to listen without taking any notes. Then ask them to look through the chart on P10 and make sure what information they need to get to complete the chart. For the second time, ask them to write down answers while listening to the tape. Next, check the ans

4、wers to Ex1 with ss.2. Let ss look at the questions in Ex2 for a while, and play the tape for the third time. After that, allow ss a few moments to prepare for the questions and finally check the answers.Speaking(omitted)Pre-Reading:In this section, you may ask ss for the answers to the questions if

5、 they are qualified enough.Or you may ask ss the following simpler questions instead.1. Who discovered electricity? -Benjamin Franklin2. How did he discover electricity?-By flying a kite to prove lightning and electricity are the same.3.Do you think electricity is important in our life?If so, why?-

6、Yes, because if there were no electricity, our world would become dark, many machines would stop and our life would become difficult 4. Who invented the steam engine?- /Thomas Savery/ Thomas Newcomen /James Watt.5. Where did the idea of the steam engine come from?- The phenomenon that the powerful s

7、team rising from a pot of boiling water threw up the cover.6. How did the steam engine change people slife?It is said that steam engines marked the start of the modern age.第 1页共 9页Before 19th century, the ships and trains were powered by steam engines.Reading一 The understanding of the PassageFirst,

8、ask ss to take a look at the title of the passage and guess what the text is about.( Jules Verne and his science fiction)Then allow ss 5-6 minutes to read the text and ask ss to divide the text into three parts and give the main idea of each part.Part1 (paragraph1) A brief introduction to Jules Vern

9、e.Questions for part 1:1. What was Jules Verne interested in ?-Botany, applied science and many other subjects.2. Why do people remember Jules Verne as the father of science fiction? It was Verne who laid the foundation of modern science fictionPart2 (paragraph 2-5) Tell us about 20,000 Leagues Unde

10、r the SeaQuestions for part 23. What is the sea monster that causes ships to disappear?- The submarine Nautilus.4. Describe the character of Captain Nemo- Hard, cruel as well as soft and gentle( contrarary)5. Do you think the Nautilus is great? And why?Yes. Because it has precious furniture, huge gl

11、ass windowsto give a view of theunderwater world. The ship is also strong and protected with thick iron plates. Whatsmore, electricityis used for light, heating,power and to defend the ship againstattacksPart3 (paragraph 6) Tell about Journey to the Centre of the EarthQuestions for part 36. In the s

12、tory of Journey to the Centre of the Earth, how do the two men manage go deepinto the center of the earth?- Find a secret road by reading an ancient document travel to Iceland through a chimney in a dead volcano through a narrow passage through layers of coal and marble reach a huge lake or undergro

13、und ocean through forests of mushrooms and plants cross the sea in a raft7. Do you think the two men enjoy the adventure into the earth? -sure.二 Language points of the passage.1. To make a living, Verne had to write and sell stories. To make a /one sliving = to earn a /one sliving 生He makes a good l

14、iving as an industrial designer. She earns her living by growing flowers.She lives by growing flowers.She lives on the money she makes by growing flowers.第 2页共 9页Sheep feed /live on( live by eating) grass.2. He spent many hours in Paris libraries studying botany, applied science and many other subje

15、cts.Apply (to) :to bring or put into use or operation使用;运用; 用Scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial production.Apply as much force as is necessary. apply for/to(正式以 面提出) 求;申 Iapply for the job today.They have applied to the school for the improvement of teaching equipment. apply ones

16、elf (to)致力于; 心于He has a lot of talent, but he won tapply himself ( to his work)3Jules Verne laid the foundation of modern science fiction.Lay the foundation of奠定的基 Ten years of research and observation laid a solid foundation of his new theory.His new theory was founded/ based on ten years of resear

17、ch and observation.4. He also suggested how inventions could be used in the future to allow man to do ( 学生翻 此句)翻 下列句子:May I suggest going there by train?I suggested to him that he should join the activities.What does the word “black”suggest to you?His tone suggested his indifference to the matter.Hi

18、s smile on the face suggested he was satisfied with his performance.5Dr Aronnax, his servant and a Canadian whale hunter set out to find the monster.Set out start off; set off 身;出 set out to do sth.= set about (doing) sth. 手做某事用 set about; set out或 set off填空He set _ washing his car. = He set _ to wa

19、sh his car.I llset _ to prepare supper. = I setll _ preparing supper.We all set _ for New York next Tuesday.They have set _ on a journey round the world.Do be careful with these fireworks, the slightest spark could set them _.6.Captain Nemo takes Dr Aronnax and his friends on a voyage across the oce

20、ans.Cf: voyage / trip/ tour/ journey/ travelVoyage: 水上或空中的航行Trip:常指短距离的旅行;常回到原出 地,不 方式或目的;有 也可代替表 途旅行。Tour:旅游 光;巡回旅行。常指 一系列地方后又回到出 地。Journey:一般指 和距离 的 路旅行。不含回到原出 地的意思Travel 数一般指“旅行”的抽象概念;指具体旅行 常用复数。用以上 填空:The journey/trip to Beijing will take us no more than five days.Our American friends are making

21、 a tour of Shanghai.第 3页共 9页During the voyage across the Atlantic we had bad weather.The Guangda Travel Agency has arranged everything for our trip/journey/travels to Eroupe.We went on a guided tour round the castle.7. The food aboard the Nautilus is all seafood.Aboard adv. 在船(飞机;车)上;上船;登机We went/cl

22、imbed aboard.= We went /got on board(the train/the ship/the aircraft) Prep.在船(飞机;车)上He was already aboard the ship. board v.= go on boardThe hijackers boarded the plane at New York airport.Cf: abroad. Adv.在国外;到国外He lived abroad for many years.8. They find themselves surrounded by colourful rocks, fi

23、shes, seashells and plants, all waving and moving slowly in the blue waters.此结构为独立主格结构:分词的逻辑主语不是句子的主语,而是主语以外的人或物,这时必须在分词前给其加一逻辑主语,这种带主语的分词结构为独立主格结构。此结构常做状语,表原因,条件,伴随等。Weather permitting, wellhave an outing tomorrow.The night being dark, she was afraid to go thereThe bell ringing , the children all s

24、topped talking.以下为复合结构做伴随状语:The prisoner was dragged in, (with) his hands tied up behind the back.He fell asleep, with the lamp burning.9 But at other moments you will find him gentle and weak, as when he cries about the lost lives of people drowned in ships that have sunk.= But at other moments as

25、when he cries about the lost lives of people drowned in ships that have sunk, you will find him gentle and weak.As prep . “象”,用于比较或举例。He is not as old as me.She is clever, but her brother is just as clever. 作为;如同I like her as a person, but I don t think much of her as a writer.Post -ReadingEx1 (omit

26、ted)Ex2. First help ss to understand the word paraphrase“ ”,which means to re-state sth. in words that are easier to understand.Then ask ss.for answers.2. While they are trying to survive the accident, they found they were right on top of the creature itself.3. His prisoners.For the rest of the exer

27、cises, please refer to the Teaching Reference Book.Language StudyWord Study第 4页共 9页Give ss two or three minutes to get prepared before you ask one or two ss to read aloud the passage with its blanks filled.Grammar : allow ss some time to get the exercises done and then check the answers with them.Su

28、pplementary material (see another separated piece of paper)Integrating Skills1. The comprehension of the readingLeading inIt spossible that youyou dlike to give ss a brief introduction to Mary Shelley and herfamous story of horror and science fictionFrankenstein.Mary Shelley came from a literary fam

29、ily and married one of the most famous Romantic poets of England Percy Bysshe Shelley in 1816. Mary is best known for her novel Frankenstein. It is a classic story of horror and science fiction, and has been made into films many times.Frankenstein is an example of medical or biological science ficti

30、on. Mary got her idea from a nightmare.Then lead in by asking ss the questions:As you know, with the help of modern biological technology, human beings can be cloned. Can you imagine how Dr Frankenstein created life and made a human body centuries ago?2. Get ss to read the passage and judge the foll

31、owing statements are true or false. .Dr Frankenstein thought he had a happiest childhood. (T) Dr Frankenstein wanted to learn the secrets of heaven and earth when he wasyoung. (T) Frankenstein found college education useful and practical.(F) Frankenstein was able to create life from dead matter beca

32、use he studied the structure of the human body and animals alive with careful attention and greatinterest.(T) For Frankenstein to create life and to build up a human body are both easy.(F) Frankenstein made a much larger man to show he was great.(F) Frankenstein was terrified by his own work.(F)3. L

33、anguage Points;I read allthe books I could findthatthrew lightupon these matters.Throw light on/upon使某事 地非常清楚; 加以 明,使人明白翻 下列句子:Can you throw any light on the problem?He promised to throw more light on his policies.The scientist threw doubt on the result.He threw himself into his work heart and soul.

34、= He put all his heart into his work.He threw off his clothes and jumped into the water for the dog.(=pull off)The apple threw out a nice scent.(give out)You shouldn t throw up a chance like that.(give up)第 5页共 9页 I would pioneer a new way, explore unknown powers, and unfold to the world the deepest

35、 mysteries of nature.Pioneer: v.开拓;开 ;开 This company pioneered the use of the silicon.n. 开拓者;先 ;先 He was a pioneer of heart transplant operations.Unfold :uncover; disclose揭开;展 One of the phenomena that attracted my attention was the 化 Page12;13 When I found this amazing power placed within my hands,

36、 I hesitated a long time thinking how I should use it.Amaze vt. fill with a feeling of great surprise or disbelief. 使大 吃惊;使惊 Your news amazes me.= I am amazed at your news.Amazing adj. 惊人的;了不起的What an amazing film!The new car goes at an amazing speed.Hesitate vi. To pause before taking an action or

37、making a decision.踌躇;犹豫Donthesitate when you re crossing the road.If you need any help, don thesitate to ask. (如果你需要什么帮助, 尽管 ,不要有什么 )Hesitation n. Without a moment shesitation, he jumped into the river after the child.Writing (omitted)GrammarWord Formation (构词法)英 有以下几种构 法:1 化:由一个 化 另一 :Water (名 )水wa

38、ter ( ) 水Shop (名 )商店 - shop( ) 物Noble (形容 )高 的noble (名 ) 族2 派生通 加前 或后 构成另一 :Happy unhappy- happiness3.合成:由两个或更多 合成一个 :Wood + cut = woodcut(木刻)Happy+go+ lucky- - happy-go-lucky (无 无 的)4截短法: aeroplane- planeadvertisement- adInfluenza- flu ( 流感 )5混合:breakfast and lunch- brunch(早午餐)motor + hotel = motel

39、 ( 汽 旅 )6 写:FBI ( 邦 局 )NATO (北 )第 6页共 9页前缀(主要引起词根意义的变化)词缀意思例词mis-表“错;误;坏”mistrust, misbelief,misunderstand;misguide mistake, misleadingEx-以前的;前任的Ex-president, ex-wifeDis-表否定或相反的意义Disable disagreedisadvantagediscontinuedishonest dislike disconnectsub表“下;低;亚;次”Submarinesubwatersubwaysubstandardsubcons

40、ciousunder“在下,不足”Underchargeunderseaunderwaterundergraduate undergroundover“太;完全;过度;Overall, overchargeovercoatovercome在上面的; 外面的; 越overtake overwork overfulloverdo过”Extra-“额外;以外;特殊”Extraordinary extra-nuclearinter“中间;相互”InteractioninterchangeinterchangeableinternationalRe-“重新;再”Retell redesign rewri

41、te reconsiderCo-共同Co-exist co-operate co-editorcounter反Counteractcounter-attackcounter-revolutionaryAnti-反对,防Anti-tankanti-clockwiseanti-Japaneseanti-fascistPre-预先,之前的Prewar pre-school pre-liberationPost-在 之后Postwar post-electionpost-graduateFore-预先;前Foretell forelegforeheadSelf-自动的;自我Self-service s

42、elf-correcting selfishSuper-超级;上层Superman supermarket supercourtTrans-跨越;移Transplant transaction transportSemi-半Semi-circle semi-final semi-conductorVice-副Vice-president vice-chairmanUni-单Unicycle unisexBi-双Bicycle bimonthlyTri-三Tricycle triangleMuti-多Multi-racial multi-national multilateralAuto-自Au

43、tobiography automobileUn-不;做相反的动作Unhappyuntrueuncomfortableundoundress unpackIn-不Informal inconvenient incorrectIm-不Impolite impossible immoralIr-不Irregular irresponsible第 7页共 9页il-不Illogical illegalNon-不;非Non-existent non-stop non-conductorDe-向相反方向发展Decode decentralize后缀1名词-er者 / 人 / 员Thinker pain-killer-or者 / 人 / 员Actor sailor conductor-ist者 / 人 / 员Marxist scientist dentist buddhist-ee者 / 人 / 员Employee trainee referee trustee-ess阴性Hostess actress waitress lioness-ianMagician musician technician physician-eseChinese Japanese Portuguese-antInhabitant contestant dependant-ismSocialism racism


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