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1、Unit 7 Living with disease孝感高中郑舒文 .单元教学目标技能目 GoalsTalk about deadly diseases and attitudes towards AIDS, cancer etc.Practise talking about an imaginary situationPractise supporting and challenging and opinionLearn to use the Subjunctive Mood(1):If I were you I wish I couldWrite a personal narrative

2、.目标语言功能句式词汇语法I think that , becauseFirst, One reason is thatFor example If we/they were to we/they could Perhaps, but what if/about ?Have you thought about ?What makes you think that ?Could you please explain?If I were you, I would as if I were1. 四会 quiz, false virus, via, blood mosquito, prevention

3、, persuade, defenceless, illness, treatment, available unprotected, sex, lack, proper, discourage, cheer, network, specialist, meaningful, boyfriend, identify, billionaire, stranger, weep, cell, chemical, radiation, fighter, contrary category2. 认读词汇deadly, imaginary, infect, transmit, route, donatio

4、n, Stacy, cocaine, heroin,immune, transfusion, visible, defensive, diagnose, Richards, sample, disrupt, contagious3. 词组die of, sufferfrom, cheer() up, a great many, on the contrary for the moment, free from4. 重点 persuade, illness, lack, discourage, cheer, identify, contrarySubjunctive Mood (1):If I

5、were you, I could/would I wish I could as if I were第 1页共 5页1 People who have not injected drugs do not need to get tested for HIV.2.It is safe to be friends with people who are living with HIV/AIDS. P49重3.For some, medicine can help keep them alive. As with most diseases anddisasters, the young suff

6、er the most.点4.The drugs that are available are much too expensive.5.Instead, she has decided to use the limited time she has left to do P51句6.The most dangerous thing is not knowing about the disease. P527.People think it a serious crime to attack defenceless children. P53子8.I will never forget tha

7、t 9.Cells either divide , making it difficult for the body to function properly.10. Living with cancer has made me realise P55 .分课时教案The First PeriodTeaching goals教学目 1. Target language 目 言a. 重点 和短 AIDS, drug, cocaine, heroin, smoking, drinking, in one s opinionb. 交 用 supporting and challenging and

8、opinion In my opinion,I think that , because First, One reason is thatFor example, If we/they were to, we/they could Perhaps, but what if/about ?Have you thought about ?What makes you think that ?Could you please explain ?If I were you, I would 2. Ability goals能力目 Enable the students to decide which

9、 of the four problems is the most serious and tell the other members why the problem is the most serious. Enable the students to talk about some serious problems in English and support and challenge an opinion with suitable expressions.3. Learning ability goals学能目 Help the students learn how to deci

10、de a serious problem.Teaching important points教学重点Let students learn to use the structures of supporting and challenging an opinion.第 2页共 5页Teaching difficult points教学 点How to challenge and opinion.Teaching methods教学方法1 Looking at the pictures ( individuals )2 Work in groups of four.( cooperative le

11、arning ) .Teaching aids教具准 A computer and a projector.Teaching procedures & ways教学 程与方法Step Greetings and Lead-inT: Good morning/afternoon, everyone.Ss: Good morning/afternoon, teacherT: Sit down, please. We often see programmes on TV and read stories in newspapers and magazines about persons who fi

12、ght against diseases. What do you think of them?Ss: They are unlucky but great.T: Who do you think so? Li Ying, give us your opinion.S: They are unlucky because the life is hard for them with diseases, and they may die earlier if they get some serious or even deadly disease. They are great because t

13、hey have courage to fight against the diseases and still try to make their life meaningful.T: Very good speech. Sit down, please. How many kinds of deadly diseases do you know?Ss: AIDS, cancersT: Yes. AIDS and cancers are two kinds of serious diseases. Today, we are going to learn Unit 7 living with

14、 disease.Step Warming upT: As we all know, AIDS is a kind of deadly disease. The government has paid special attention to its prevention and treatment. And some ways to spread the knowledge about AIDS have been used across the country. How much do you know about AIDS? Now, open your books on Page 49

15、. Here is and AIDS Quiz for you to check your knowledge about AIDS. First finish it individually. Then I ll provide the htriganswers for you. You can begin now.(A few minutes later, teacher shows the following on the screen and checks the answers with the whole class.)Step SpeakingT: OK. It s time f

16、or you to do some oral practice. Each group should choose one student to state your reasons.Ga:We think drinking is the most serious problem. One reason is that drinking too much is bad for our health. Many diseases are caused by drinking. The second reason is that sometimes drinking may ruin some i

17、mportant meetings, negotiations and so on. And the last one is that第 3页共 5页drinking can threaten our lives. It is reported that many traffic accidents are caused by drinking too much. So we think drinking is the most serious one.Gb: We don agreet with you . Have you carefully thought about smoking?

18、In our opinion,smoking is the most serious.Ga: What makes you think that Drinking isn t the most serious?Gb: You know, if you want to avoid unhappy events and accidents, you can just drink a little.And it is said that drinking properly can do good to health.Ga: But could you please explain the reaso

19、ns why you think smoking is the most serious?Gb: Medical research shows thatsmoking is the biggest enemy of lung cancer, becausecigarettes contain a lot of nicotine, which can make people ill. Besides, smoking not only doesharm to the person who is smoking , but also to people who take in the smoke

20、around him. And itis said that every year smoking persons caused a lot of fires ,which lead to many deaths and losses of possesses. So we think it the most serious.Gc: We don t think either of you is right. Drinking and smoking are just bad personal habits. Ifyou have a strong will, you can get rid

21、of them. And then you can avoid troubles. But AIDS is ahidden enemy. If a person doesn t knowgotheAIDShasand he offers blood, there will be a lot ofpeople who can be infected. In this way, many people will suffer this kind of incurable disease.And people can contract AIDS in other ways such as unpro

22、tected sex, birth, injection and so on.Gd: But if we improved our medical condition and treatments, we would find good ways tocure AIDS patients. And peoplewhohave gotAIDS havenormalmindsand can makecontributions to society for someyears. But Whatabout takingdrugs? As we know, drugs likecocaine and

23、heroin are disastrous substances. Once people take drugs, they will be addicted to itday by day. Even when they realize that they are wrong , they can t control themselves. They cando nothing but spend endless money on drugs until they have nothing left. And at last they willend up in terrible and u

24、nbearable death. Taking drugs not only can do harm to one s healthspirit, but the family, even society. So I think it is the most serious social problem.T: Very good. I enjoy your de bate. Besides these four problems. There are other ones in oursociety; can you give us other examples?Ge: We want to

25、say something about gambling. Although it is not amongthe most seriousproblems, it does great harm to persons and society. Gambling is the practice of risking money orpossessions on something that is uncertain, such as a horse race, card games, mahjong, and soon. It can bring people excitementby its

26、 unexpectedness, whileit can also trap people intochasing the losses and gaining moremoney. Therefore, gamblingwill cause many problems ifpeople don t pay attention. For example, it many cause fights or stealing if a person suffers a lotof loss when gambling. And veryoftengambling may break up famil

27、iesor cause other familyproblems, such as financial problem. And if a person sits there gambling fora long time, his第 4页共 5页health will break down. So I think gambling is also a serious problem.T: Yes, I quite agree with you. So we must also fight against these bad social problems besidesthe measu r

28、es our government are taking Don t think so?Ss: yes.Step ListeningStudents are asked to read the questions fast to find out the listening points first, then listen to the tape twice to answer the questions.T: Please open your books at Page 50. Before you listen to the tape, please read fast the ques

29、tions to find out the listening points. Pay more attention to these important points while listening.2 minutes laterNow, I ll play the tape twice. Please listen carefully and pay much attentionto the importantpoints. Notes making is helpful for you to remember eachof the importantpoints. While youre

30、ad, you d better make notes of the listening points like this:What kind of information to collect:How to deal with it:How to do the job:After listening twice, check the answers and explain some difficult listening points if necessary.Step Summary and HomeworkT: You all did very well in this class. N

31、ow let s look at what we ve done in this period. Firstwe ve had a quiz to check your knowledge about AIDS, which helps us know more about AIDS.Second. Weve discussed what is the most serious problem today. This not only makes us caremore about social problems, but also train our speaking ability. Th

32、ird, We ve listened to the tabout a disease detective at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, which helps us getsome knowledge about disease detectives and their work. What smore, we velearnt someuseful words and phrases. After class, please practise more and prepare for the next period. So much for today. Class is over. See you tomorrow.Ss: See you tomorrow.第 5页共 5页


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