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1、Unit 6I从方框中 一个恰当的 填入横 上.willmaylikelypossibleimpossible possibly1. It is likely that the housing conditions _ be greatly improved in the next few years.2. If you wear sunglasses, he _ not recognize you.3. It is _ that your request will be refused.4. I cant force them to carry out such a plan.5. I da

2、re say it is _ to persuade him to marry your niece.6. They are not _ to give up the chance of taking part in the international book fair.在空白 填入适当的 1.生病 _2.做的 _3.public transportation_4.maglev train_5.与往常一 _6.在未来 _7.网上 物 _8.做生意 _9.与混合 _10.与保持 系_11.search.for _12.smart card_13.喜 的生活_14.注意;留意 _参考答案:I.从

3、方框中 一个恰当的 填人横 上 1. will 2. may 3. possible 4. possibly在空白 填入适当的 1. get sick2. make forecast about3. 公共交通4. 磁 浮火 5. as usual6. in the future7. online shopping8. do business9. combine., with.10. keep in touch with11. 在 找12. 智能卡13. enjoy a. life14. pay attention to15.小心 _16.lead to_17.以方式 _18.与不同 _19.

4、程教育_20.实现 _21. 作好准 _22. 藏着;准 着;就要来到_23.通常,大体上,一般而言_24.同 地 _25.after all _26.transform.into._27.在 上_28.some day_5. impossible6. likely15. be careful about16. 通向; 致17. in the way18. be different from19. school on the air20. come true21. be prepared for22. in store23. in general24. in the same way25. 竟

5、26. 改 成, 化成27. on/over the phone28. 将来某天Unit 7I在空白 填上适当的 1. Harry got hurt in the basketball game yesterday He is now under (medical)_(治疗)in the school clinic.2. Dont let one failure _ ( 气 ) you, try again.第 1页共 7页3. Climbing a mountainin rainydays witha bag is on your back a _ ( 富有意 的 )experience.4

6、. I_ (识别 ) the jacket at once; it was my brother s.5. A _ (化学的 change takes place in any substance when it burns.6. He_ ( 服 ) her to go to school, even though she did not want to.7. After SARS we all realize that _ ( 防 ) is more important than cure.8. You arent wearing _ ( 适当的 ) clothes for this hot

7、 weather.在空白 填上适当的英 或者 1.感染,沾染上 _出,揭 _2. 掉,制服, 倒,停 ,倒塌,分解15.give sb a hug _16.行 仿佛 _3.keep.alive_17.整天 _4.死于 _18. 人做, 被做5.through birth_6.缺乏,没有,需要 _19.a great good many_7.health care_20.from one to another_8.much too(+ adj./adv )_21.阻止做 _9.too much(+n)_22.正相反 _10.全国 _the country23.for the moment _11

8、.suffer from_24.at any time_12.接触, 系 _25. 某人一个教 ;授 _13. 爱 滋 病 研 究 基 金 AIDS research26.to the fullest_14.找出, , 明 (真相等 ), 到,想参考答案:I在空白 填上适当的 :1. treatment3. meaningful5. chemical7. prevention2. discourage4. identified6. persuaded8. proper在空白 填上适当的英 或者 1. be infected with2. break down3. 使活着4. die of.5.

9、 一出生6. lack of7. 生保健8. 太9. 太多I 根据 意思完成句子10. across19. 多,大量11. 忍受,遭受20.从一个到另一个12. contact with21. keep sb/sth from doing13. funds for22. on the contrary14. find out23.暂时15. 抱24.在任何 候16. act as if25. teach sb a lessen17. all day long26.尽情地,完全 底地18. have sth/sb done Unit 81. _ (急救 ) is usually given to

10、 somebody by a doctor or a nurse.2. She_(溺死 ) in the river.3. He lay on the floor,_ ( 流血 ) profusely.4. These rules are intended to_( 阻止 ) accidents.5. _(确保 ) that you get here before midnight.6. The pile of papers couldnt _( 着火 ) by itself; someone must have set fire to it.在空白 填入适当的 1.着火 _2.关掉 _3.

11、颠 倒,乱七八糟第 2页共 7页_12.press on_念 _4. 住 _13.使 事 情 更 加 糟 糕 的20. 假几天 _5. 理, 付 _21.on the phone_6.stay calm_14.做的方式 _22.give up_7.代表 _15.roll over_23.prevent.from. _8.首先 _16.急救 _24.search.for. _9.on the way_17.心 病 _25.受 _10.mouth-to-mouth18. 掉, _26. 行急救 _way_19. 向表示敬意; 为庆27. 法做到某事 _11.用盖住 _祝 ; 为 纪从所 的 和 中

12、 填空:as if, keep in mind, kill, see, call for, burn down, prevent1. He is a happy-go-lucky man _ he has no worries and cares in the world.2. Its a great pity that none could _ that he was present at the spot when the accident took place.3. When she was shopping, she hadnt _ the fact that she had only

13、 $ 300 left in her purse, which was intended for a plane ticket to France.4. Did you see how that car nearly hit me? I might_5. We _ by heavy smog from seeing anything.6. College students_ doing whatever work they can find.7. He asked me to_ him at four oclock in the afternoon.8. The bed clothes cat

14、ch fire and the whole house may_参考答案:I根据 意思完成句子1. First aid2. drowned在空白 填入适当的 3. bleeding4. prevent5. Make sure6. catch fire1. catch fire2. turn off3. be upside down4. keep in mind5. deal with6. 保持冷静7. stand for8. first of all9. 在路上;即将10. 人工呼吸11. cover with12. 在上面13. make things worse14. a way of d

15、oing sth.15. 翻身; 16. do first aid17. heart attack18. burn down19. in honour of20. take a few days off21. 在 里22. 放弃23. 阻止24. 在 找25. get hurt26. give first aid27. manage to do sth.从所 的 和 中 填空:1. as if4. have been killed7. call for2. witness5. were prevented8. be burnt down3. kept in mind6. are seenUni

16、t 9I在空白 填上适当的 :1做笔 ; _5接近; 入; 接近;到达 (或 入、使用、2完全 同 _走 )的 利 _3更好地照 _6 展中国家 _4可持 性 展 _7 有坏 好 _第 3页共 7页8有很大区 _16用更好的方式_9与 _17尽快_10 束, 止 _18与 行比 _11 擦 洗 的 内 部 ; 去 除 ; 消 灭19开会 _20取得 步 _12因而死 _21按照 _13采取行 _22因 而感到吃惊_14下决心做_23 某人 (不 )做某事 _15写出的大 _根据 意思完成句子1 市民可以自由使用 。Citizens may_2 没有国 合作, 展中国家就不可能繁荣Without

17、 international cooperation, _3只有改 我 待 染的 度,我 才能 拯救地球。_can we save the earth.4直到河里的 都死了,我 才意 到 染有多 重。Not until all the fish died in the river_5正如我 所知道的那 ,随着日寸 的推移,越来越多的人在学 外 。Many people,_, are learning foreign languages with days going on.6很 然,她的 点与我 的不一致。It is obvious that her ideas are_7 然我 分手一段 了

18、,但他的 我 深深 心 。_, though we have been away from each other for some time.8制定了完美的 划之后,我 就要采取行 了。Having made a perfect plan, _,9 代医学在世界各国都 展很快。Modem medical science_ in the countries all over the world.10去西部工作以后,她 束了与日本的男朋友关系。She _ after her went to work in the west.参考答案:I在空白 填上适当的 1. take notes13. take

19、 action2. be all for14. be determined to do3. take better care of15. make an outline of4. sustainable development16. in a better way5. have access to17. as soon as possible6. developing countries18. compare., with.7. be bad/good for19. hold a meeting8. make a big difference20. make progress9. in har

20、mony with21. according to10. put an end to22. be shocked by11. wipe out23. advise sb. (not) to do sth.12. die from根据 意思完成句子1. have free access to the library2. developing countries cannot prosper3. Only by changing our attitude towards pollution4. did we realize how serious the pollution was5. as we

21、 know第 4页共 7页6. no longer in harmony with ours7. His words are strongly impressed on my memo8. we are to take actions9. is progressing rapidly10. put an end to the friendship with Japanese boyfriendUnit 10I在空白 填入一个适当的 l.吓得要命 _15.挑 _2.惊慌失措 _16. one thing. , another. _3. 立,直立 _17. spring to life_4. us

22、e for.18.清理 _5.引起某人注意 _19.省去, 漏,不考 _6.在山脚下 _20. turn round _7.没有出路 _21.到船上,在船上 _8.取;接;需求;要求 _22.跟着来,开始,上演 _9.使停止往前,往回走,折 , 住23.接 打 (指拳 ),(浪等 )反复冲 (船只 );_粗暴 待 _10. upon arrival_24. all of a sudden_11. give impression of _25. do for_12.点燃 _26. done for _13. with the kitchen fire still on _27.立即, 上 _14

23、.与其倒不如 _28.伸出,提供, 持,阻止,制止_用 文里学 的 填空1. The darker cloud _ him _ go outside and have a look.2. My mother _ my uncles attention _ the unusual sight.3. You are standing _that I cant hear you.4. Whether he dared go out alone _ courage.5. His behavior _ us _ that he was kind and helpful.根据 意思完成句子1SARS是有点

24、令人害怕,但我真的不害怕。SARS was _, but I was not really _2我朋友 他害怕得要死。My friend said he was_.3台 把屋 都吹走了。The typhoon _ the roofs _ their houses.4沙粒和 土被吹到空中。Sand and dust _ into the air.5那条爬行的蛇使他毛骨悚然。The moving snake_his_.参考答案:I在空白 填人一个适当的 1. be scared to death2. get into panic3. stand on end4. 当使用5. draw ones a

25、ttention6. at the foot of7. no way out8. call for15. pick out9. turn back16.一方面另外一方面10.一到达就17.复活11.感到18. clean up12. light up19. leave out13.厨房的火 燃着20.突然地14. more., than .21. on board第 5页共 7页22. come on25.照料;设法弄到28. hold out23. knock about26.精疲力竭24. 突然地27. all at once用课文里学过的词填空1. awoke, to 2. drew, to3. at such a distance 4. called for5. gave, the impression根据汉语意思完成句子1. a bit scary, afraid2. sacred to death3. pulled, off4. were swept up5. made, hair stand on end第 6页共 7页


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