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1、英语创新教案( Senior English Book 5)临清工业学校于小燕Module 2A Job Worth DoingThe First Period 第(一课时 )Tasks:1.Talk about “Jobs”and let the Ss know the importance of different kinds of jobs.2.Study the new vocabulary.3.Comprend the text “The Human Traffic Signal”and finish the questions based on it.4.Encourage the

2、 Ss to learn from the volunteer in the story.Key points:1.Discussions about“jobs”.2.Understanding of the text.Teaching methods: Explanation and PracticeTeaching aid: Pictures and Multi-media ClassroomTeaching procedures:Step1 Introduction1. Present the photos on P11.Work in pairs or groups to talk a

3、bout the photos. “What are the people in the photos doing?”2. Go through the vocabulary in the box.3. Describe jobs with them.4. Discussion: work in pairs.Say what sort of job you would like to do? Why?Step2 Pre-readingPresent the pictures on P12 and ask:“Do you think what the man is doing?”Step3 Re

4、ading1.Read the text and make sure what on earth he is doing there. ( Directing the traffic.)第 1页共 2页2. Finish Ex4 on P13 and Ex5 on P14 according to the text. (Work in pairs)Step4 DisscussionWork in pairs and disscuss:“Do you think his work is worth doing? And why? ” Step5 SummarySummarise the whole class and point out the key points.Step6 Homework1. Review what they have learnt today.2. Retell the story in their own words.3. Preview “Grammar”in this unit.第 2页共 2页


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