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1、高二英语人教版(下)教案集Unit11Pre-reading:1.Do you want to do research or start a hi-tech company?What kind of support and environment will you need?2.Why are scientific achievements important?3. Why do scientists spend so much time trying to achieve something?4.Do you know“ China s Silicon ValleyWhere is it?”

2、 ?A statue of a DNA molecule. It is the symbol of the Zhongguancun Scientific and Technological Garden.The numerals 0 and 1 represent the idea that Zhongguancun will rely on computer technology to develop itself.An office of a large enterprise in Zhongguancun.Fast-reading:Say True or False to the fo

3、llowing sentences.1.Zhongguancun is located in the southwest of Beijing.2.Zhongguancun was set up in the nineteenth century.3.Xiang Yufang didn t want to return to China because he wanted to work with the top scientists in his field.4.Later his friends persuaded him to come back .5.Zhongguancun has

4、a positive effect on business.T6. All the great achievements in the future will surely be born in Zhongguancun.7 Haidian District in Beijing is the centre for Chinese Academy of sciences and technology.8. Zhongguancun is the leader of China-tech industryhias Silicon Valley in the USA. T9.China s sci

5、ence and technology centre got started in the early 1980s and it became a special economic zone in the late 1990s. T10.Only those who studied abroad can find jobs in Zhongguancun.11. Most of the companies in Zhongguancun do business either on hi-tech or IT .12. Chen Chunxian was the first person who

6、 set up the science park of China.13 More than half of the people working in Zhongguancun have high degrees.T14. What has made Zhongguancun a success is the spirit of creativity and scientific skill. T Careful-reading:Choose the best answer.1.According to the author, Zhongguancun is home to _.AA.som

7、e famous research institutes and universitiesB.every ChineseC.all of the graduatesD.all private research institutes2.The science park got started _.BA.in the late 1990sB.in the early1980sC.in the early 1990sD.in the late 1980s3.What is NOT true about Zhongguancun ?DA.It is located in Haidian Distric

8、t, in northwestern Beijing.B.It was set up as a special economic zone in the 1990s.C.Most of its companies are doing IT business.D.It is not a good place for new companies.4.According to thereading, XiangYufangreturned toChina andopened a company in第1页共24页Zhongguancun because _.DA.he wanted to see m

9、ore of the worldB.he enjoyed working with the best scientists in his fieldC.he felt really comfortableD.he could enjoy his work and contribute to his country at the same time5.According to the graph in the passage, how many of the people who work in Zhongguancunhave a master s degree or above?BA.25,

10、000B.30,000C.35,000D.180,0006.Today there are _ IT companies in Zhongguancun. CA.more than 8,000B.less than 8,000C.more than 4,000D.less than 4,000Questions:(Detailed information)1.What kind of spirit has made Zhongguancun a success?It is the spirit of creativity and scientific skill that has made Z

11、hongguancun a success.2.What are the two mottos mentioned in the text for the park?One is “ Relying on science,technology,and knowledge to increase economic power.” The othis “ Encouraging pioneering work and accepting failure.”The main idea of each part.Part 1(para1-2):General introdution of Zhongg

12、uancunPart2(para3-7):Why Zhongguancun attracts more and more overseas Chinese.Part3(part8-9):The positive effect Zhongguancun has had on both business and science &the spirit of ZhonguancunRead the text carefully again and then do the word study of page5.Post-readingUse the Internet to find out more

13、 about Silicon Valley in the US and then compare the two areas.In which ways are they similar or different?Unit12Lead inWhen were the inventions in the pictures made?Picture 1:It was invented in the early years of the 20th century.Picture 2:Thomas Edison invented the light bulb in 1879Picture 3:In 1

14、769 James Watt built a steam-powered boat.Jules VerneBorn in:1828Died in: 1905Nationality:FrenchInterested in:theatreStudied :botany, applied scienceFamous novels: 20,000 Leagues under the Sea, Journey to the Center of the Earth, the Childrenof Captain Grant, the MysteriousIsland, 80 Days around the

15、 World .Fast Reading:Find the main idea for the following paragraphsPara.1The life of Jules Verne第2页共24页Para.2-5The film“ 20,000 Leagues Under the SeaPara.6The film“ Journey to the Center of the EarthTrue or False1. Verne had to sell newspaper to make a living when he was in Paris.2. Verne died at 7

16、7, with his dreams realized.3.The furniture on the Nautilu is precious and the food aboard is all sea food.T4.Captain Nemo is a very cruel man and no one likes him.5.The story Journey to the Center of the Earth is a science fiction.TTick out the right answers1. What did they see in the centre of the

17、 earth?()A. layers of coal and marble()B. boiling water from underground river()C. a huge lake or underground ocean()D. forests of mushrooms and plants()E. ancient sea creatures( )F. an ancient document in an old book( )G. some modern ships2. What is mentioned in the novel 20,000 Leagues Under the S

18、ea?( )A. Ships are disappearing is caused by a real monster.( )B. Captain Nemo decides to kill the three men.()C. Electricity is used for heating and power.( )D. They walk around under the sea without clothes.20,000 Leagues under the Sea1. How were they on board the submarine?disappear-setout-find-b

19、ethrownoverboard-survive-turnout-onboard-permanent guests2.What is mentioned about the submarine?Extraordinary-precious furniture-hugeglass windows-thick ironplates-all thatisneeded-electricity- The food aboard3. What did they do under the sea?dressed in-walk around-lighted by-surrounded by (r,f,s,p

20、)waving and moving slowlyJourney to the Center Of the Earth1.How did they begin the journey?decided to -a narrow passage-a chimney in an extinct volcano2.What did they do in the center of the earth?pass through layers of coal and marble-drink water from a boiling underground river-reacha huge lake o

21、r underground ocean-go through forests of mushrooms and plants3. What happened to them in the end?build a raft to cross the sea-are attacked by ancient sea creatures-be drawn into a faststeam-shot out of a volcano-Further understandingDescribe the character of Captain Nemo?greedy 婪的sympathetic? clev

22、er? brave? selfish?warm-hearted?cruel?greedy?Captain Nemo is the kind of person of whom it is difficult to say whether you like him or not. You第3页共24页Period 3:Para 6:may think he is hard and cruel, but he also has a soft and gentle side.What do the two men do in the adventure of going to the centre

23、of the earth?Pick out the main verbs in the description of the story.Main verbs:enter lead through pass through drink reach walk along go through build cross be attacked be shot outRetell the story in groups according to the verbs above.Discussion1.What things described in Jules Verne s books have c

24、ome true?2.What do you think is likely to come true in the future? Why?3.What do you think is unlikely to come true? Why?Integrating SkillsSkimmingWhat did Dr Frankenstein create at last?He had planned to create a larger human being but at last it turned out a living horror.ScanningNow please read t

25、he text again and discuss :How many periods ca n Dr Frankenstein s experimentbdivided?Three periods:Period 1(Para1Para3):He decided to create life from dead matter.Period 2(Para4Para5):He decided to create a larger human being than man.Period 3(Para6Para7):He succeeded in creating a creature, but a

26、living horror.Detailed ReadingPeriod 1:Para 1:What did Dr Frankenstein want to do when he was young?He wanted to learn the secrets of heaven and earth when he was young.Para 2:After he was sent to university, what did he think of the things taught at university?He felt them very disappointing and de

27、cided to pioneer a new way himself.Para 3:What attracted his attention?The structure of the human body and any animal that was alive attracted his attention.What did he discover?He discovered the cause of life and how to create life from dead matter.Period 2:Para 4:Although he knew how to create lif

28、e,what remained difficult work for him?How to prepare a body for it with all its muscles and organs still remained a difficultjob for him.Para 5: Why did he decide to create a larger human being than man about eight feet in height?Because the small size of the parts slowed down his speedHow did he c

29、reate a life form that looks like a human being?Please rearrange the following steps in the right order.1. He gained many materials from butcher shops and hospitals.2. He finished his work on a night in November.3. The dead creature came to life at one in the morning.第4页共24页4. He lighted the flame o

30、f life into the dead thing.5. He collected bones from graves and cut up dead bodies.5 1 2 4 3Para 7:What did the creature look like?He got black hair, white teeth, yellow skin, black lips and strange sounds. He looked like a terrible monsterWhat did Dr Frankenstein think of the creature?While unfini

31、shed, he was ugly but now he was a living horrorUnit 13Lead inCollect as many words as possible related to water.Ice, ocean, lake, river, rain, sweat, fish, steamWhat properties or characteristics do you know about water?Properties: tasteless, odorless, three forms, absorbing heat, dissolving, feeli

32、ng wet, colorless Pre-readingQuestions related to the subjectsWhat is/ are the properties of water?What does (one property of water) the oceanslook like?What are different parts ofthe oceans?What can the oceans be compared to?How does the oceans work?What are some examples of life in the oceanSkimmi

33、ngTrue or false1.Water is a liquid at room temperature, and it has a relatively high freezing point.T2.The reason why water can dissolve most substances on earth is that water has high heatcapacity.3.Like all the other substances, water gets smaller (contract缩小 ) when it freezes.4.Pure water has a h

34、igher freezing point and lighter than salt water. T5.The salinity of the earths aboutsoceans3.5%i. T6.When water freezes, its density increases.7.Other recourses such as oil, gas, gold etc is as precious as a drop of rain.Choose the best answer1.What makes our planet so different is that_.AA.earth i

35、s covered with waterB.earth is covered with airC.earth is covered with peopleD.earth is covered with nothing2.What idea we can have is that_. AA.water plays an importantpart in our lifeB.rocks forms the bottomof theoceanC.salt makes up of the most part of the water in the oceanD.marine plants are ri

36、ch enough in the ocean3.The key sentence in Paragraph2 is that_.BA.water has its own chemical propertiesB.water has its own chemical structureC.water has its own chemical wayD.water has its own freezing point第5页共24页4.What is the meaning of the sentence: and we have yet to learn much aboutBthem.?A.We

37、 have already known a lot about themB.We have already known a little about themC.We have already known none about themD.We are going to know a lot about them5.What makes the ocean such a great place is_AA.water B.rocksC.salts D.marine plants6.Which of the following phrase has the similar meaning of

38、the phrase :range fromAA.cover fromB.learn fromC.hear fromD.choose from7.It is_that makes the seaside city remain somewhat cool in summer.AA.the heat capacityB.the water structureC.the ocean motion D.the density8The water moving about 200 metres down is the depth where_canC t reach.A.the fishesB.the

39、 marine lifeC.the sunD.the earth9. The water in the ocean also keeps the temperature of the earth somewhat_byA.A.unchangeableB.changeableC.fastD.motionless99% of the living space on earth is in the oceans.What does this fact result in?Marine life is incredibly rich and varied.Can you give some speci

40、fic numbers or examples?5 million species in the oceansWhat does this fact imply? Do you agree?Water is an excellent medium for life.Why do you agree with it?Water is a liquid at room temperature and has a relatively high freezing point;All living creatures need food to survive, but on many occasion

41、s the nutrients become available to living things only when they are dissolved by water. Water s unique chemical structureHydrogen Atom+ Oxygen Atom= A polar moleculeCan you give some otherexamples which are also resultedfromwater uniqueschemicalstructure?We can get a lot of nutrients by drinking so

42、up.Plants can pull water up their roots via a capillary( 毛 管 ) process.The salinity of the earth s oceans is about 3.5%.What does this mean?There are about thirty-five grams of dissolved solids and gases in one kilo of water.In winterwaterin some containersor small rivers oftenfreezes whilethatin se

43、as not?Can you explain it?The salinity of sea water can affect the freezing point of water.Sea water has a lower a freezing point, so even when the temperature of sea water falls below0, sea water is still liquid.What is density?Density is the relationship between mass and volume and is measured in kg/m3, reading kilos per cubic meter The density of water is 1,000 kg/m3 ScanningStructure of t


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