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1、第 15 单元( 1) make a complaint (about):抱怨, 牢 complain to sb: 向某人抱怨 / 牢 complain about/at sb/sth:抱怨/ 牢 make an apology (to sb):向道歉 look into: 调查 , 察,往里看(every) now and then:偶 ,不时 be/get tired of:讨厌be upset about: 心烦 see/think fit (to do ): 决定, 恰当They did not see fit to arrest the thief.Do as you think

2、fit.on ones nineteenth birthday:在某人 19 生日the other day:不久前的一天some day:某天overcome the difficulty/enemy/one s fear:克服困 / 人 / 恐惧 in addition to doing : 除了做什么( )keep an eye out for:警惕,注意并 住keep an/ones eye on:密切注视,keep an eye on:照料draw/reach/come to a conclusion:得出结论(2)be/go/live downtown:在/ 去/ 住在商 区coo

3、l off: 冷,冷静,冷却第 1页共 4页TV station: 台on page 87:take part in the competition:参加比赛tourism season:旅游季节travel agency:旅行社do (morning) exercises:做(早)操take/have a dip:游泳,洗澡take exercises:锻炼work out: ,训练run/manage the company (): 管理 / 公司get/have the itch to do : 渴望做have an itch for:渴望have a chat (with sb):和

4、聊make an arrangement:安排passport: 照。visa:签证。(3) being + 形容 / 名 : 在句首作原因 状 。(4) this/that/the/ones +very : 正是, 在,真正 , 正好,恰恰。(形)(5) the moment/instant/minute/second + 述句 :the hour/day/week/month/year/summer + 述句 :immediately/directly + 述句:as soon as/once + 述句 :【一就】第 2页共 4页(6) go bad/dry/blind/deaf/lame

5、/mad/wrong/short/easy/white/ hungry/red/dead/ blank/gray/sour(7) can hardly/never/not be (careful/quiet/angry/rude/cruel/polite.) enough:无 也不 份。【enough 可改 too,但 too 是放在形容 之前。】When crossing the road, you cannot be careful enough.When crossing the road, you cannot be too careful .We cannot thank you t

6、oo much.You cannot praise the soldiers too much.(8) 时间 表示法:A.顺读 法:6:13 ( six thirteen)11:30( eleven thirty )8:51( eight fifty-one )B.整点:12:00 【 twelve (oclock)】(twelve o clock sharp )C.1-30分:9:07 ( seven past nine )10:30( half past ten )【 past 可改 为 after 。】D.31-59分:5: 46( fourteen to six )【to 可改 为 of 。】第 3页共 4页E 15 分:fifteen/a quarter3:15( fifteen/a quarter past three )7:45( fifteen/a quarter to eight )第 4页共 4页


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