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1、高二英语语法教学案-现在时Editor: Huang Zhen 2019-9-5一般现在时1. 一般 在 的定 一般 在 表示 在、 常或 的 作或状 和普遍 象、常 或客 真理2. 一般 在 的构成是以 的原形表示的, 当主 第三人称 数 , 做 的 原形后要加上 尾 -s or es, 其构成方式如下:一般情况 尾加 -s Reads, writes以 ch,sh,s,x,o 尾的 尾加 -es Teaches,washes,guesses, fixes, goes以 音字母 +Y 尾的 变 Y 为 I ,再加 -es Tries, carries3. 一般 在 的基本用法1 ) 常性或

2、性的 作,常与表示 腮度的 状 用。 状 :every ,sometimes,at , on Sunday 。例如:I leave home for school at 7 every morning.每天早上我七点离开家。2) 客 真理,客 存在,科学事 。例如:The earth moves around the sun.地球 太阳 。Shanghai lies in the east of China.上海位于中国 部。3) 表示格言或警句。例如:Pride goes before a fall. 者必 。注意:此用法如果出 在 从句中,即使主句是 去 ,从句 也要用一般 在 。例: C

3、olumbus proved that the earth is round.哥 布 了地球是 的。4) 在 刻的状 、能力、性格、个性。例如:I dont want so much.我不要那么多。Annwritesgood Englishbut does not speak well.安英 写得不 , 的可不行。比 : Now I put the sugar in the cup.把糖放入杯子。I am doing my homework now.我正在做功 。第一句用一般 在 ,用于操作演示或指 明的示范性 作,表示言行的瞬 作。第二句中的 now是 行 的 志, 表示正在 行的 作的客

4、状况, 所以后句用一般 在 。现在进行时1. 在 行 的定 现在进行时表示说话时(瞬间 )正在进行的动作,或现阶段一直进行的动作。2. 在 行 的构成 在 行 是 be + 在分 构成: 在分 的构成,是在 原形上加ing,但是 注意: 以 个 e 尾 去掉 e, 加 ingLove loving Argue arguing 以 ee 尾 直接加 ingAgree agreeingSee seeing 音 :以 一元音字母+ 一 音字母 尾 音字母双写,再加 ing第 1页共 7页Hit hittingRun runningStop stopping动词为双音节或者多音节:最后一个音节为重读音

5、节,以单一元音字母+单一辅音字母结尾 辅音字母双写,再加ing Beginbeginning以 y结尾的动词直接加 ing CarrycarryingEnjoy enjoying3. 现在进行时的基本用法:1) .表示现在(指说话人说话时)正在发生的事情。例如:We are waiting for you.我们正在等你。2) .习惯进行:表示长期的或重复性的动作,说话时动作未必正在进行。例如:Mr. Green is writing another novel.他在写另一部小说。 (说话时并未在写,只处于写作的状态。 )3) .表示渐变,这样的动词有:get, grow, become, tu

6、rn, run, go, begin等。例如:The leaves are turning red.叶子在变红。Its getting warmer and warmer.天越来越热了。4) .与 always, constantly, forever等词连用,表示反复发生的动作或持续存在的状态,往往带有说话人的主观色彩。例如:You are always changing your mind.你老是改变主意。一般现在时和现在进行时的区别一般现在时和现在进行时是两种重要时态,通过对这两种时态进行对比我们可以更加牢固地掌握它们的用法。 我们可以从以下三个方面进行对比:一、基本用法; 二、谓语动词

7、的形式;三、时间状语。一、基本用法一般现在时一般用来表示人或物经常性或习惯性的动作或状态,也可以用来表示人或物现在的状态或者用来表示主语现在具有的性格或能力等。现在进行时则一般用来表示现在( 说话的瞬间 )正在发生或进行的动作或者用来表示现阶段正在进行或发生的动作。如:She goes to school by bike every day.她每天骑自行车去上学。(经常性的动作)He can speak a little Chinese.他会说点儿汉语。 (主语现在具有的能力)They are watching TV now.现在他们正在看电视。 (正在进行的动作)We are working

8、 on the farm these days.这几天我们一直在农场劳动。(现阶段发生的动作)二、谓语动词的形式不同一般现在时的谓语动词为: 1.be 动词用 am / is / are 这三种形式; 2. 实义动词用动词原形或第三人称单数形式。现在进行时谓语动词的形式为: be(am, is, are) +实义动词的 -ing形式。这两种时态的否定句和一般疑问句的变法也不同:在一般现在时中,含be 动词的句子变否定句直接在 be( am,is,are) 后加 not, 变一般疑问句是直接将be( am,is,are) 提到句首;含实义动词的句子变否定句和一般疑问句必须借助于助动词do 或 d

9、oes。而现在进行时的句子变否定句则直接在be(am, is, are)后面加 not;变一般疑问句是把be(am, is, are)提到句首。如:She doesnt go toschool by bike.She goes to schoolby bus. 她不是骑自行车去上学,而是乘公共汽车去上学。She isnt doing her homework now. She is watching TV.现在她没做家庭作业,她在看电视。Do they often play football?他们经常踢足球吗?第 2页共 7页We often go shopping on Sundays.Ye

10、s, they do. ( No, they dont.)是的,他 常踢。 (不,他 不 常踢。 )Are they playing football now? 在他 正在踢足球 ?Yes, they are. (No, they arent.)是的,他 正在踢。 (不,他 没踢。 )三、 状 一般 在 常与often, sometimes, always, usually等 度副 和every morning / day/ week, on Wednesday, on Sundays, in the morning / afternoon / evening等 状 用。 在 行 常与now,

11、 these days, at thismoment等 状 用。 句首有 Look!/ Listen!等提示 ,后面的句子也要用 在 行 。如:我 常在星期天去 西。Listen! Someone is singing an English song in the classroom.听!有人在教室里唱英文歌现在完成时1. 在完成 的定 在完成 表示 去 生的 作造成目前的 果和 在造成的影响或表示从 去延 至今的 作、状 和 等2. 在完成 的构成 在完成 是由“助 have/has+ 去分 ”构成的3. 在完成 的基本用法1) . 在完成 可表示 去 生的 作 在所 生的影响,后面通常不用

12、 状 ,但句中常出 already, just, yet 等副 。如:Someone has broken the window. 有人把窗 打破了。I ve just finished reading the novel. 我 完 本小 。Have you seen the doctor yet? 你看 医生了 ?注: already 和 yet 用法上的区 already 常用于肯定句,置于句中。yet 常用于否定句和疑 句,常用于句末。但already 有 也可用 疑 句中暗示惊 的心情。如:2) . 在完成 也可表示从 去某 开始的 作,状 一直持 到 在,常和for, since 引

13、 的 状 用。如:I have learned English for 5 years.He lived in Beijing since he was born.注: (1) for 和 since 引 的 状 的区 : for + 一段 , since + 一点 从句(从句中常用一般 去 )(2)表示 的 在完成 也可和 lately, recently, so far, up to now, till now, in the past(last) few years , this week (month, year ), all day, all this week 等 状 用。如: T

14、om has had a toothache all day.I haven t heard from him recently.(3) 在完成 也可表示从 去到 在曾 或做 的事情,常和often,ever, never,before, once, times 等 状 用。如:I ve never been to Beijing. 我从没去 北京。He has read this book before. 他以前 本 。现在完成进行时第 3页共 7页1.现在完成进行时的定义现在完成进行时表示动作从过去某一时间开始,一直延续到现在,可能还要继续下去。2. 现在完成进行时的构成现在完成进行时是由

15、“have/has+been+动词的现在分词”构成3. 现在完成时的基本用法:1)在强调指出动作还未结束, 还要继续下去。 如: Ive been reading this book for two hours, but I haven t finished it. 这本书我已读了两个小时了,但我还没读完。I ve read this book. 我已读完这本书了。2)强调动作延续时间的长久或带感情色彩。She has always been working like that. 她一贯是这样工作的。3)动作不包含持续意义的动作,要表示延续到现在的动作,要用现在完成进行时。They ve be

16、en building a ship. (在进行)他们一直在造一艘船。4)现在完成进行时也可表示现在以前这段时间反复发生的事情。We ve been seeing quite a lot of each other recently. 最近我们经常见面。现在完成时和现在完成进行时的区别1)现在完成进行时更强调动作的延续性,它是现在完成时的强调形式。试比较:We ve been living here for ten years.We ve lived here for ten years. 我们在这儿已经住了十年了。2)在不用时间状语的情况下,现在完成进行时表示动作仍在进行。而现在完成时则表示

17、动作在过去已结束。如:The students have been preparing for the exam. (还在进行)学生们一直在准备考试。The students have prepared for the exam. (已经结束)学生们为考试作了准备。3)有些表示状态, 感情, 感觉的动词如:have, exist, like, hate, hear, know, sound 等动词不能用于现在完成进行时,但可用于现在完成时。如:They ve known each other since 1970. 自从 1970 年起他们就相互认识了。Exercise1. 用一般现在时或现在

18、进行时填空。1.Miss Guo(teach) us Chinese this term. She (be) a very good teacher. She often (talk) withus after class. Many of us like(talk) with her. Now, she(talk) with Lily2.Listen! Who(read) English? Han Meimei is. She often(read) English in the evening.3.Where(be) Tom and Jim? They(play) football.Lin

19、Tao(play) footballs too? No, he(mend) his bike.4.Wheretheir father(work)? He(work) on a farm.But now lie(not work). He(stay) at home.5.What timethe shop(close)? It(close)at nine oclock in the evening. But be quick, it(be.close) now.6.He(go) to school by bus every day.7.Tom can not walk fast because

20、he(carry) a heavy box.8. Do you think the teachers _ (have) a meeting now?9. Why is the girl _ (stand) at the door? _ (ask) her to come in.10. Its late spring. The weather(get) warmer and warmer.2.改错1. Do your mother often cook supper?第 4页共 7页2.Mike doesnt does her lessons well.3.Are you a teacher?

21、No, I am t.4. Does he studies hard?5. He always think of others3. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Ialready(see) the film. I(see) it last week.2. he(finish) his work today? Not yet.3.you(be) to Hong Kong? Yes, I(be) there twice.4.you ever(eat ) chocolate sundaes (圣代) ? No, never.5.My fatherjust(come) back from work.

22、 He is tired now.6. Wheres Li Ming? He(go) to the teachers office.7.Shanghai(be)a small townhundreds of years ago. Now it(become) alarge city.8.I(work) here since I(move) here in 1999.9.So far I(make) quite a few friends here.10. How longthe Wangs(stay) here ? For two weeks.4. 句型转换。1.I have been to

23、Macau before. ( 改为否定句 )Ibeen to Macau before.2.He hasnt come to school because hes ill. ( 就划线部分提问 )he come to school?3.He has learned English for 5 years. (就划线部分提问 )learned English?4.I bought a new bike just now. ( 用 just 改写 )Ijusta new bike.5.We began to learn English three years ago. ( 改为同义句 )WeEn

24、glishthree years.5 填入 has / have been或 has / have gone.1.Harry : I saw you in Annabels Restaurant last night.Diana: No, it wasnt me. Ineverthere.2.Sam: Sally and Tim are on holiday, arent they? Wherethey?Sue: To Florida, again.Sam: How many timestheythere?Sue: This is their third visit.3.Joe: Can I

25、have an apple, please?Mary : We havent got any. Inotto the shops today.4.Alan: Wheres Tony?Mary : Hes got a headache so heto bed.第 5页共 7页5.Steve: Can I speak to Jill, please?Lynn: Shes out, Im afraid. Sheto the cinema this evening.Steve: Again? Shealreadyto the cinema three times this week.6用 for或 s

26、ince 填空。1.Jill has been in IrelandMonday.2.Jill has been in Irelandthree days.3.My aunt has lived in Australia15 days.4.Margaret is in her office. She has been there7 oclock.5.India has been an independent country1974.6.The bus is late. Weve been waiting20 minutes.7.Nobody lives in those houses. The

27、y have been emptymany years.8.Mike has been illa long time. He has been in hospitalOctober.7.选择1.Even though they _ for twenty years, the two neighbours are not on good terms.A. have been lived side by side B. had been living side by sideC. have been side by side living D. have been living side by s

28、ide2.I haven t seen Mary these past few days, I m afraid she _ herself for some time.A. hasn t been feeling B. hadn t been feeling C. isn t feeling D. wasn t feeling3.She _ on this essay for twenty minutes but she has written only about a hundred words.A. will be working B. worked C. has been workin

29、g D. will have worked4.-Hi, Tracy, you look tired.-I m tired. I _ the living room all day.A. painted B. had painted C. have been painting D. have painted5.-Hi, Joan, I have seen you for weeks. What _ recently?-Carrying on some research on wildlife.A. have you been doing B. have you done C. were you

30、doing D. did you do6.You must be tired now since you _ for five hours.A. have been worked B. have been working C. worked D. would work7.You _ me waiting for two hours. I _ for you since five.A. kept waited B. have kept waited C. kept have waited D. have kept have waited8.Where _ John _ ? To the libr

31、ary. He _ there for an hour.A. has been has gone B. has gone has been C. did go went D. did be went9._ the baby still _ ? No, it _ crying.A. Has cried has stopped B. Is crying stopped C. Did cry stopped D. Is crying has10. I _ the way. I _ here for quite many years.A. knew have lived C. knew live C.

32、 know have lived D. know live11. _ you ever _ America ? Yes, I have.A. Have gone to B. Have gone in C. Have been to D. Have been in12. My brother _college for over three years.A. has gone to B. has been to C. has been in D. has been at13.He _ the Army by the end of 1989. He _ in the army since then.

33、A. joined is B. has joined has been C. had joined is D. had joined has been14. By the time I _ back they _ up ten satellites.A. came have sent B. came had sent C. come have sent D. had come sentAnswers:第 6页共 7页1). 1.teachesistalkstalkingis talking2. is readingreads3. areare playingIsplayingis playin

34、g4. doesworkworksisntworkingis staying5. doesclosedosesis closing6. goes7. is carrying8. are having9. standingAsk10. is getting2). 1. Do 变为 Does 2. does 变为 do 3. I amn t 变为 Im not.4. studies 变为 study 5. think 变为 thinks3).1. haveseensaw2. Hasfinished3. havebeenhave been4. Haveeaten5. hascome6. has gone7. washas become8. have worked9. have made10. havestayed4) 1. havent2. Why hasn t3. How long has he4. have bought5. have learntfor5)1. havebeen2. havegonehavebeen3. havebeen4. hasbeen5. hasbeenhasbeen6).Sinceforforsince sinceforfor for since7).DACCC BDBDCCDDB第 7页共 7页


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