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1、全日制普通高级中学教科书(必修 )第二册 (上 )TeachingplanSEFC2A Unit 7 Living with diseaseWarming up宝泉岭农场中学杨 敏SB2A Unit 7 Living with disease第 1页共 5页TeacherStatusandfunctionYang MinSubjectEnglishTypeWarming up1、 This unit is about AIDS. It is related to our life. This lesson is warming up of Unit 7.2、This lesson is ver

2、y helpful for the Ss to learn about some background and attract Ss attentionAimsanddemandAidsKnowledge objectsAbilityobjectsMoraleducationQualityMulti-media1、To make the Ss know the basic knowledge of some illness, esp. AIDS2、To talk about peoplesopinions and attitude to AIDS, cancer, etc.1、To foste

3、r the Ss disperse thinking and ability of expression2、To train the Ss abilitiesofcollecting、using information and inquiringEnable the Ss to have correct attitude to illness and learn prevention, health protection ; develop a good life habit.Enable the Ss to learn exchange and cooperationMethodDiscus

4、s、cooperation 、inquiryMain PointsDifficultPointProcedureTo train the Ss speaking abilityTo learn about some common knowledge about AIDS, cancer, etcTo improve the ability of thinking and expressing in EnglishContentActivities第 2页共 5页T : complement设计意图:补充拓展相关知识,激活学生的语言输出意识,密切联系生活实际,活学活用。Step 1Lead-in

5、Step 2Presentation1.Appreciation before the classFlying Red Ribbon by Gu Juji and Zu HaiS : appreciate2.Show a logo of AIDS to lead in the topicAsk and answer the following questions:T: Are you familiar with this red ribbon?T : question & leadWhat is it related to?S: It is the logo of AIDS.S : watch

6、T: What does it mean? Do you know?thinkS: It means that we should give AIDS patients love and care,answerunderstand and support.3.Show some pictures of Pu Cunxin and other famous stars toprove AIDS is the concern of the whole world.设计意图:找准切入点T: Do you know them? Whatstheir job besides acting?多种感官协同工

7、作,引S: They are ambassador of AIDS. They work very hard to tell 出本节主题。 others the harm of this disease.T: Is it just the problem in China?S: It s not just the problem in China. It s a worldwide problem.Discuss : While talking about AIDS, what other diseases canyou think of?S : discussAsk the Ss to re

8、port their work.report(cold, headache, toothache, cut, coughing, insomnia, heartattack, cancer, etc.)T: With the development of science and hi-tech, many diseases can be cured. But up to now, AIDS is still incurable, so it s a deadly disease.World AIDS day is coming. Let cares AIDS, shall we? (Black

9、board writing the topic of this unit)第 3页共 5页Step 3Task activityStep 4CreationStep 5Summary1、Work in groupsDiscuss the following:What s the full name of AIDS?Can AIDS be transmitted?In what ways can it be transmitted?What kinds of people are likely to get AIDS?Do people with AIDS look healthy at fir

10、st?Is it safe or dangerous to stay or to be friends with them?Why?2、Individual Check Ssknowledge about HIV/AIDS with a quiz. Show 5 pictures to the Ss on the screen and ask:Can the AIDS virus transmitted via the following routes? Summary: Medical studies show that the AIDS virus cannotbe transmitted

11、 via the following routes: cups, glasses, toilet seats, swimming pools, mosquitoes, other insects or giving blood. So it s safe to be friends with AIDS patients.In addition, show some situations where AIDS cant be transmitted.( language communication, kissing with polite, hugging, handshake, sneeze,

12、 coughing etc. )1、Show some pictures of AIDS patient, a form of the AIDS survey in China and the world to make the Ss realize the seriousness.2、Combine what Pu Cunxin did to discuss:How should we treat AIDS and its patients?3、Thinking:How to face the life when you have a deadly disease?What have you

13、 learned from this lesson?S : discussT : checkS : talk about设计意图:激发学生合作、交流、探究的意识,互相启发、互相借鉴,共同完成学习任务。T : showS : discuss & think设计意图:培养学生用自己语言表达思想的能力、结合所学与自身实际分析问题的能力。同时学会预防保健学会生存,从而完成德育目标。S : sumT: complement发挥学生的主体作用Step 6Homework1. Write a proposal to call on people to care for the patients.2. Col

14、lect some information and data about AIDS, drugs, smoking.设计意图:扩展学生的文化视角,丰富学生的课外知识。学会探究,学会体验第 4页共 5页Appreciation after class:同行 2003 艾滋病日宣传曲Unit 7Living with diseaseBlackboarddesignIcare,do you?Postscript :Teachers should employ proper teaching methods and techniques to satisfy their needs.Teachers should train them with some effective learning strategies to optimize their learning results. My teaching plan is designed on the basis of these two principles.第 5页共 5页


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