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1、.主旨大意题专练 (一) 文章大意类A2019 南省师大附中高三检测湖Almostevery day wecome across situations where we have to make decisions one way or another. Choice, we are given to believe, is a right. But for a good many people in the world, in rich and poor countries, choice is a luxury, something wonderful but hard to get, n

2、ot a right. And for those who think they are exercising their rights to make choices, the whole system is merely an illusion ( 幻觉 ), a false idea created by companies and advertisers, hoping to sell their products.The endless choice gives birth to anxiety in peoples lives. Buying something as basic

3、as a coffee pot is not exactly simple. Easy access to a wide range of everyday goods leads to a sense of powerlessness in many people, ending in the shoppers giving up and walking away, or just buying an unsuitable item that is not really wanted. Recent studies have shown that many electrical goods

4、bought in almost every family are not really needed. More difficult decision-making is then either avoided or trusted to the hands of the professionals, lifestyle instructors, or advisors.It is not just the availability of the goods that is the problem, but the speed with which new types of products

5、 come on the market. Advances in design and production help quicken the process. Products also need to have a short lifespan so that the public can be persuaded to replace them within a short time. The typical example is computers, which are almost out-of-date once they are bought. This indeed makes

6、 selection a problem. Gone are the days when one could just walk with ease into a shop and buy one thing; no choice, no anxiety.体裁:议论文题材:介绍说明主题:选择并非一种权利【语篇解读】本文是一篇议论文,当今社会,很多人误以为选择是自己拥有的一项权利。其实,在很多情况下,那只是一种幻觉,不过是被一些公司或广告商为了出售他们的产品而营造的一种错误想法。【难句分析】 And for those who think they are exercising their ri

7、ghts to make choices, the whole system is merely an illusion, a false; .idea created by companies and advertisers, hoping to sell their products.分析:本句是一个复合句,forthose who thinkthey areexercising their rights to make choices 是介词短语在句子中作状语,其中 who think they are exercising their rights to make choices 是定

8、语从句,修饰前面的 those;主句部分为 the whole system is merely an illusion, 句型为:主语系动词表语; a false idea created by companies and advertisers. products 为同位语,其中 created by companies and advertisers为后置定语, hoping to sell their products为伴随状语。译文:对那些认为在行使他们的权利作出选择的人来说,这一整个制度不过是一个幻觉,它是由一些公司和广告商希望出售他们的产品而营造出来的错误想法。1What doe

9、s the author try to argue in the first paragraph?A The practice of choice is difficult.B Choice is a born right.C Its easy to make choices.D Companies offer good shopping choice.答案与解析: A 考查细节理解。根据第一段中的 “But for a good many people in the world, in rich and poor countries, choice is a luxury, somethin

10、g wonderful but hard to get, not a right. ”可知,作者认为对世界上的很多人来说,选择并非是一种权利,无论是在贫穷的国家还是在富有的国家中,选择对他们来说其实是一种奢侈品,很美好但很难得到。 也就是说选择是很难做到的,故选 A 项。2Which of the following is most likely to cause anxiety?A Easy access to everyday goods.B Too many choices.C Misleading advertisements.D Professional shopping advic

11、e.答案与解析:B考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“The; .endless choice gives birth to anxiety in peoples lives.” 可知,无休止的选择催生出人们生活中的焦虑,即人们焦虑是因为选择太多而导致的,故选B 项。3The example of computers is used to prove that _.A updated products flood the marketB high-tech products are of poor qualityC everyday goods need to be replacedD advanc

12、ed products are in demand答 案 与 解 析 : A考 查 推 理 判断 。 根 据 最 后 一 段 中 的“Advances in design and production help quicken the process.Products also need to have a short lifespan so that the public can be persuaded to replace them within a short time. The typical example iscomputers, which are almost out-of-

13、 date once they are bought.” 可知,产品的设计和生产方面的进步加速了(产品 )被推向市场的进程,产品也需要缩短使用期,电脑便是其中的一个例子。由此可以推断,作者以电脑为例,证明市场上充斥着更新的产品,故选A 项。4What is this passage mainly about?A The opinions on peoples right.B The problems of the availability of daily goods.C The helplessness in purchasing decisions.D The variety of cho

14、ices in modern society.答案与解析: C考查主旨大意。纵观全文,尤其是文章最后一句 “ Gone are the days when one could just walk with ease into ashop and buy one thing; no choice, no anxiety.”可知,本文主要讲述了人们在购物时因为选择太多而无法简单选择的现状,故选 C 项。B2019 郑 州 高 三 第 一 次 质 量 预 测 Areyouaprocrastinator (拖延者 )? Its a common problem. And it can be harmf

15、ul, as previous research has shown that people who procrastinate; .have higher levels of stress and lower well- being, reported the Association for Psychological Science in the US. But a new study has found a way to deal with this problem: Be more connected to your future self.Psychologists think th

16、at each person believes that they are really two people :“ Present Me” and “Future Me”. “People act as if they prefer their current selves needs and desires to those of their future selves,” wrote psychologists Neil Lewis and Daphna Oyserman.Oyserman and Lewis decided to try to find a way to make“Pr

17、esent Me” imagine exactly how “Future Me ” would feel thenight before a big paper was due, though “Present Me” hadnt started yet. They made “Present Me” think about a far- off event a number of days away, not months or years.Thinking about events in this_way meant that something like a friends weddi

18、ng seemed 16.3 days sooner when considered in days rather than months and 11.4 months sooner when considered in months rather than years.The researchers also tried to find out whether people would take action sooner if they were told a certain event was happening in several days rather than years. F

19、or example, participants imagined they had a newborn child, and that the child would need to go to college in either 18 years or 6,570 days. The researchers found those in the “days” condition planned to start saving four times sooner than those in the “years” condition.So if you think of your life

20、in days instead of years, you may get things done quicker.体裁:说明文 题材:科学研究 主题:如何应对拖延症【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文,探究了一种应对拖延症的方法。【熟词生义】due 常用义; adj.因为,由于例句:The teams success was largely due to her efforts这.个队的成功在很大程度上是她努力的结果。本句义: adj.到期例句: Payment is due on 1 October. 付款期限为10 月 1 日。; .【难句分析】 The researchers also tr

21、ied to find out whether people would take action sooner if they were told a certain event was happening in several days rather than years.分析:本句是一个主从复合句。 whether 引导宾语从句, 作 findout 的宾语; if 引导条件状语从句;“a certain event was happeningin several days rather than years”是省略了 that 的宾语从句, 作 told的宾语。译文:研究人员也试图弄清楚

22、如果人们被告知某事将在几天而不是几年后发生,他们是否会更快采取行动。5What did Oyserman and Lewis intend to do through their study?A To work on a solution to test if someone is a procrastinator. B To find out whether human beings usually have two differentcharacters.C To discover procrastinators are more likely to have a lower sense

23、of well-being.D To prove its helpful to connect our current selves more with future selves.答案与解析: D考查细节理解。 根据对第三段的整体理解可知, Oyserman 和 Lewis 想要通过他们的研究去验证把“现在的我 ” 和 “ 将来的我 ” 联系起来是否会对应对拖延症有一定的帮助,故选 D 项。6The underlined part “this way” in Paragraph 4 refers to“_”A setting up tough deadlinesB following sch

24、edules strictlyC counting in smaller units of timeD imagining how your future self will feel答案与解析: C 考查词义猜测。 承接第三段最后一句 “ They made Present Methink about a far-off event a number of days away, not months or years”可推知,画线部分是指用更小的时间单; .位去计量,故选C。7What helps prevent people from procrastinating? A Comparin

25、g their future selves with present selves. B Considering their current selves needs and desires.C Thinking about far- off events in days rather than years.D Marking important events on a calendar as a reminder.答案与解析: C考查推理判断。 根据第五段的内容以及最后一段 “ So if you think of your life in days instead of years, yo

26、u mayget things done quicker”可推知,用天而不是用年去考虑将来所发生的事情会帮助拖延者不再拖延,故选C 项。8What does the passage mainly talk about?A A way to get things done in time.B The harmful effects of procrastination.C The reason to overlook future needs and desires.D The way to reduce stress and improve happiness.答案与解析: A 考查主旨大意。

27、 根据第一段最后一句 “ But a new study has found a way to deal with this problem: Be more connected to your future self”,并结合对全文的整体理解可推知,本文主要探究了一种应对拖延症的方法,故选A 项。C2019 昆明市教学质量检测Five-year-old Prisilla Perez,a student at Meador Elementary School in Willis, was unhappy with her recent haircut, which resulted from

28、a severe disease. Whenstudents in her class started calling Prisilla a boy, she felt ashamed, often crying and losing focus in school.Her teacher, Shannon Grimm, sympathized with her unhappiness. Grimm and Prisillas mom were concerned, but their ideas didnt work. “We had classroom discussions about

29、how girls have short hair and boys have long hair, and I showed them photos of movie stars with different looks ,” Grimm said. “However, it wasnt sinking in. ”Grimm thought about Prisilla throughout the winter break, and one morning, she had an idea: Cut off her hair a scary thought; .for Grimm, who

30、 wore her hair long and took pride in it. “ Ive never had short hair, and I stressed about it for two weeks before making a decision,” she said. On Jan. 4, Grimm invited a hairstylist friend to her home. “I told him to keep going, even if I cried ,” she said.The class loved their teachers new do, es

31、pecially Prisilla, who excitedly ran off the school bus that afternoon yelling, “Mom, Ms. Grimm cut her hair !” The teacher also bought matching bows for herself and the girl, so they could style their hair together.In February, the teacher recommended Prisilla for the school districts Student of th

32、e Month Award, but during the Monday ceremony, she received a surprise “hero medal” from the girl.“Now we have matching awards,” says Grimm.Prisillas mother, Maria, said that Grimms thoughtfulness brought her to tears. “I was shocked. I was crying. I couldnt believe it she did something I wouldnt ha

33、ve the bravery to do. I will never forget that. ”体裁:记叙文 题材:学校生活 主题:Grimm 老师剪短头发以帮助 Prisilla【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了Grimm 老师剪短头发以帮助学生Prisilla 的故事。【熟词生义】do 常用义: v.做例句: Have you done your homework yet ?你做完家庭作业了吗?本句义: n.发型例句: We all like her new do. 我们都喜欢她的新发型。【难句分析】 I couldnt believe it she did something I

34、 wouldnt have the bravery to do.分析:句中 “I wouldnt have the bravery to do ”是省略了关系代词 that 的定语从句。译文:她做了连我都没有勇气去做的事儿,我难以相信。9Why was Prisilla unhappy at school?A She wasnt satisfied with her teacher.B She couldnt concentrate in class.; .C She was laughed at by her classmates.D She couldnt get on well with

35、 others.答案与解析: C 考查细节理解。根据第一段第二句 “When students in her class started calling Prisilla a boy, she felt ashamed, often crying and losing focus in school ” 可知,Prisilla 在学校不开心是因为她被同学嘲笑,故选C 项。10What made Grimm have her own hair cut?A Praise from her students.B Devotion to her students.C Request of Prisil

36、las mother.D Suggestion from the hairstylist.答案与解析: B考查推理判断。根据第三段的内容,尤其是“Grimm thought about Prisilla. she had an idea: Cut off her hair ” 可知,Prisilla 因为是短头发而被同学嘲笑, 为了安慰 Prisilla, Grimm老师决定把自己的头发剪短。由此可推知,Grimm 老师出于对学生的关爱才剪短了头发,故选B 项。11What can we know about Grimm?A She had her hair cut together with

37、 Prisilla.B She expressed her sincere thanks to her pupils.C She hesitated a lot before having her hair cut.D She won a gold medal for facing difficulties bravely.答案与解析: C考查细节理解。 根据第三段第二句中的“Ivenever had short hair, and I stressed about it for two weeks beforemaking a decision”可知, Grimm 老师剪短头发之前很犹豫,故

38、选C 项。12What is the text mainly about?A How Grimm helped her student out.B What problem Prisilla had at school.C Why Prisilla won the Month Award.D When Grimm got her new hairstyle.答案与解析: A考查主旨大意。 通读全文可知, Prisilla 因为; .是短头发而被同学嘲笑,她在学校很不开心, Grimm 老师为了帮助、安慰她剪短了自己的头发,故选 A 项。主旨大意题专练 (二) 段落大意类A2019 济南高三模拟

39、 Can I talk about salary at work? Ina word:yes. As the HR company Insperity put it in a recent blog post: Can your employees discuss their salaries or wages with their co-workers? Yes. Even if you have a company policy against it? Yes.The freedom to discuss your salary at work is a protected right u

40、nder the labor law. The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 protects your right to discuss the conditions of your employment, including issues related to safety and pay, even when youre not protected by a union.Talking about salary with colleagues can be uncomfortable, since theres such a taboo abo

41、ut discussing money matters, but its an important step towards achieving equal pay for equal work. One barrier, however, stems from how we think of our own financial worth. Too many people I talk to wrongly consider their salary a reflection of their worthiness, a statement about their skills, exper

42、ience, or value.At the end of the day, if we can all separate our self- worth from our salaries a bit more, itll become easier to talk frankly with our colleagues.Asking about money outright can be tough, so one trick Ive picked up along the way is to ask for your colleagues to confirm or deny. For

43、instance, you might volunteer your salary first and ask“Does that sound right to you ?” by way of comparison. Or, letssay youre interviewing for a promotion to become a manager. You might ask a fellow manager about the kind of salary you should expect by saying, “ Im seeing salaries for this kind of

44、 position ranging from $65,000 to $70,000 does that seem accurate to you?” This way, even if your colleague isnt comfortable sharing their salary outright, they can help you identify if your expectations are appropriate.体裁:议论文题材:社会生活主题:谈论薪金【语篇解读】本文是一篇议论文,讨论了是否可以在工作; .中谈论薪金的问题。【熟词生义】volunteer 常用义: n.

45、志愿者,义务工作者例句: Schools need volunteers to help children to read.学校需要义务工作者帮助儿童阅读。本句义: v.主动说出 (某事 )例句: Michael volunteered the information before I had a chanceto ask. 我还没来得及问,迈克尔就主动提供了信息。【难句分析】 Talking about salary with colleagues can be uncomfortable, since theres such a taboo about discussing money matters, but its an important step towards achieving equal pay for equal work.分 析 : 本 句 是一 个 复 合 句 。 “Talkingabout salary withcolleagues”是动名词短语作第一个分句的主语;since 引导原因状语从句。译文:和同事谈论薪金会让人不舒服,因为谈论钱的事情是一个禁忌,但是这是朝着实现同工同酬目标迈进的重要一步。1What makes co-workers uncomfortable to talk about salaries?


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