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1、Teaching Aims:Module 1 Unit 2 Period 2Using adverbs to express manner.Aski ng “ Wh-“ questions to find outinformation about someone.Using the present continuous tense to describe an action takingplace at the time of speaking.Key Points: The parachute falls down slowly.Whats the matter, Kitty?The wor

2、kers are burning rubbish there.Difficult Points: The parachute falls down slowly.Teaching Aids:tape、 radio 、word cards.ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposeWarming1.Sing songsHow are you?日 常 会 话up2.Daily talk:What do you like to eat?的操练,有Which do you like better, blue助 于 帮 助or purple?学 习 有 困What do you l

3、ike to cook难 的 学 生with?增 加 自 信What do you know about心。fire-safety?How does a balloon rise in thePre-taskReview the poem.air? poem.preparationIntroduce the newNew term: air pollution.复习words.Review the experiment onpoems,Read a poem.Page 8 with the students.为 新 授 作T: What happened to the铺垫。parachute?

4、1.ThinkandListen to the tape.choose.Listen again and repeat.While-taskAsk the students to circle theprocedurecorrect answers. Ask theclass if the answers given arecorrect or not.T: How does the balloon stayup?Play the recording.Listen and repeat.Practise in pairs.Act out.T: What is air pollution?2. LookandWorkbook P5read.Grammar Practice Book P5.Read and recite the dialogue.2.Make sentences.3.Copy the new words.Post-task activityExercisesExercisesAssignment通过选择,掌 握 副 词的 意 义 及用法。表 演 激 发兴趣,学习效果好。讨 论 得 出结论,发挥集体智慧。


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