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1、Unit6 What time is it?一、知识点回顾与检测得分:1.一个美味的蛋糕_2.三个玩具汽车_3.你多大?_4.我8 岁。 _5.她多大? _6.她11 岁。 _7.你的爸爸多大?_8.我的哥哥12 岁。 _9.给你。 _10.这是给你的。_11.多么可爱的机器人! _12.我想要一个橘子。 _【附加】小猪:狼:房子:二、作业批改与讲解三、知识点讲解与练习(一)单词和词组早餐;早饭这些9 点午餐;午饭快点请晚餐;晚饭课;上课醒;醒来在这儿什么时间早饭准备好了不要迟到(二)句型1. What time is it? It s 2. What s the time?It s 3. I

2、t s timebreakfastfor / lunch / dinner / class.4. What is this?5. What are these?6. Where is my bag / pencil?7. Heres your bag.(三)知 点1. 表示某个 做某事,我 可以 It s time for 也可以用 It s time to 吃午 了。睡 的 到了。2. 与名 的 breakfast-have breakfast, lunch - have lunch,dinner - have dinner,class - have a class,bed - go to

3、bed3. 特殊疑 疑 意思用法例句what什么用来问是什么, 叫什么等what time什么时间用来问时间where哪里用来问地点how old几岁用来问年龄1. What s your name?你叫什么名字?2. What is in your box? 你的盒子里是什么?1. What time is it?几点了?1. Where is my ruler? 我的尺子在哪里?2. Where are you from? 你是哪里人?1. How old are you? 你几岁了?2. How old is your father? 你爸爸多大了? 一 : 划系 部分提 1. Itas

4、bird._ _ this?2. It s twelve o. clock_ _ is it?3. It ons the desk._ is the book?4. They rein the classroom._ are they?5.I m fromChina._ are you from ?6.Shes four._ _ _ she ?四、课后作业(一)单项选择() 1. -It s timehave a class.-OK , Miss Li.A. forB. toC./) 2. -Let s count _one_ten.A. from toB. totoC. fromwith)

5、3.-How old_your friends?A. isB. areC.be) 4.-How old_he?A. isB. areC.be) 5.-_ is your toy?A.WhatB. WhereC. How() 6.It s time_ school?A. forB. to) 7.Where _ your pencils?A. isB. am) 8._ a beautiful crayon?A.WhatB. WhereC./C. areC. How(二)句型转换1. It s time to have breakfast改为.(同义句 )It s time _ _.2. It s time for bed(改.为同义句)It s time _ _ _ _.3. It s seven o .(对clock划线部分提问 )_4. It s time for class(改.为一般疑问句)_ _ _ for class?5. your, is, here, rubber (.) 连词成句_(三)翻译句子(注意句首字母要大写 )1.请问几点了?8 点。2.多么漂亮的鹦鹉!3.该吃晚饭了( 2 种表达方式)。4.我的午餐盒在哪里?在那边。


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