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1、PEP Book 5 Unit2 My week Part(B) read and write教学目标与要求1.能读懂“ Read and write”部分的对话并完成相应练习。2.了解星期一到星期天英文表达的缩写形式。3.能听懂“ Letscheck”部分的录音,并完成标号任务。重点能读懂“ Read and write”部分的对话并完成相应练习。难点运用句型 ”You should.”给别人提建议。教具单词卡片、图片、课件教学环节师生活动Preparation 准备活动1.Letschant: Days of the week.2.Greeting:T:What day is it tod

2、ay?Ss:Monday/.T:What do you have on Mondays/.?Ss:We have Chinese/English.T:Do you like.?Ss:Yes, I do./No, donI t.2.Game:星期转盘游戏呈现转盘T:What do you have on .?Ss:We have .T:Do you often .on .?Ss:Yes, I do./No, I don t.【设计意图】通过热身环节,导入本课时话题,并激发学生相关的知识储备,复习本单元重点句型 :What do you have on.? Do you often.?教学环节师生

3、活动Presentation 新知呈现1.Predicting.教师呈现书本插图T:Look at the picture.What s wrong with Wu Yifan? You can speak in Chinese.Ss:很累T:Yeah, he is tired. T-i-r-e-d, tired板.书教读单词。T:Why is he tired? Look at the picture,can you guess what happened?Ss:.【设计意图】 借助图片来引导学生预测主题,调动学生的积极性, 为后面的内容发展做好铺垫, 让学生初步感知文段内容, 并培养学生的

4、观察能力和读图能力。1.Listen, skim and answer.T:Listen to the tape and answer the question: What does Wu Yifan have on Fridays?Ss:PE.T:We play sports in PE class. Do you like sports?Ss:Yes, I do./No, I don t.T: Read the story quickly and answer: Does Wu Yifan like sports?Ss: No,he doesn t.【设计意图】通过让学生扫读文本, 抓住文

5、本的关键信息, 找出问题的答案,培养学生 skimming 能力,同时也让学生对文本又进一步的理解。1.Scanning.T:Wu Yifan doesn t like sports. What does Robin say to him? What s Robin sadvice?板书教读 advice。T:Read the dialogue quickly and find what Robin s advice is.Ss:You should play sports every day板.书教读单词 should,every,day.T:Now, read the dialogue a

6、gain,and answer the question:What does Wu Yifan doon the weekend?Ss: I often watch TV. Sometimes I read books.T:Good. Look at thechart.“ Often ” means more times than“ sometines ” . Forexample,“ often ” means four to five times a week, but“ sometimes ” means two orthree times a week.教学环节师生活动Practice

7、巩固练习1.Read and judge.T: Boys and girls, I ll give you three minutes to finish the“ Tick or cross” .we ll check the answer.【设计意图】 引导学生细读文本, 判断对错并纠正错误, 加深学生对故事细节的理解。1.Listen and read.听音跟读【设计意图】 通过模仿发音, 关注升降调, 培养学生良好的语音素养和朗读习惯。1.Listen and act.分组表演对话【设计意图】在跟读和模仿朗读文本的过程中加深学生对文本有更深层次的理解。Let s check(1)明确听

8、力任务。T: There is a listening material. Please listen to the tape and number.(2)第一次播放教学录音,学生根据录音内容标号。(3)第二次播放教学录音,师生一起核对答案。教学环节师生活动Production 输出运用1.Read and write.教师设计情景:吴一凡根据Robin 的建议后每天坚持做运动。在四个月后,他遇到了 Sarah,以下是他们之间的对话,请把对话补充完整。T:Boys and girls, Wu Yifan plays sports everyday. Four months later, Wu

9、Yifan comes across Sarah. What do they talk about? Please help them finish the dialogue according to the new schedule and the knowledge we have learned today.Wu Yifan: Hi,Sarah! Nice to see you.Sarah:Hi,Wu Yifan! Nice to see you, too. You are strong now.Wu Yifan:I play sports every day.Sarah: What d

10、o you have on Mondays?Wu Yifan: I have a football class.Sarah: What do you have on Tuesdays?Wu Yifan:_.(I have a ping-pang class.)Sarah:(.What do you have on Wednesdays?)Wu Yifan: I have a basketball class.【设计意图】 通过文本再构, 让学生在有意义的情节中运用核心语言,再次突出语言语用功能。板书设计Unit 2 My week B Read and writeWhat do you have on Fridays?What do you often do on the weekend?Do you often.?Yes,I do./ No, I don t.tiredadviceshouldscheduleeveryday教学反思


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